

Floating Islands of Sky

Chengdu, 2021

DESCRIPTION Floating Islands of Sky -A Cluster of Artificial Islands and Pontoon Bridge In Between of Lake and Sky A special kind of st...

West-line Studio

Guizhou South-Western Monority Ethnic Cultural…

South-West of Guizhou Province, 2016

Guizhou South-Western Monority Ethnic Cultural Center is located in the center of Xingyi City, a capital city of south-western Guizhou, C...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Dianjiang Bagu·Suji

Chongqing, 2020

To live and stroll in the paddy fields, halfway up the mountain Architectural design of Dianjiang Bagu·Suji in Chongqing 场地:海拔800米的自然村,...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of…

Beijing, 2021

Reconstruction of Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of Fine Arts Space production stimulates knowledge and art production Recons...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Viti Books Bookstore

Beijing, 2021

The Design of Viti Books Bookstore-Late night study in southern Beijing 项目信息 / Project info 项目名称:Viti Books书店设计 Project name: The Design...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Youth Science and Technology Activity…

Nanjing , 2012

Area A consists of a cultural industry area and a commercial and cultural area, and area B is a wireless office park and ecological offic...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Jiahe Maternity Hospital

Nanjing, 2018

This project is a high-end private maternity hospital. In terms of the functional layout, we adopt the same-floor efficient workstation m...

Lemanarc SA

The Second phase of the Shenzhen Hospital of…


The Second phase of the Shenzhen Hospital of Southern Medical University is a modern U-shaped building that naturally expresses this iden...

Lemanarc SA

Meteorology Satellite Centre of Beijing

Beijing, 2007

Further information to be added shortly.

Lemanarc SA

Pudong New District Broadcast TV Center

Pudong, 2010

Pudong New Area Cultural Radio and Television Center Project is located in Zhoukang area of Pudong New Area, Shanghai, on the west side o...

Lemanarc SA

Sichuan Guangyuan Central Hospital

Guangyuan, 2019

Guangyuan, located in northern Sichuan in western China, is at the forefront of the country in exploring the integration of healthcare an...

Lemanarc SA

Nan‘an International Healing City

Na'an, 2017

With the development of medical knowledge and modern technology, the city will put forward higher requirements for hospitals. The hospita...

Lemanarc SA

Jining Public Medical Center

Jining, 2020

The Jining Public Health Centre project is a regional infectious disease hospital established in Jining in the wake of the 2019 epidemic ...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Pukou International Medical Center

Nanjing , 2019

In this huge-scale hospital project, a number of independently operated medical institutions share medical resources through the central ...

Lemanarc SA

Hudong Regional Medical Center


The Hudong Regional Medical Center, designed from 2019 to 2021, is located in Pudong, Shanghai, on the northeast side of Xigou Gang. With...

West-line Studio

Dushan School Complex

Guizhou Province, 2016

Dushan Town is located at the so-called "South Gate of Guizhou"  at the border with Guangxi province. The main residents in this area bel...


Yitingting Cottage

Tonglu, 2019

Located in Tonglu, Zhejiang, Yintingting Cottage performs as an individual drawing room and a dining room for a rural hotel complex. The ...


Taichung Green Corridor

Taichung, 2021

The 1.7km long former railway line crossing downtown Taichung was an important catalyst for the development of the old city. The railway’...

Various Associates

(SO)What Chengdu

Chengdu, 2021

Free Soul on the Stage Prelude Don't know Don't care I choose what I like So what? Taking "Don't know, Don't care" as the core brand val...

Studio 10


桂林, 2018

创意民宿“别居”位于桂林平乐县漓江畔,Studio 10负责了其中“光. 影”主题房型的改造。在二层通高的坡屋顶空间中,建筑师希望通过材料、光影的运用,探求空间与自然的关系。 改造设计摒除了多余的装饰,通过对于素混凝土、回收旧榆木、竹蔑、藤等材料的运用,营造了一个内省、...

Studio 10

梦 & 迷,别居·漓想国

桂林, 2018

创意民宿“别居”位于桂林平乐县漓江畔,Studio 10负责了其中“梦”主题房型的改造。 设计灵感来源于莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔的绘画作品,建筑师通过二维、三维元素的无缝转换及对于视幻现象的运用,打造了一个神秘、无尽的“不可能空间”。 淡粉色与白色营造出一种静谧又不失...

Studio 10


深圳, 2020

2020深圳前海未来城市建筑展(暨第八届深港城市建筑双城双年展前海分展场) “前海叠加态”和“回到未来”版块位于前海嘉里中心,包含一系列室内空间和室外构筑物。 展场空间设计围绕展览版块的内容探讨“个体”与“系统”的交互关系,是单体建筑和城市系统、个人与社会关系的投射。 ...

Studio 10

长效设计:思考与实践(2000-2020)展览空间设计 —— …

深圳, 2021


Studio 10

远景宅 - 独栋住宅改造

深圳, 2020

2018年夏天,我们接受业主的委托,开始对于深圳市郊的这座独栋住宅进行翻新改造。在使用了十几年后,住宅的主人希望可以为其加入一些“当代性和趣味”。 私宅建筑本身是意大利风情的,周边绿树成荫,仿佛置身托斯卡纳乡间田园的平行时空。由于建筑外观受客观原因限制无法过多改变,因此...

Studio 10


深圳, 2019

Studio 10近期为原创极简主义女装品牌幾樣设计完成的海岸城概念店室内设计试图探讨建筑材料中光的透射、折射、反射与织物的互动关系。 在这个120平米的空间中,通过反射、半透明及透明材料的叠加和运用,搭配Kvadrat RafSimons系列灰绿色绒布垂帘及柔和细腻的人...

Studio 10


深圳, 2020

“源于自然的时尚”展览空间设计试图对于东方和西方、古典和当代的自然观及园林空间形式演变进行抽象地解读和诗意地诠释。 展览分为两部分,英国V&A博物馆和设计互联联合策展的“源于自然的时尚”部分从西方的视角,展示了自16世纪以来人类社会“时尚”与自然的复杂、交互关系,...

Studio 10

秦厂村党群活动中心改造:交织的信仰,自然与人本| 一座开放的回廊式社群中心

焦作, 2019

秦厂村党群活动中心坐落于河南省焦作市修武县城关镇秦厂村,是基于原村党群活动中心老建筑的改造项目。“修武”源于周代武王伐纣“修兵练武”于此的典故,是一座典型的中原古县,历史悠久、厚重;城关镇则是修武县的经济、政治、文化重镇。 老党群活动中心位于秦厂村东侧边缘的一个三岔路口,...

Studio 10

不朽堂 . 龙山陵园小礼堂

焦作, 2020

无论生活在乡村还是城市,死亡为所有人必经之路。 既不可避免,我们如何面对? 在古老的传统习俗之外,我们有什么样的“选项”纪念、思考死亡?无论是亲人、所爱之人的离开,还是自己生命旅途的终结。 受修武县政府和陵园主人委托,我们试图在龙山陵园小礼堂项目中提出这些问题,并探求...

Studio 10


焦作, 2021


Atelier tao+c

Common Reader Bookstore

Zhejjang, 2020

The owner of the bookstore and the designer reached a common understanding that the bookstore should not only be a storage room for books...

Atelier tao+c

U-shape room

Shanghai, 2018

Located on the ground floor of an old garden house, it’s a U-shape room with a full-faceted semi-circular window facing the back garden. ...

Atelier tao+c

Capsule Hotel and Bookstore

Zhejjang, 2019

Capsule Hotel and Bookstore in Village Qinglongwu is located in the deep forests of Tonglu in Zhejiang province. It was an old house of w...

Atelier Heimat

"Zone out Space"——Aranya Theatre Festival…

Qinhuangdao, 2021

"Migratory Birds 300", an important sector of Aranya Theatre Festival, requires a temporary building to exhibit images and installation...


Shenzhen King's Kindergarten

Shenzhen, 2020

It's a kindergarten, as well as a playground Designers have the tendency to design building and spaces for children as adult but have of...

Various Associates

Man Chao Hui

Shenzhen, 2021

Man Chao Hui by Various Associates | A Modern Luxury Catering Space in an Oriental Context. Seclusion | Man Chao Hui is a top-notch res...

Baer, Shifman-Nathan Architects

Green Food Development Center


The Green Food Development Center is a complex of 30,000 sqm, of office space, laboratories and commercial space, designed for the the pu...

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