
on 16/08/22

In Project Without Form: OMA, Rem Koolhaas, and the Laboratory of 1989, ZHAW professor Holger Schurk delves inside the Office of Metropolitan Architecture when it was working on three competition submissions in one year. OMA has not bee the same since. John Hill

on 14/06/21

What do architects think about important future issues such as climate change or digitalization? How do they envision a sustainable building culture? What solutions do they have? What framework conditions do they need in order to fulfill their tasks and responsibilities in the best possible... Elias Baumgarten

on 14/01/21

OMA – Office for Metropolitan Architecture and Ingenhoven Architects are building a vertical city in Tokyo for Mori Building Co., Ltd. All that's missing are the Olympic Games. Ulf Meyer

on 26/01/18

Never Built New York, on display at the Queens Museum until February 18, is a 200-year tour through the New York City that might have been. Born from the 2016 book of the same name, co-authors and co-curators Greg Goldin and Sam Lubell have crafted one of the most... John Hill

on 07/10/13

World-Architects traveled to Singapore for the sixth World Architecture Festival (WAF), held at Marina Bay Sands from October 4-6. Architects from all over the world converged on the city-state to present their shortlisted projects, listen to other architects do the same, and find out what... John Hill

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