

With a small budget, a lot of self-build and a highly developed sensitivity Carmen Wiederin and Philipp Tschofen from propeller z have made a desolate farmstead into an atmospheric refuge. A section of the barn roof was cut out, in its place a lightweight space capsule now sits on the top of the...

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According the U.S. General Service Administration (GSA), “border station architecture is an emerging building type [that] did not exist until the early decades of the 20th century.” This century’s post-September 11th climate means more and more border stations are being...

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San Juan Island is one of a number of islands in the Salish Sea, a waterway straddling the United States and Canada. On an understandably dramatic site with mature douglas firs, rocky outcroppings, and water views, Heliotrope Architects curved this long and low house to cradle the landscape...

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Pratt Instiute’s northern expansion beyond its five-block main campus brings the school to Myrtle Avenue. The appropriately named Myrtle Hall by WASA/Studio A gives Pratt a strong presence on this major thoroughfare. Further the building responds to this context by differing the street-...

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On January 15 the Museum of the Moving Image opened an expansion that doubles its size to approximately 100,000 square feet. The museum renovated its landmark 1920’s building—appropriately a film studio originally—and added a striking pale blue volume at the rear, covered in...

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This five-story building features 72 student apartments serving Temple University. Built of 80 prefabricated boxes, the project is an example of off-site construction typically used for single-family houses being realized on a much larger scale. Philadelphia’s Interface Studio...

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The design of industrial buildings is far-too-often relegated to engineers and contractors, but the occasional high-profile structure of the type includes an architect's involvement. Chicago's Murphy/Jahn have created a stunning example of such at the University of Chicago on the...

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Sportpark Wörtherseestadion“wurde das neue Stadion in Klagenfurt zunächst getauft, das mit Fußballakademie, Ballsportkompetenzzentrum, Büros und vermietbaren Event-Locations weit mehr ist als nur ein Stadion. Eine lange Rampe zelebriert den Aufstieg in diese Arena des...

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Entertainment durchdringt alle Lebensbereiche. Was früher auf den Kulturbereich beschränkt war, ist heute auch in der Industrie zum unverzichtbaren Instrument geworden. Produkte werden emotionalisiert und inszeniert – längst nicht mehr bloß, um sie zu verkaufen, sondern...

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Gentrification can occasionally foster good design rather than vulgar excess. As the humble cottages on narrow lots in Venice rise past the $1 million mark, the challenge for architects is to satisfy the expectations of new buyers without destroying the character of the community. Inevitably,...

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Österreichische Bahnhofsgegenden haben sich in den letzten Jahren von Schmuddelwinkeln zu urbanen Hoffnungsgebieten gemausert. In ihrer Entstehungszeit noch an der Peripherie gelegen, stellen sie, vom Wachstum der Siedlungen längst ins Zentrum geholt, wertvolle Baulandreserven dar, die...

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Am nördlichen Stadtrand Salzburgs planten sps-architekten eine mehrgeschoßige Passivhauswohnanlage in Holzbauweise, für die sie 2006 den 1. Rosenheimer Holzbaupreis erhielten. Simon Speigner und sein Team lösten das Spannungsfeld Städtebau, Passivhaus-Standard und...

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