
on 06/03/18

The Oignies coal mine closed in 1990, leaving a whole population and its industrial mining heritage (pithead buildings, industrial buildings, head frames) in disarray. The project to reinstate this territory marked by decades of mining operations, began in 2005 with the competition mounted by the... Herault Arnod Architectes

on 12/04/17

The Dutch architectural firm Studio Komma, in close collaboration with concept-developer The Men of Foam, is the winner of the ‘’Kavel 2 ‘Urban Lab’ Challenge’’ in The Hague, The Netherlands. Studio Komma / The Men of Foam

on 01/12/16

The COAF Smart Center is a pioneering model for delivering superior and regionally relevant educational, social, economical and community programs in rural areas with an emphasis on technology, sustainability, arts, music, modern healthcare and lifestyle, linguistics and languages, business, and... Paul Kaloustian Architect

on 20/10/15

In the technology center of Lünen, over a former coal mine factory, hovers a "UFO." Designed in 1985 by Luigi Colani, the "UFO" has become a well known landmark in the area. In 2007 LÜNTEC GmbH, the owner and operator, initiated a competition to the... SSP SchürmannSpannel

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