
4 weeks ago

Amount the Los Angeles City Council has approved to set up barriers, install an all-encompassing fence, enlist private on-site security, and... René Ammann

on 07/05/23

Estimated number of homes the country of Pakistan René Ammann

on 13/03/23

Estimated size of land billionaire businessman Elon Musk and his companies (Boring Co., SpaceX, Tesla) have amassed in Texas to build a new town called... René Ammann

on 06/03/23

Distance requested to bump out the front door of a private residence in a historic district on New York City's Upper East Side designed in 1966 by Paul Rudolph, René Ammann

on 21/02/23

Size of The Mukaab, a megaproject proposed for the Saudi capital of Riyadh that is big enough to hold 20 Empire State Buildings and due to be completed in 2030: 400m x 400m x 400m René Ammann

on 11/10/20

Estimated share of people over 45 currently living in London who say they expect to move somewhere outside of Greater London the next time... René Ammann

on 31/08/20

Estimated share of research on the impacts of climate change on world heritage sites that is related to Africa: 1% René Ammann

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