
Archi-Union Architects


成都, 2018


INCLS (One Design)

Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Center Lake Park Facilities

Ningbo Hangzhou Bay, 2015

A universal formal language is set to deal with park facilities of varied sizes and functions. It consists a basic module system of 3 met...

10 Design

Zhuhai International Convention and Exhibition…

Zhuhai, 2016

10 DESIGN has won an international competition against 9 other international design firms for the second phase of a world class Zhuhai ...

Parallect Design


南京, 2019





叠术建筑事务所设计的高端私人会所“空中酒窖”位于北京启皓顶楼,会所内另有“玄机”,专为爱好品尝葡萄酒的会员设有一处隐蔽酒窖。北京启皓是由日本建筑师安藤忠雄设计,社区涵盖了酒店,办公,花园和一家博物馆。会所属高端私人俱乐部,只对选定会员开放。 会所除了用作于会员的活动地点,也...

ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier

Master plan and urban design for Baohujiao Area


According to the existing ecological conditions of Baohujiao area, we adopt the ecological protection, renewal and selective development ...

Schaller Architekten Stadtplaner BDA

Tianjin Zhangjiawo New Town Residential…

Tianjin, 2008

Der zweite Abschnitt steht in Kontinuität zum vorhergegangenen Abschnitt des Society Hill Projektes. Das städtebauliche Konzept...

Studio 10


深圳, 2019

Studio 10近期为原创极简主义女装品牌幾樣设计完成的海岸城概念店室内设计试图探讨建筑材料中光的透射、折射、反射与织物的互动关系。 在这个120平米的空间中,通过反射、半透明及透明材料的叠加和运用,搭配Kvadrat RafSimons系列灰绿色绒布垂帘及柔和细腻的人...

INCLS (One Design)

Shanghai LDV Building

Shanghai, 2006

Building Type: Office/Residence Complex Design/Completion: 2004/2006 Total Floor Area: 20,000sqm Coll...

Ronald Lu & Partners

Hong Kong Baptist Hospital Block E

Kowloon Tong, 2015

The Block E has 120 beds and comprise 4 storeys of wards, 3 storeys of hospital services/ specialty centre for accommodating operation/ t...

10 Design

Shizimen Gateway Bridge (The Infinity Loop)

Zhuhai, 2012

The feature bridge is the gateway entry to south China’s new planned commercial hub and also marks the connection of the Shizimen Canal t...


Tianzhushan Mountain Center

Anhui, 2010

It is located in Anhui province, in one of the 5 sacred Taoist mountain of china, beautiful and very famous that’s why the government wan...

EXH Planning Architecture Interior


Shanghai, 2007

Swissnex Shanghai is Switzerland's outpost for science, technology and culture in China. A large and flexible functional space is divided...

CM Design



项目位于河源市客家儿童公园内,作为儿童公园有机的一部分,建筑为园区游客提供茶饮轻食的同时也满足游客休憩、交流、观景等活动。建筑旨在创造一个活跃且具有鲜明个性的服务型公共空间,同时能与周边环境有更多的对话。 基地是一块具有高差的平台,南面、西面、北面紧邻游乐设施,东面为开阔的...

Decode Urbanism Office (DUO)


顺德, 2020


Chang Bene Design

Zig Zag Building

Hong Kong, 2009

In a dense area of Hong Kong, a rundown 6-story building was renovated and fitted with a new facade of perforated aluminum panels arrange...


2023 Asian Games Masterplan and Hybrid Buildings

Hangzhou, 2023

CHALLENGE Selected from a group of 5 international firms, Archi-Tectonics won this invited competition for the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzh...

Schneider + Sendelbach

BMW Training Center Shanghai

Shanghai, 2009

Das BMW Training Center Shanghai, das größte seiner Art in Asien, wird am 11.05.09 offiziell eröffnet. In der Industriezo...

Helin & Co Architects

Icon Apartments

Chengdu, 2016

Chengdu has been the capital of the province of Sichuan since 1368. Archaeological discoveries have proved that the population history of...

Ronald Lu & Partners

Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University…

Kowloon Tong, 2012

Four key principles drove RLP’s design solution for Lau Ming Wai Academic Building: 1/ the need to maintain a level green deck across the...


Zhongshan Shipyard Park

Zhongshan City, 2002

Zhongshan Shipyard Park covers eleven hectares (twenty-seven acres) in Zhongshan in Guangdong Province. It is built on the site of an aba...

UP Architecture | UPA

Suizhou Baimei Station

Suizhou, 2023

Located in Luoyang Town, Zengdu District, Suizhou City, the Millennium Ginkgo Valley is one of the most densely distributed, largest and ...

atelier mearc

Huangpu Center Office Lobby

Shanghai, 2021

Huangpu Center is located in the place known as Old West Gate in Shanghai. From the map, it is located at the corner of the junction whe...



迪庆藏族自治州, 2018

梅里雪山既下山酒店是一个改扩建项目,其前身是季候鸟雪山旅馆。项目位于云南省迪庆州德钦县雾浓顶村,其用地属于这个村子的第23 户人家。季候鸟雪山旅馆本身也是对一个48 柱木框架结构的夯土藏房的改造。当时因为荷载、防水、隔音、以及消防验收等问题,用混凝土框架结构替代了原始的木结...

Studio 10

不朽堂 . 龙山陵园小礼堂

焦作, 2020

无论生活在乡村还是城市,死亡为所有人必经之路。 既不可避免,我们如何面对? 在古老的传统习俗之外,我们有什么样的“选项”纪念、思考死亡?无论是亲人、所爱之人的离开,还是自己生命旅途的终结。 受修武县政府和陵园主人委托,我们试图在龙山陵园小礼堂项目中提出这些问题,并探求...

CM Design


Shenzhen, 2017


Schaller Architekten Stadtplaner BDA

Tianjin Zhangjiawo New Town Residential…

Tianjin, 2007

Abweichend von der in China gängigen Praxis der Verdichtung durch eine hohe Geschossigkeit, stützt sich unser Konzept auf eine ...

Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten

Liangzhu Culture Museum

Hangzhou, 2008

As early as 3,000 years ago people settled in the region along the banks of the Yangtze River. The new Liangzhu Culture Museum was erecte...

Jiakun Architects

Guangzhou Times Rose Garden

Guangzhou, 2005

Guangzhou Times Rose Garden, landscape and culture space design in Residential Community, Guangzhou Site: Guangzhou...

WES LandschaftsArchitektur


Shanghai, 2018

Im Bereich des neuen Südbunds am Huang Pu River befanden sich die ersten Hafenanlagen von Shanghai. Somit ist der Südbund als südliche Ve...

Ida&Billy Architects

TaiKoo Hui (GZ) Premium Washroom


We wish to create an experience of outdoor alleys and plaza – a reminiscence to European elegance and fineness – to this premium washroom...



长治 Changzhi

叠术建筑在山西长治设计了一个幼儿园,鼓励孩子们去探索,去玩耍,激发他们的感官,最重要的是,在户外环境中保持活跃。为了达到这个目的,叠术建筑挑战了封闭的空间导向,被过度保护和被电子产品以及网络所吸引的环境,这些都是生活在城市里的孩子在类似的快速城市化的中国所承受的环境。 幼儿...

Greater Dog Architects

Leding Bespoke

Shaoxing, 2019

THE TRACE “Traces are invisible. They perceive the flow of time through objects.” - Greater Dog The designer, Jin Xin and Red Hu who fo...

Vector Architects

Bayuquan Vanke Exhibition Center

Bayuquan, Yingkou, 2013

In the summer of 2012, we were invited by Vanke Group to design their exhibition centre in a seashore park at Bayuquan, Yingkou, China. W...

Studio 10

远景宅 - 独栋住宅改造

深圳, 2020

2018年夏天,我们接受业主的委托,开始对于深圳市郊的这座独栋住宅进行翻新改造。在使用了十几年后,住宅的主人希望可以为其加入一些“当代性和趣味”。 私宅建筑本身是意大利风情的,周边绿树成荫,仿佛置身托斯卡纳乡间田园的平行时空。由于建筑外观受客观原因限制无法过多改变,因此...


The Floating Gardens -- Yongning River Park

Taizhou , 2004

In July 2002, Taizhou City asked the landscape architect to design a 21-hectare park along the Yongning River, the mother river of the hi...

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