
FAKE Design

Courtyard 105

Beijing, 2004

Caochangdi is a village located at the east suburb of Beijing, close to the fifth ring road and Jichang Fulu. The site area o...


NIO Delivery Center

Shanghai Jiading Nanxiang, 2023

NIO’s largest delivery center to date follows a lifestyle-oriented interior design template created by Kokaistudios for the electric car ...


Sinan Lu

Shanghai, 2010

Sinan Lu is one of the biggest restoration projects ever undertaken ever in Shanghai. The five hectare site comprises a mix of residentia...

GL Studio

Library of Dongguan Institute of Technology

Dongguan, 2004

The new campus of the Dongguan Institute of Technology at Songshan Lake comprises 12 building projects, the design of which is undertaken...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Villa Shizilin

Wan Niang Fen, Changping, 2005

Villa Shizilin, Beijing, 2004 The client is a developer couple with two children and they have acquired a piece of land in th...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Ministry Of Crab Restaurant Lounge

Wuhou District Chengdu, 2022

The Twin Towers on Jiaozi Avenue in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, have become one of the most popular landmarks in the last two years. Situa...


The Mountain View by Onexn Architects |…

Shenzhen, 2019

01 Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city a...

The Architectural Design & Research Institute

Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic…

Lianzhou, 2020

Bridge is a kind of structure built based on the terrain, and also a sort of art that symbolizes connection and communication. Located in...



成都, 2011


Platform for Architecture + Research

Kinmen Port Terminal

Kinmen, 2014

The Kinmen Port Terminal undertakes a transformation from an industrial traffic junction to becoming a regional gateway and travel center...

Approach Architecture Studio

Fang Suo Rural

Da Nan Po, 2020

Fang Suo Rural @ Da Nan Po is a renovation of a single-story house situated to the south of the original Da Nan Po Village Center buildin...



威海衛, 2012

半山林取景器位于威海塔山公园半山上的一片树林中,是一个服务于市民的公园服务设施。 为了尽可能保护场地里的现状树,建筑在平面上分成三个枝杈,以避让树木,而三个枝杈分别指向城市的三个景观:刘公岛、海港、环翠楼,使这个小的景观建筑与城市建立起紧密的视线联系。建筑结合山地的地...



株洲, 2002

沿湘江东岸从湖南的株洲市向南走 大约七、八十公里,在群山靠拢到江边以前的地方,有一个叫朱亭的小镇。大约十多年前,当地的一些农民自发地聚集起来做礼拜唱赞美歌。这个地方的经济通过多 种经营,比改革前要改善了好多。但由于湘江有时要发大水,农民的生活也不是完全有保障。所以当谁家遭了...


Raffles City

Hangzhou, 2016

UNStudio’s mixed-use Raffles City development is located near the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, loc...


SPMA store

Shanghai, 2021

On ground floor of a 1930’s old house in Shanghai, atelier tao+c transformed the former residential space into a boutique retail space fo...

10 Design

CR Land’s MixC Sungang by 10 Design: Redefining…


International architecture practice 10 Design (part of Egis Group) has successfully converted a former warehouse site into a retail-gastr...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...

Lemanarc SA

The Second phase of the Shenzhen Hospital of…


The Second phase of the Shenzhen Hospital of Southern Medical University is a modern U-shaped building that naturally expresses this iden...

hcreates interior design

Central Studios

Shanghai, 2019

Central Studios provides a unique space for their clients to create photo and video productions right in the heart of one of downtown Sha...



上海市, 2017




Guizhou Province, 2018

游客中心位于车田村的外部,在贵阳市通往车田村的主要道路上,贵阳市是贵州省的省会。这个石头村庄,因为建造房屋的材料选用当地特有的车田青石而得名,有400多年石头造房的历史,当地居民主要以苗族为主,苗族是中国最古老的少数民族之一。 车田村沿开阔地与河流平行布局,村庄的空间...

Atelier Deshaus

Huaxin Wisdom Hub

Shanghai, 2013-2015

Located in the Huaxin Technology Park in Caohejing area, Shanghai, the Huaxin Wisdom Hub’s main program is exhibition and conference. Clo...

hcreates interior design

The Broken Dagger

Shanghai, 2020

Nestled between a hairdresser and a hot pot restaurant on an otherwise typical Shanghai street, a large mural artwork has emerged. Spanni...

Atelier 100s+1

Studio and Family House


This building base features: an area of nearly 200 acres, 50 meters long from east to west, 25 meters long from south to north. The base ...

Zephyr Architects


武漢, 2011




连岛大沙湾海滨浴场, 2008


Studio Link-Arc

NSFL School

Shenzhen, 2018

Garden in the Urban Forest CRLand NSFL is a 54,000 m² elementary and middle school campus, comprising regular and specialized classrooms...

Atelier Deshaus

Blossom Pavilion

Shanghai, 2015

Blossom Pavilion is a cooperative spatial device with artist Zhan Wang, which is also one of the spatial art pieces project of Shanghai U...

10 Design

Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport Mixed Development


10 Design releases new plans for a transport-oriented retail destination in Nanjing Jointly led by Design Partners, Chin Yong Ng and Luk...



广西, 2015

“云庐”位于从广西桂林到阳朔的半途,是一座深藏于漓江沿岸好山好 水之间的精品生态酒店。项目便是从老农宅的改造开始,逐步梳理宅与宅 之间的空间、并将一栋老宅拆除扩建为餐厅和客人可聚集的场所。规划与 景观设计在最大程度上融入了村落结构,并在周边不另设围墙或其他防护 设施...



衢州市, 2015

1 项目概述 衢州鹿鸣公园位于衢州市西区石梁溪西岸,处于拥有250万人口的衢州市的新城中心(商业、行政中心)之核心地段,是高密度城市建筑之中的一片“绿洲”。设计师将具有生产性的农业景观与低维护的乡土植物融于景观设计之中,创造出一个丰产而美丽的城市公园。一系列漂浮于植被...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Mica Bar

Weihai, 2018

Remoulded from an ordinary private multiple dwelling house in the Wangjiatuan Village in the city of Weihai, Shangdong Province,the Mica ...


3802 (吕元祥建筑师事务所室内设计办公室)

湾仔, 2017

作为整个公司办公室内部更新工程的一部分,吕元祥建筑师事务所室内设计工作室最近从之前与其它工作团队共享的办公空间迁入一个独立的办公单元 —— 3802,并紧邻公司高层行政区域。这一全新的办公空间设计目的要创造出一个和谐、年轻、有家庭氛围的工作环境,与公司其他部门有着不能分割的...

Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten

Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Dalian China

Jinzhou, Dalian, 2011

Die Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang ist die renommierteste Hochschule der Bildenden Künste in China. Nicht nur national, auch int...

Lemanarc SA

Jining Public Medical Center

Jining, 2020

The Jining Public Health Centre project is a regional infectious disease hospital established in Jining in the wake of the 2019 epidemic ...



扬州, 2013

项目所在地-扬州市湾头镇,至古就有加工玉器的传统。在扬州市整体规划中,该镇将发展成为以玉器加工和交易为特色产业的文化旅游区域。项目基地位于湾头古镇入口位置,原址为一所建于80年代的4层高小学校。按计划,他将被改建成集文化旅游商业为一体的开放式玉器加工和展示陈列工坊。 ...

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