
Prol Lighting

Conrad Hangzhou Tonglu

Hangzhou, 2019

Explore the light: look up at the bright moon with remembrances of light Chapter 1 Located in the heartland of the golden tourist area c...

SYN Architects

Mafengwo Global Headquarters (Phase I)

北京, 2016

Mafengwo Global Headquarters (Phase I), Beijing, China Designed by SYN Architects Fusion of Order and Freedom Keywords: Honeycomb Stru...


Floating Islands of Sky

Chengdu, 2021

DESCRIPTION Floating Islands of Sky -A Cluster of Artificial Islands and Pontoon Bridge In Between of Lake and Sky A special kind of st...


Shanghai Jiuguang Center

Jing’An, Shanghai, 2021

UNStudio, in collaboration with Nihon Sekkei, recently completed the Shanghai Jiuguang Center. The design for this brand new retail desti...

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