
on 09/06/23

Share of all the rice straw produced in France, according to researchers at Atelier LUMA, that would be enough... René Ammann

on 25/03/23

Bonus on top of the commission to any agent who can bring a buyer for a seven-bedroom estate in Bel Air, California, priced at $27,995,000, before the city’s “mansion... René Ammann

on 24/10/22

Number of rich countries, including Australia, Canada, Norway, and the United States, in which house prices are now falling: 9 René Ammann

on 28/06/21

Estimated net worth of the world’s most affluent architect, Norman Foster: $240 million (€201m) René Ammann

on 12/04/21

Estimated number of villages across China: 940,000 René Ammann

on 21/09/20

Price of a container home built in Puerto Rico that includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen cabinets, security windows and... René Ammann

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