
LUO studio



山村旧房废木的再利用——骆驼湾村廊架 1. 拆旧盖新留存的废木 骆驼湾村位于太行山北麓的冀晋交汇处,由于山区交通不便发展缓慢,村落日渐凋敝,房舍破败。近年来政府投入了财力物力帮助修旧盖新,脱贫致富,村民生活质量日益提高。在修缮过程中村民们可以选择传统的木结构屋顶或者现浇混...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Dianjiang Bagu·Suji

Chongqing, 2020

To live and stroll in the paddy fields, halfway up the mountain Architectural design of Dianjiang Bagu·Suji in Chongqing 场地:海拔800米的自然村,...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Viti Books Bookstore

Beijing, 2021

The Design of Viti Books Bookstore-Late night study in southern Beijing 项目信息 / Project info 项目名称:Viti Books书店设计 Project name: The Design...

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