

Nine years from commission to completion is not unheralded for a work of architecture, but it is an exceptionally long timeframe for a 3,000-square-foot expansion of a small branch library in Queens, New York. Design and construction of the Kew Gardens Hills Library were so far apart that WORK... WORK Architecture Company

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Often the best buildings aren't the most flashy or iconic; they are the ones that fit into a city so well they seem to be forever a part of it. This isn't to say that Mecanoo's design for the offices of the Boston Public Schools Division doesn't have contemporary flourishes...

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For travellers approaching Tyrol from Germany along the Inntal railway line or the motorway that runs parallel to it the passion play theatre in Erl provides a clear signal that one has finally arrived on Tyrolean soil. For architect Roman Delugan this solitary white building embedded in the...

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