
2 month ago

Cost of a DIY home in California built by using cob, earth, water, hemp, straw and only paying for screws, glue, and silicone: $200 (€187) René Ammann

on 2024/2/12

Rough number of clusters of fast-growing white willows that will graft together to form the Fab Tree Hab pavilion,... René Ammann

on 2023/3/13

Estimated size of land billionaire businessman Elon Musk and his companies (Boring Co., SpaceX, Tesla) have amassed in Texas to build a new town called... René Ammann

on 2023/3/6

Distance requested to bump out the front door of a private residence in a historic district on New York City's Upper East Side designed in 1966 by Paul Rudolph, René Ammann

on 2022/12/1

Estimated share of US architecture firm billings so far this year that have come from renovation projects, not new construction: 52% René Ammann

on 2022/8/22

Amount of CO2 the planned demolition of London’s flagship Marks & Spencer store will... René Ammann

on 2022/7/6

Typical thickness of a wall made of mud (banco) that, in a country like Senegal, provides natural insulation from the sun and... René Ammann

on 2022/5/19

Cost of a 2,000-square-foot (186 m2) house with three furnished bedrooms and attached bathrooms in the small Indian... René Ammann

on 2022/4/25

Height of the former Union Carbide Building in New York City, the tallest building ever voluntarily demolished, which made way for an even taller... René Ammann

on 2020/7/6

Amount of floorspace built in China each year – as a one-story building, the equivalent would cover 1.3 times the entire footprint of... René Ammann

on 2020/5/4

Width that desks in open-plan offices have shrunk over the years: 40 cm (15.75")  René Ammann

on 2020/4/20

Estimated number of people living in shared households in large American cities that will play a vital role in how the country copes... René Ammann

on 2020/1/27

Estimated number of co-working spaces that have opened worldwide since the boom started 15 years ago: 35,000 René Ammann

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