
on 01-02-2013

As architects Osamu Nishida and Erika Nakagawa designed this residence in Kanagawa Prefecture, they conceived of the architectural plan as a map. The pair strewed elements of the residence across the lot, and by doing so created a unique home structured similarly to a village. The...

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on 01-11-2012

With its complex of halls and meeting spaces, the Kanazawa Umimirai Library, designed by Coelecanth K&H, serves as the core of a new community in the castle district of Kanazawa. Twenty-five pillars support the 45-meter-square, 12-meter-high space, lending it a sense of presence fitting to a...

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on 01-03-2012

Considered one of the best Japanese restaurants in Mexico City and due to its remarkable success, Tori-Tori has now moved to a bigger location in the same area of Polanco, Mexico City, where Rojkind Arquitectos and Esrawe Studio teamed up to make it happen. Although the client’s...

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on 29-08-2011

As green building becomes the norm rather than the exception, green features in a design can read like a laundry list of the same components and systems: low-e glazing, lo-flow toilets, recycled materials, etc. These features are certainly good, but they have become relatively easy to...

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on 11-07-2011

This guest house, small at only 850 square feet (80sm) has a strong presence on an impressive site overlooking the Dry Creek Valley near Sonoma, California. Almost the same amount of area is given over to terraces, taking advantage of the beautiful vistas. Architects Chris Cooper and Wendy...

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on 27-06-2011

Philip Johnson designed the 1953 Wiley Residence as a glass pavilion cantilevered above a stone podium. The house, in the same town as Johnson’s iconic glass house, also included a pool adjacent to an existing barn on the site. Roger Ferris + Partners renovated the house and barn for a...

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on 25-05-2011

Located one block from the LAPD Police Administration Building in Downtown Los Angeles, this garage and parking structure serves the Police Department while creating a unique...

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on 13-04-2011

What's more exciting than competition? Venture to say it makes the world go round. Especially exciting when has been launched among cities - complex entities, organisms  within internal  struggle. Competition encourages the pursuit of perfection, acts as a catalyst allowing to...

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on 21-05-2010

San Francisco's Ogrydziak/Prillinger Architects answered some questions about their Gallery House in the same city. The unique program, melding a residence and art gallery, presents itself publicly in a steel screen based on old algorithms and new technologies.

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on 14-03-2008

Things are there and one doesn't notice them until one day one's gaze slips and one sees, explores, and is dazzled. That's how it was for me with La Oca, which wasn't La Oca but actually the Aeronautical Museum (formerly Palacio de las Artes), which I hadn't noticed, even...

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on 25-10-2007

Mit langem  Atem und viel Innovationssinn bauten die Architekten Franz Sam und Irene Ott-Reinisch den komplexen Schulbestand in Waidhofen an der Ybbs zum multifunktionalen Schulzentrum aus und um. Der Altbau wurde unterfangen, im felsigen Grund daneben fand der große, neue Turnsaal...

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