
on 18/02/2013

Five finalists have been chosen from 335 works for the 2013 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award. John Hill

on 24/09/2012

For some time now Belgian architecture has been forging ahead as one of the most interesting in Europe. Following in the wake of more consolidated studios like Robrecht en Daem (2G N.55), Xaveer De Geyter or Stéphane Beel is a new generation of top-notch architects such as De Vylder...

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on 13/08/2012

Part rain shelter, sunshade, and weather vane, the Cotillion Pavilion is also a contemporary means of making a public park a distinctive place. As architect Mell Lawrence describes in his answers to our Q&A about the pavilion, it is just one of many structures that the city of Dallas is...

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