


兰州, 2019

1场所与地点: 东乡文化中心位于甘肃省东乡族自治县唐汪镇马巷村。马巷村除南面以外三面被黄河的支流洮河所环绕,虽然位于黄土高原上但是这里相对海拔较低,只有大约1700米左右。这里的地理位置优越,既是信仰穆斯林的东乡族同胞的定居地,也是汉族的传统村落同时由于紧邻藏区,所以这里也...

Studio 10

不朽堂 . 龙山陵园小礼堂

焦作, 2020

无论生活在乡村还是城市,死亡为所有人必经之路。 既不可避免,我们如何面对? 在古老的传统习俗之外,我们有什么样的“选项”纪念、思考死亡?无论是亲人、所爱之人的离开,还是自己生命旅途的终结。 受修武县政府和陵园主人委托,我们试图在龙山陵园小礼堂项目中提出这些问题,并探求...



唐旺镇,东乡族自治县, 2020

项目目标:共同生活的新邻里 该项目位于甘肃省东乡族自治县唐汪镇马巷村。这里被誉为丝绸古道河湟口,陇上杏花第一村。大接杏是这里的特产,因此每年的杏花节,这个小村落都会云集来自各地的旅游者。同时马巷村是一个位于汉藏交汇地区的多民族、多宗教混居的自然村。村子里既有东乡族的穆斯林礼...

Parallect Design


余姚市, 2023

四明山位于浙江省宁波市余姚市四明山镇,有龙虎山的气势壮观,兔耳岭的怪石灵秀,被誉为天然“氧吧”。杉野茶室坐落于山顶,作为基于原有茶山凉亭的建筑改造项目。 首次到现场是一个四月阴雨天,从山下往山上走的路上我想到的是陶渊明在桃花源记中描述的场景“初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁...

CL3 Architects

H Zentre


Project name: H Zentre Project type: Commercial + Retail Interior design: CL3 Architects Limited ( Design team: Will...

Parallect Design


上海, 2022


Parallect Design


苏州, 2021

在长三角一体化的大背景下, 苏州各区新城的生活也随产业布局被分割成不同的区域,而太湖新城作为最新的开发区域,多元文化与基础设施的升级必然是区域的发展趋势。苏州湾体育公园位于太湖新城的核心-东太湖生态旅游度假区内, 公园内有花海、步道、池塘、球场,树木繁茂, 是旅游度假、户外...

Helin & Co Architects

Icon Apartments

Chengdu, 2016

Chengdu has been the capital of the province of Sichuan since 1368. Archaeological discoveries have proved that the population history of...

Atelier DYJG

Activity and Quiet ——Beijing Zhongguancun…

Beijing, 2004

Location: Shangdi, Haidian District, Beijing Client: Zhongguancun Software Park Development Co. Ltd Area: 1.2hm2 Des...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Gaggenau & Next125 Experience Store

Wuhou District, Chengdu, 2022

After centuries of evolution, the kitchen has become the center of the home and family of human beings, both literally and figuratively. ...


Experimental Primary School of Suzhou Science…

Suzhou, 2016

Our proposal here takes advantage of the existing constraints and leverages the maximum value from the natural surroundings - Confronting...

The Architectural Design & Research Institute

Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic…

Lianzhou, 2020

Bridge is a kind of structure built based on the terrain, and also a sort of art that symbolizes connection and communication. Located in...

TANZO Space Design

TANZO天作王大泉:观自在 · 城乡自宅 | 传统当代化系列


项目信息 项目名称:观自在 项目类型:室内+景观 项目地点:北京市海淀区 设计单位:北京天作空间设计公司( 主创设计师:王大泉 项目策划:王坤 设计时间:2021-2022 项目面积:442㎡ 灯光设计:光宴盛品 家具品牌:素元,梵几,...


Shenzhen Skypark

Shenzhen, 2021

Over the past 40 years, Shenzhen has developed from a tiny fishing village to one of the most innovative, modern cities in China. With a ...

CL3 Architects

InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City & L42…


InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City Opened on August 1st Client: CapitaLand Project name: InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City &a...

Various Associates

Undefined Future Home

Shanghai, 2020

Various Associates Conceives an Undefined Future Home The global pandemic last year has brought essential changes to domestic life, and...


RESET Apartment

Beijing, 2012

Context The lifestyles of young professionals have not been settling down. They are bored of the stereotypical ro...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum and Villagers’…

Xinyang, 2014

The site is situated in Xihe Village, an unincorporated village in the mountain area that is 30km from the county town of Xin County, a N...

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