


叠术受邀参加了位于深圳龙华一个旧工厂区的混合功能项目的总体规划竞赛方案。这个项目将成为地标性工业项目,并且大多数入驻此区域的企业都与工业、办公、研发相关,此项目也融合了零售、住宅、工厂宿舍、体育设施、一个幼儿园、公园等。总体规划上是一个TOD 项目,与地铁站和城际汽车站相连...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Dianjiang Bagu·Suji

Chongqing, 2020

To live and stroll in the paddy fields, halfway up the mountain Architectural design of Dianjiang Bagu·Suji in Chongqing 场地:海拔800米的自然村,...

Atelier DYJG

Green Link between City and Taihu Lake ——Wuxi…

Wuxi, Jiangsu Province , 2011

Location: Wuxi, Jiangsu Province Client: Wuxi Taihu Lake New Town Administration Committee Area: 210hm2 Competition:...

Holzer Kobler Architekturen

REN: Good Design – GOOD GUYS

Peking, 2011

In Peking fand vom 28.09. - 17.10. 2011 die „First Beijing International Design Triennial“ statt. Fünf internationale Kuratorenteams sin...

Urbanus Architecture & Design

Dafen Art Museum

Shenzhen, 2007

Dafen village is in Buji Township, Longgang District, Shenzhen. Best known for its replica oil painting workshops and manufacturers, its ...


China House Vision

Beijing, 2018

Technology continues to change the way we live, work, and move, yet the building sector remains largely stagnant. Your Home: Infinite Liv...

Urbanus Architecture & Design

Sungang Central Plaza

Shenzhen, 2007

The original planning and design of Sungang Central Plaza by another office includes a two-story underground parking of 10,000 square met...


Qingcheng Mountain Stone Courtyard

Qingcheng Mountain, 2007

The “Stone Courtyard” Tea House is located close to Daguan Town at the foot of the Qingcheng Mountain near Chengdu. With tota...


Tibet Namchabawa Visitor Centre

Pai Town, 2008

The visitor centre is the second building designed by standardarchitecture in Tibet after the Yaluntzangpu Boat Terminal. It is located i...

Pu Miao

Reception Center, Minhang Ecological Garden

Shanghai, 2004

Context The 4,400-square-meter project is located within an urban park (the Ecological Garden) in a dense resident...




项目位于杭州西部一个葱郁的山谷里,是太阳公社的一个社区营地。太阳公社是一个针对中国城市化现象,推广可持续农业和健康生活方式的机构。叠术建筑事务所受邀在山谷的核心地区设计了太阳公社的社区营地,为城市居民提供一个教育的平台。 山谷长三公里,遍布竹林和稻田,居住着约100户农民。...

Studio 10


深圳, 2020

2020深圳前海未来城市建筑展(暨第八届深港城市建筑双城双年展前海分展场) “前海叠加态”和“回到未来”版块位于前海嘉里中心,包含一系列室内空间和室外构筑物。 展场空间设计围绕展览版块的内容探讨“个体”与“系统”的交互关系,是单体建筑和城市系统、个人与社会关系的投射。 ...


Tiancheng Sale Office

Wuhan, 2007

The sale office is divided into two parts: first part is for reception and negotiation, and the second part is used as show room. The who...

TM Studio

Park Block Renovation

Taizhou, 2007

Location: Luqiao District, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province Client: Luqiao District Government Architect: Tong Ming Projec...

Atelier 100s+1

Art Center of Huangmei Opera

Anqing, 2005

Project Name: Art Center of Huangmei Opera Location: Anqing, Anhui Building Area: 5.90...

Atelier Z+

Xiayang Qianxi Business Centre

Qingpu, Shanghai, 2007

The Qianxi Business Centre is located in the new town area of Qingpu. The site is quite tight and small, occupying a prominent position w...


Yaluntzangpu River Terminal

Linzhi, 2008

The small boat terminal is located near the small village named Pai Town in the Linzhi area of Tibet Autonomous Region. As the remotest s...

Urbanus Architecture & Design

Public Art Plaza Shenzhen

Shenzen, 2007

Located in one of the most densely populated areas of downtown Shenzhen, the Public Art Plaza is a program initiated by both the city adm...




叠术建筑事务所设计的展览中心位于长治市,中国山西省的一个三线城市。目前在中国经济和城市转型热潮中,长治市也面临着城市郊区化,即将成为新的CBD。在这次设计中最大的挑战,不仅要让长治市焕然一新,同时也要保留住山西省仅存的几处工业时代老厂房。 叠术建筑负责长治市CBD的设计,...

Parallect Design


常州, 2024


Parallect Design


苏州, 2021

在长三角一体化的大背景下, 苏州各区新城的生活也随产业布局被分割成不同的区域,而太湖新城作为最新的开发区域,多元文化与基础设施的升级必然是区域的发展趋势。苏州湾体育公园位于太湖新城的核心-东太湖生态旅游度假区内, 公园内有花海、步道、池塘、球场,树木繁茂, 是旅游度假、户外...

Pu Miao

Kangju Community Center

Kushan, 2006

With modern buildings increasingly being designed as one large and centralized mass, this design revisited the decentralized model. Cater...

Pu Miao

Hillside House

Suzhou, 2002

Hillside houses tend to belong to one of the two types, the terraces and the tower. While the tower has a more prominent visual appearanc...

HHF Architects


Lijiang, 2007

To appreciate the Treehouse in all its beauty and simplicity one must be prepared to listen. The house shows a conversation, a genuine di...



Changzhi, 2018



Dancing Book Towers

Wuhan, 2009

The Dancing Books Tower are situated in a densely populated downtown area near Hongshan Plaza of the historic district of Wuchang, with Y...

Atelier DYJG

Waterfront Revival in "City of Springs" ——Jinan…

Jinan, Shandong Province , 2010

Location: Jinan, Shandong Province Client: Jinan Urban Landscaping Bureau Area: 146.6 hm2 Planning and Completion:20...

Studio 10

不朽堂 . 龙山陵园小礼堂

焦作, 2020

无论生活在乡村还是城市,死亡为所有人必经之路。 既不可避免,我们如何面对? 在古老的传统习俗之外,我们有什么样的“选项”纪念、思考死亡?无论是亲人、所爱之人的离开,还是自己生命旅途的终结。 受修武县政府和陵园主人委托,我们试图在龙山陵园小礼堂项目中提出这些问题,并探求...

Parallect Design


苏州, 2021

苏州是国内主要的婚纱生产地,而虎丘婚纱城是立足于该产业的重要批发、零售的基地, 同时也引进国内外知名设计师品牌,为服装设计作品提供展示的平台。虎丘婚纱城在规划上提出注入设计师灵魂的嫁衣定制,让游客能游走于婚纱城与景区之间,在购物环境之中营造具有感情流动的一个空间氛围。法国兰...

INCLS (One Design)

Ningbo Creative Ports - Phase I Building

Ningbo, 2022

This project retrofits an old warehouse on the riverbank to the new function of exhibition, cultural, and sales center. It is located on ...

Leyk Wollenberg Architekten

Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning…

Shenzhen, 2007

Our proposal for the new Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition in Shenzhen is based on a three-fold spatial concept. Firstly...

Studio 10


焦作, 2021


LUO studio



山村旧房废木的再利用——骆驼湾村廊架 1. 拆旧盖新留存的废木 骆驼湾村位于太行山北麓的冀晋交汇处,由于山区交通不便发展缓慢,村落日渐凋敝,房舍破败。近年来政府投入了财力物力帮助修旧盖新,脱贫致富,村民生活质量日益提高。在修缮过程中村民们可以选择传统的木结构屋顶或者现浇混...


Chinesische Nationalbibliothek

Peking, 2008

Die Chinesische Nationalbibliothek in Peking ist die drittgrößte Bibliothek der Welt und bietet Platz für 12 Millionen Bücher. Das Bauwer...

TANZO Space Design



项目名称:张家口图书馆 项目地点:中国 · 河北 项目面积:22200㎡ 完工时间:2021.04 室内设计:北京天作空间设计公司 + 清尚设计院 设计主创:王大泉 设计网站 ( 项目摄影:史云峰 ...

Atelier DYJG

Huangxian Woodland Park

Longkou, 2014

The Woodland Park is located in the center of old town in Longkou City, with an area of about 26 ha. The site used to be an empty space, ...

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