

Folding Courtyard


Folding Courtyard The project is located in Qianliang Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, with a site area of about 410 square meters. ...


Courtyard Villa

Tangshan, 2019

Courtyard Villa The project is situated on a flat site in the suburbs, which is surrounded by orchards, farmland and rivers, boasting be...


Hillside Dwelling


Hillside Dwelling The project is a guest room situated on the 28th floor of New Everbright Center • ArtPark9, Tongzhou District, Beijing...


Mirror Garden


Mirror Garden ARCHSTUDIO transformed a small individual building situated in an old hutong neighborhood of Beijing. Due to historic reas...


Dingshi Logistics Office Building — A compound…

Tangshan, 2019

Dingshi Logistics Office Building — A compound features courtyards filled with light and shadows The project is an office building of a ...


Layering Courtyard


Layering Courtyard "Layering Yard" is hidden in a traditional commercial block near the Qianmen of Beijing, with an area of about 500 sq...

LUO studio



项目名称:元和观村党群服务中心 设计团队:LUO studio │罗宇杰工作室( 设计人(建筑、室内、景观):罗宇杰、 魏文景 业主:武当山特区元和观村委会 施工方: 湖北裕峰建筑工程有限公司 监理方:十堰宏超建设工程监理有限责任公司 项...

LUO studio



置入式可变办公空间9.639 缘起 生活在“空间”相对昂贵的北京,一直在研究如何将多种功能集成合并,实现空间利用率最大化。曾为小住房做过一个集储物、沙发、电脑桌于一体的大家具,也专门为建筑师定制过功能集合的可变工作台。 将这个理念延用到办公空间,是偶然也是必然。客户是图文...

LUO studio

共享瓢虫 — 可动的微型儿童书屋


共享瓢虫 — 可动的微型儿童书屋 共享的反思 基于节约资源、让绿色出行回归、带来生活便捷的共享单车,在无节制的商业化运作下,从一个健康的状态变成一个怪物。它耗费了大量的工业原料、侵占掉稀缺的城市公共空间,堆放出一个又一个的 “巨型工业坟场”。 面对这些非...

LUO studio



山村旧房废木的再利用——骆驼湾村廊架 1. 拆旧盖新留存的废木 骆驼湾村位于太行山北麓的冀晋交汇处,由于山区交通不便发展缓慢,村落日渐凋敝,房舍破败。近年来政府投入了财力物力帮助修旧盖新,脱贫致富,村民生活质量日益提高。在修缮过程中村民们可以选择传统的木结构屋顶或者现浇混...




IOMA IOMA is an art center situated at 798 Art Zone, Beijing, which is a transformation project. Based on the concept of "symbiosis", th...

LUO studio



营造场所秩序——胜利市场临时安置点 原胜利市场位于城市发展最早的区域之一,历经了好几十年,满足当时人们基本生活需要的老市场现在慢慢成为脏、乱、差和交通拥堵的境况,城市更新也迫切需要对市场所在的老旧片区进行改造。然而各项拆、改、再建设的工作及流程时间将比较漫长。市场所承载的人...

WES LandschaftsArchitektur

Olympic Sports Centre

Suzhou, 2017

Das Zusammenspiel von Architektur und Landschaftsarchitektur verleiht dem Olympic Sports Centre eine charaktervolle, einzigartige Gestalt...

Archi-Union Architects


Hangzhou杭州, 2016


Archi-Union Architects


Wuzhen乌镇, 2019


Archi-Union Architects


Shanghai 上海, 2011


Archi-Union Architects

J-Office 军工路办公室改造

Shanghai 上海, 2010

当我们面对废弃的第五化纤厂厂区中一栋三跨建于上个世纪 60 年代的老厂房,并力图将其改造为创意产业办公空间时,寻找一种朴素的建造美学及一种真实而简单的建造过程成为我们的出发点。质朴的后工业景观和内在的朝气勃勃的涌动,是我们对基地的感受。艺术创业者热衷于工业遗产中鳞次栉比的北...

Archi-Union Architects


上海, 2015

Fab-Union Space这个项目,是为了给这个城市增添一个令人印象深刻的建筑空间而设计建造的。虽然它是小规模的,但是Fab-Union的空间是强大到足以代表一个新的态度的价值体系结构的转变。位于徐汇滨江西岸文化艺术区的Fab-Union Space,被定义为城市未来建...

Archi-Union Architects


成都, 2018


Archi-Union Architects

池社 Chi She

Shanghai 上海, 2016


Archi-Union Architects

竹里 In -Bamboo

Chongzhou, 2017


beyondtime architects

Nanliang Workshop

Beijing, 2019

As the wealth of the whole village, that nature rock is the feature of the village and also of this project. We will fully use it, and pr...

beyondtime architects

Nanliang Boutique Inn

Beijing, 2023

This is a refurbishment of boutique inn in the mountain village, with facinating natural scenery, and disrepaired farmhouse. There is no ...

beyondtime architects

Service Center of Peony Performance Park

Fuzhou, 2019

This design takes the historical script of Peony Pavilion drama as the background, meanwhile, considers the director’s demand for drama a...

Matteo Thun & Partners

Zwilling – Flagship concept Store + Restaurant…

Shanghai, 2018

Designed by Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez. The best of three worlds. What happens when German engineering meets Italian design and ...

WES LandschaftsArchitektur


Shanghai, 2018

Im Bereich des neuen Südbunds am Huang Pu River befanden sich die ersten Hafenanlagen von Shanghai. Somit ist der Südbund als südliche Ve...

hcreates interior design

Tourism New Zealand

Shanghai, 2019

Tourism New Zealand has opened its new light-filled space in Wheellock Square, Shanghai

hcreates interior design

Lunuers Community

Shanghai, 2019

Our latest project for one of Shanghai's best bakeries, Luneurs. This tree-lined spot in the former French Concession was destined for a ...

hcreates interior design

Oh Yeah! Brewing Beijing

Beijing, 2019

Beijing welcomes Oh Yeah Brewing to the fold with its new local brew on a grand scale. The city has always been the heart of the growing ...

hcreates interior design

Doc's Barbershop

Chengdu, 2019

The brief was to create a hiatus for the modern man that delivered a high-end, cut and shave barber experience with the addition of a bar...

DGJ Landscapes

Da Yao Wang Si Buddhist Temple

Anren, 2013

The Da Yao Wang Buddhist Temple is dedicated to the King Emperor Shennong, legendary known as the Herbs Emperor according to the traditio...

hcreates interior design

The Clinic

Shanghai, 2017

Premium healthcare and access to rehabilitation services are growing trends in the China healthcare market. Collectively the clinic team ...

hcreates interior design


Shanghai, 2018

Luneurs Boulanger + Glacier is situated in a busy little walking street in the Former French Concession, Shanghai. This French-run neighb...

hcreates interior design

Cobra Lily

Shanghai, 2017

Cobra Lily is a Pan-Asian restaurant and bar located in Shanghai's popular Xintandi complex. Designed around a mysterious femme fatale, t...

hcreates interior design

New Zealand Central

Shanghai, 2018

The Client wanted to design a space which delivered an authentic experience, that showcased New Zealand. The space needed to be function...

hcreates interior design

Gemma De Osteria

Shanghai, 2017

Located upstairs from a busy street, Osteria de Gemma is Italian restaurant crazy about pasta. A warm earthy color palette with natural f...

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