
Urbanus Architecture & Design

Public Art Plaza Shenzhen

Shenzen, 2007

Located in one of the most densely populated areas of downtown Shenzhen, the Public Art Plaza is a program initiated by both the city adm...


Chaoyang Future School

Beijing, 2017

Using color to negotiate from the urban scale to the human, the renovation of Future School endorses a campus life that facilitates conti...

Parallect Design


苏州, 2021

苏州是国内主要的婚纱生产地,而虎丘婚纱城是立足于该产业的重要批发、零售的基地, 同时也引进国内外知名设计师品牌,为服装设计作品提供展示的平台。虎丘婚纱城在规划上提出注入设计师灵魂的嫁衣定制,让游客能游走于婚纱城与景区之间,在购物环境之中营造具有感情流动的一个空间氛围。法国兰...




啤酒是最常民化的酒精饮料之一,青岛啤酒自1903年创办至今,每代人都会对其有着丰富的记忆。青岛1903啤酒概念店是一次品牌试验,为青岛啤酒这一深入人心的国产品牌再定义新的品牌形象、建立新的品牌体验。 项目地点位于北京望京麒麟社,是拥有丰富地域餐种的热闹街区,我们试图在复杂...

Atelier Alter Architects

Dual-Purpose Exhibition Pavilion

Beijing, 2022

An Exhibition Pavilion that Can Be Recycled and Reused Generally speaking, exhibits on display during an exhibition can be recycled and ...

Studio Zhu-Pei

OCT Design Museum

Shenzhen, 2012

The inspiration for the project comes from the context of the bay and from the desire for a surreal exhibition space. The OCT design muse...

Greater Dog Architects

Brloote Flagship

Shaoxing, 2018

A BLACK SQUARE ON WHITE “Squares remove their materiality and merge into infinity. All that remains is the indistinct trace of its appe...

Jiakun Architects

Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of…

Suzhou, 2017

Winner 2022 German Design Award Gold Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick is located in Xiangcheng Distri...

Vermilion Zhou Design

‘Green massage’ Lujiazui store

Shanghai, 2021

“The fisherman beheld a hill, with a small opening from which issued a glimmer of light.” — A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom S...


Tree Clubhouse

Beijing, 2014

Located in Grand Canal Forest Park, Tree Clubhouse is supposed to provide catering services and hold reunions, exhibitions and business m...

Studio 10

远景宅 - 独栋住宅改造

深圳, 2020

2018年夏天,我们接受业主的委托,开始对于深圳市郊的这座独栋住宅进行翻新改造。在使用了十几年后,住宅的主人希望可以为其加入一些“当代性和趣味”。 私宅建筑本身是意大利风情的,周边绿树成荫,仿佛置身托斯卡纳乡间田园的平行时空。由于建筑外观受客观原因限制无法过多改变,因此...

Atelier Heimat

"Zone out Space"——Aranya Theatre Festival…

Qinhuangdao, 2021

"Migratory Birds 300", an important sector of Aranya Theatre Festival, requires a temporary building to exhibit images and installation...

Atelier Deshaus

Long Museum West Bund

Shanghai, 2014

Long Museum West Bund is located at the bank of Huangpu River, Xuhui District, Shanghai Municipality, the site of which was used as the w...

ISA Internationales Stadtbauatelier

Protection & renovation and environmental…


The planning area of the city of Quanzhou is part of a UNESCO world cultural heritage site and of historical and cultural importance. Fas...

Parallect Design


苏州, 2024

震泽镇隶属于苏州市吴江区,北濒太湖,东靠麻漾。土地水网交错,村庄众多,村落多依水而建,呈聚落分布,是典型的江南水乡风貌。 2021年,吴江区开展农村人居环境整治提升——“五美三优”行动,建设“美丽庭院”、“美丽菜园”、“美丽村景”、“美丽村道”、“美丽田园”,优化提升生活...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

TPAC - Taipei Pefroming Arts Center


The new performing art center attempted to create a rich gathering of massive program areas. There are three theatres that share an inter...


Little Catch

Shanghai, 2015

Located on one of Shanghai’s busiest streets alive with local food stalls, small restaurants, shops and sidewalk activity, ...


Shanghai Houtan Park

Shanghai, 2010

1 Project Statement Built on a brownfield of a former industrial site, Houtan Park is a regenerative living landscape on Shanghai’s Huang...

Scenic Architecture

Xitang Naera Art Gallery

Xitang Town, Jiashan County, 2021

The Xitang East Area under construction is the eastward expansion of the old town of Xitang, a well preserved ancient canal town in the S...


Qinhuangdao Beach Restoration: An Ecological…

Qinhuangdao, 2008

The beach is located along the Bohai Sea shoreline of Qinhuangdao city, a touristic coastal city in North China’s Hebei Province, 6.4 kil...

LUO studio



山村旧房废木的再利用——骆驼湾村廊架 1. 拆旧盖新留存的废木 骆驼湾村位于太行山北麓的冀晋交汇处,由于山区交通不便发展缓慢,村落日渐凋敝,房舍破败。近年来政府投入了财力物力帮助修旧盖新,脱贫致富,村民生活质量日益提高。在修缮过程中村民们可以选择传统的木结构屋顶或者现浇混...

SAKO Architects

Kid's Republic

Beijing, 2005

Ribbon Surrounding / Intertwining Colorful ribbons that “wrap” the space and colorful ribbons that “twist” in space? these two types of ...


Sky Green

Taichung, 2019

In 2012 WOHA was invited by the Taichung City Government and Feng Chia University to bring its exhibition “Breathing Architecture” to Tai...

Parallect Design


苏州, 2022


Prol Lighting

Ahn Luh Guantang Resorts and Residence

Chengdu, 2021

Ahn Luh Guantang Resorts and Residence – A new Lighting mode for West Sichuan When one’s mind remains tranquil, one could create a whole...

in+of architecture

Museum of Mao Badges

Anren, 2004

Located in Anren County in the near suburbs of Chengdu, Jianchuan Museum Precinct is a cluster of multi-purpose buildings developed...

Studio 10

长效设计:思考与实践(2000-2020)展览空间设计 —— …

深圳, 2021


BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

Shenzhen Energy Mansion

Shenzhen, 2018

The 96,000m2 office development for the state-owned Shenzhen Energy Company is designed to look and feel at home in the cultural, politic...

OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Taipei Performing Arts Center

Taipei, 2022

Why have the most exciting theatrical events of the past 100 years taken place outside the spaces formally designed for them? Can archite...



Nanjing, 2010

Chinese has a special affection of stones, Jade-dubbed as the king of the stones, has been loved and collected by Chinese since long t...


Qingdao World Horticultural Expo Theme Pavilion

Qingdao, 2014

Following selection in the 2011 competition UNStudio’s World Horticultural Expo Theme Pavilion in Qingdao has been realised. ...

LUO studio

共享瓢虫 — 可动的微型儿童书屋


共享瓢虫 — 可动的微型儿童书屋 共享的反思 基于节约资源、让绿色出行回归、带来生活便捷的共享单车,在无节制的商业化运作下,从一个健康的状态变成一个怪物。它耗费了大量的工业原料、侵占掉稀缺的城市公共空间,堆放出一个又一个的 “巨型工业坟场”。 面对这些非...

Praxis d'Architecture

Spring Art Museum

Beijing, 2015

Our clients for this project are from local who believe in contemporary art, and intended the museum to be a platform to promote ...

Zhang Hua Architecture

Yu Qingcheng Gallery

Tianjin, 2016

Yu Qingcheng is a world famous original clay sculpture artist who is renowned in China and oversea, the unique style strike out a new lin...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center

Guangshan, 2019

Folded Horizontal Lines – Architectural Design of the Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center Location and background of Project The pr...



杭州, 2020

杭州万科天空之城是杭州地铁和万科杭州合作开发的航母级项目,总建筑面积134万平方米,涵盖商业、办公、教育、文化中心、体育中心和住宅等业态。这个以公共交通为导向的项目将成为“天空之城”—— 杭州西部余杭区建筑面积达100万平方米的开发项目——的主要连接点和公共交通枢纽。它将容...

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