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The city of Jingdezhen in the province of Jiangxi is renowned beyond China since historical times for its porcelain production. More recently, the Imperial Kiln... Eduard Kögel

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As with many other things, vinegar has a very long history in China: its importance for food preparation and health is mentioned in the book The Rites of Zhou, which dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770BC–476BC). This history is presented in dedicated museum in a former... Eduard Kögel

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Although "good bones" is an overused phrase (enough that it's the name of a reality TV show), it's a fitting argument for renovating a building rather than tearing down and starting anew. The Hollyridge House, in the shadow of the Hollywood Sign, is just such a residential... AUX Architecture

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The city of Fuzhou is the capital of Fujian province, and home to more than six million inhabitants. It has a humid subtropical climate and is also susceptible to typhoons in summer or early autumn. In the northeast of the city, on the Huangqi Peninsula, there is an area of dense urban... Eduard Kögel

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It's very difficult to sustain an architectural concept from gestation to completion, in many cases due to the involvement of the client, that practical entity that isn't so concerned about concepts. In the case of the Sleeve House a couple hours north of New York City, it's clear the... actual / office

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S9 Architecture, though a relatively young firm, is very busy, with numerous projects in design and under construction, most of them in and around New York City, where they are based. For this week's Building of the Week, S9 Architecture sent us some text and images of 160 East 22nd Street, a... S9 Architecture

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Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences' new Science Education & Research Facility has a very "LA" site: one side fronts a busy street and another backs up against a six-lane highway. This condition led Frederick Fisher and Partners to turn inward, creating a courtyard... Frederick Fisher & Partners

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A palette of brick, wood, glass and translucent wall panels defines the enclosure of Neumann Monson Architects' elegantly simple Career Academy of Pella in Iowa. The building is the first piece – and a very promising...

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In their design for the very first children's museum in Bulgaria, New York's Lee H. Skolnick Architecture and Design Partnership (LHSA+DP) designed a simple, L-shaped glass volume that is pierced by three faceted objects, what they refer to as "mountains."...

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In recent years, architectural practice has undergone deep transformations. In countries with a strong artisan tradition, as is the case of Spain, the old model of studying architecture that could lead to being in charge of projects of very different scales has been substituted by vast...

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This home for a family of five is located on Amami Oshima Island, midway between Kyushu and Okinawa in southern Japan. Although the lot is close to both ocean and mountains, its immediate neighborhood is built up with three-story apartments. Architect

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How a building expresses the functions that it houses is just one of the many considerations architects need to take into account in the design process. Very few contemporary buildings make bold statements derived from function, but Arquitectonica's design for FIU's School of...

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All states are at the mercy of natural elements to some degree, but none as much as Alaska, the 49th state and the only one entirely north of the 49th parallel, which forms the U.S. border with Canada. The harsh and sometimes dramatic effects of Mother Nature were the inspiration for...

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The form and construction of the Harvest Pavilion at Common Ground High School in New Haven, Connecticut, may be simple, but the result is a very appealing building whose character changes during the day and when open or closed. This responds to the pavilion's various uses: It serves to...

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This is a small home located on the border of a residential neighborhood and a forested area where development is restricted. Because the lot is lower than the road facing it, access is via a bridge leading to an entrance on the second floor. The shape is nearly cubic, with a triangular terrace...

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The influence of Kazuo Shinohara (1925-2006) on Japanese architecture can be seen in the work of Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima and numerous young studios. However, Shinohara's work is scarcely known in the West, in large part due to the very tight control that the architect exerted over the...

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