
on 01/03/12

Considered one of the best Japanese restaurants in Mexico City and due to its remarkable success, Tori-Tori has now moved to a bigger location in the same area of Polanco, Mexico City, where Rojkind Arquitectos and Esrawe Studio teamed up to make it happen. Although the client’s...

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on 01/01/12

Site - The property is located on a site with a slight incline, continuing towards a large valley, having trees around its perimeter as it was used for agricultural purposes. Description - The house project is an extensive area that is set out in a lineal manner, with all...

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on 08/08/11

Tougaloo College is “a private, historically black, liberal arts institution” founded in 1869 on the northern edge of Jackson, Mississippi. The Bennie G. Thompson Academic & Civil Rights Research Center is the first building to be constructed on the historic 500-acre campus...

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on 17/05/11

Architects Kathryn Ogawa and Gilles Depardon note that Wabi-Sabi – the concept of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature – influenced the design of this 11-story building in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Imperfection here is clearly found in the Cor-Ten steel...

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on 27/09/10

Faculty, undergraduate, and graduate studens from four Virginia Tech colleges—Architecture and Urban Studies, Engineering, Business, Liberal Arts and Human Sciences—beat out 16 other teams in this year’s Solar Decathlon Europe, a 10-day competition held in June. Faculty...

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on 28/11/07

Entertainment durchdringt alle Lebensbereiche. Was früher auf den Kulturbereich beschränkt war, ist heute auch in der Industrie zum unverzichtbaren Instrument geworden. Produkte werden emotionalisiert und inszeniert – längst nicht mehr bloß, um sie zu verkaufen, sondern...

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on 23/04/07

Österreichische Bahnhofsgegenden haben sich in den letzten Jahren von Schmuddelwinkeln zu urbanen Hoffnungsgebieten gemausert. In ihrer Entstehungszeit noch an der Peripherie gelegen, stellen sie, vom Wachstum der Siedlungen längst ins Zentrum geholt, wertvolle Baulandreserven dar, die...

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