
on 19-01-2024

Price per square meter paid for the plot of land where The Henderson, a 36-story office building designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, is nearing... René Ammann

on 13-03-2023

Estimated size of land billionaire businessman Elon Musk and his companies (Boring Co., SpaceX, Tesla) have amassed in Texas to build a new town called... René Ammann

on 16-11-2022

Price of a 240-square-foot (22.3 m2) home for essentials-only living in the beachfront town of Chinandega, Nicaragua, land included: $8,000... René Ammann

on 18-06-2022

Number of cities the Gulf state of Bahrain wants to build on reclaimed land: 5 René Ammann

on 13-12-2021

Price paid for a plot of virtual land in The Sandbox metaverse: $4.3 million (€3.8m) René Ammann

on 05-10-2020

Share of the 70,000 or so villages in Shandong, China’s second-most-populous province with more than 100 million people, that will be René Ammann

on 02-09-2019

Share of land on Colombia's Pacific coast – 14.8 million acres, larger than Croatia – that has been communally owned since 1993 to benefit the region’s mainly Afro-Colombian residents: 60% René Ammann

on 25-08-2019

Share of government revenues in Hong Kong coming from land sales: 27% René Ammann

on 03-06-2019

Amount of money the indigenous Yanacona community sold virtually all its land to the state of Peru for, in order to build a new international airport that may... René Ammann

on 26-11-2018

Number of years it took Ahmedabad, an Indian city containing 6 million people, to acquire land for and build a 76-kilometer ring road: 4 years René Ammann

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