
on 26/03/08

Together with Wolfram Mehlem and Jesper Bork Wolfgang Tschapeller has built an exceptional house in St Andrä/Wördern, close to the Danube The sharp-edged spatial tube made of fair-faced concrete hovers lightly on an elevated foundation above the expanse of the plain. Freely shaped...

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on 14/03/08

Things are there and one doesn't notice them until one day one's gaze slips and one sees, explores, and is dazzled. That's how it was for me with La Oca, which wasn't La Oca but actually the Aeronautical Museum (formerly Palacio de las Artes), which I hadn't noticed, even...

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on 26/02/08

The point of departure for the workshop was that buildings can no longer be conceived as complexes of functional packages. The self-sufficiency of the design needs a formal generation process, separate from the classic concept of architectural space. And although the analogy seems simple, the...

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on 23/04/07

Österreichische Bahnhofsgegenden haben sich in den letzten Jahren von Schmuddelwinkeln zu urbanen Hoffnungsgebieten gemausert. In ihrer Entstehungszeit noch an der Peripherie gelegen, stellen sie, vom Wachstum der Siedlungen längst ins Zentrum geholt, wertvolle Baulandreserven dar, die...

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