
3 day ago

Years beyond which the doomed Ontario Science... René Ammann

on 2023/04/17

Price of a two-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom house built in 1984 in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, that is considered René Ammann

on 2023/01/19

Time it takes a 3D printer weighting more than 12 tons to create a 4,000-square-foot (372 m2) two-story home in Houston, Texas: 330 hours René Ammann

on 2022/09/16

Area that a typical home selling for around $1 million in Phoenix, Arizona, shrank from spring 2019 to summer 2022:... René Ammann

on 2021/10/25

Number of American renters who fear eviction from their home by the end of this year: 1.3 million René Ammann

on 2021/09/27

Average rise of prices for residential property in Germany within one year (June 2020 to June 2021): 10.9% René Ammann

on 2021/04/19

Estimated number of oak trees at least 200 years old needed to restore the spire of Notre-Dame de Paris:... René Ammann

on 2021/03/22

Price paid for Mars House, a purely virtual piece of architecture created by contemporary artist Krista Kim that is also the world's... René Ammann

on 2021/03/15

Decline in prices for property in the Philippines last year, one of the few countries where home prices did not René Ammann

on 2020/11/23

Number of beds for elderly residents in the micro nursing homes built by the nonprofit Green House... René Ammann

on 2020/11/01

Amount Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation has to pay to demolish an affordable $130,000 home built after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana, due to René Ammann

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Number of days Walter Chrysler, the founder of Chrysler company who gave the name to the Chrysler Building in New York City put on sale recently, René Ammann

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