


北角, 2015



Licheng District Mixed Use Development

This project comprises 9 residential towers, a 5-star hotel and commercial podium. The urbanscape in China could be explained on the one ...

Various Associates

Pavilion for Design in Bay Area Exhibition

Shenzhen, 2020

Breaking Boundaries | Chair, Desk, Wall or Architecture? Entrusted by Shenzhen Institute of Interior Design, Various Associates conceive...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...

Jiakun Architects


成都市, 2002


Approach Architecture Studio

Approach Architecture Studio office at…

Beijing, 2010

The office of Approach Architecture Studio located in Sanjianfang is a renovated building from an abandoned warehouse. The primary purpos...


Lingbao Children’s Center

Lingbao, 2020

A Park Embedded into Community Lingbao City is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. This was a ...


INSIDE OF é é é Symbiosis of flagship factory…

Shaoxing city, 2022

INSIDE OF é é é Symbiosis of flagship factory and retail design by Greater Dog Architects Inside of é é é is a place where gathering co...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Mica Bar

Weihai, 2018

Remoulded from an ordinary private multiple dwelling house in the Wangjiatuan Village in the city of Weihai, Shangdong Province,the Mica ...

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

Greenland Group Suzhou Center

Wujiang, 2016

Like sculpting a high-performance automobile, digital aerodynamic modeling was critical to shaping this 1,175-foot super-tall tower. Acti...

Hong Designworks

ECCO Xi'an Office

Xi'an, 2020

HONG Designworks was invited to conceive ECCO's Office in Xi'an, China. By drawing inspiration from the continuous movement of nature and...



长乐区, 福州市, 2014




上海, 2014

本项目位于上海市青浦区,为其东侧地铁上盖商业综合体的临时售楼处。 项目基地也是临时的:基地位于道路红线和建筑退界线之间,宽10米,沿道路南北向一字排开。在商业开发项目建成之后,这块条状用地是沿道路的退界绿化。但可惜的是,售楼处的寿...

Brooks + Scarpa Architects

Y4 Boutique Hotel

Chengdu, 2021

Y4 Boutique Hotel is a small 24 room luxury hotel. It features a world class wine bar and tasting room, a 5 star restaurant and bar, priv...

hcreates interior design


Shanghai, 2019

Zespri has relaunched and expanded its China headquarters in Shanghai. They took the opportunity to create a new aesthetic for the whole...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Huda Restaurant Main Store in Beijing

Beijing, 2020

The famous Beijing restaurant “grown up” from Guijie - The catering strategy trilogy of Huda restaurants In 2020, under the cooperation ...

Drawing Architecture Studio

1/4 Chongqing Apartments

Chongqing, 2021

A site-specific installation to reproduce a typical Chongqing apartment building on the scale of 1:4 with everyday objects, e.g. carpet, ...

Approach Architecture Studio

Zen Center at Baoguo Temple

Ziyang, 2015

The Baoguo Temple Zen Center is located in a Buddhist temple in Ziyang, Sichuan, which can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty. The origina...



株洲, 2002

沿湘江东岸从湖南的株洲市向南走 大约七、八十公里,在群山靠拢到江边以前的地方,有一个叫朱亭的小镇。大约十多年前,当地的一些农民自发地聚集起来做礼拜唱赞美歌。这个地方的经济通过多 种经营,比改革前要改善了好多。但由于湘江有时要发大水,农民的生活也不是完全有保障。所以当谁家遭了...



Beijing, 2009

家盒子的定位介于游乐场与幼儿园之间,在为12岁以下儿童创造一片天地的同时,也为家长提供相配套的服务,使得整个家庭能够享受娱乐设施。 阖家欢乐的大盒子 坐落于一个公园里的家盒子从远处就能够给人带来活力。建筑主体外部包裹一层附有儿童线条涂鸦的玻璃幕墙。在这里会有不同...

Studio Link-Arc

Shenzhen Dachong Master Plan

Shenzhen, 2016

Located in the center of Shenzhen Nanshan District, the Dachong Master Plan Project is the largest reconstruction of an urban village in ...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2007

Located in one of the most densely populated areas of downtown Shenzhen, the Public Art Plaza is a program initiated by both the city adm...

Hou Liang Architecture

The Earth Memorial

Sichuan, 2008

Time: 2008.06 Location: Sichuan, China Building area:10,492 m2 The Great Earth Memorial —&mdash...


Boundary House

Luohe, 2019

Primer Going back to three years ago, the day when I thought of "Boundary House". I met Sun Zhaoyang in the winter evening of 2016. D...



广州, 2008



Information column, Olympics park


Instead of the usual urban lighting system, for the two and half kilometre long Olympic Park Area, along the urban south-north axis, the ...

Approach Architecture Studio

Fang Suo Rural

Da Nan Po, 2020

Fang Suo Rural @ Da Nan Po is a renovation of a single-story house situated to the south of the original Da Nan Po Village Center buildin...


Nanchang Shimao Water City Cloud Office Center

Nangchang, 2017

Context of the City Honggutan New District is a newborn city area of Nanchang on the west bank of the Ganjiang River. Like all the other...



深圳, 2016

香港中文大学深圳校园的规划理念,将主要的建筑量体沿着城市街廓配置,远离山体,维持了自然生态的完整性,由山麓到绿地到构筑以 “山/林/院“三个平行的线性空间展开:礼 堂、行政楼、图书馆、学生中心以及书院沿着山麓, 以序列单体建筑的形式分开配置,衬托 山体并保持了校园空间和山体...

Environmental Planning Studio

Shanghai Organic Fruits Farm/Visitor Center

Shanghai, 2013

Winning design of ICONIC DESIGN AWARDS 2013 [design concept] We designed the visitor center and landscape as a destination to promote th...


Jia Little Exhibition Center

Songjiang District, Shanghai, 2011

Jia Little Exhibition Center integrates the display and production spaces of creative industries into a single mixed-use building complex...

10 Design

Fushan Primary School


Led by Design Partner Ted Givens, 10 Design has just completed the new Fushan Primary School, which will serve as an educational and comm...



黄浦区, 2020

「放松并不是ㄧ个终点目的,为的是可以持续动下去」—— 亚里士多德 (古希腊著名思想家) “放松”是“城市花间堂”基于都市繁忙节奏中的所给予的喘息与治愈。“上海外滩花间堂・愉园”原为位于宝藏地点的闲置建筑,在设计上的改造满足“放松”功能,以“花”的语言赋予了新的生命力。...

Atelier Deshaus

Plot D, The R&D and innovative port of Anting…

Shanghai, 2009-2015

The R&D and innovative port of Anting International Automobile City, which is situated northwest to the suburb of Shanghai, is a proj...


Beijing Logo

Beijing, 2006

Beijing Logo From the very first beginning the conceptual design of the project was substantially influenced by the econom...



绍兴, 2018

现状介绍: 项目位于店口镇侠父村,原来的农贸市场由村政府出资建造,总建筑占地800平米,建于2003年。这里是村民每天生活的起点,交易和交流的场所。每天清晨五点至八点,村民便会聚集在此,买卖农作物和牲畜,交换货品。农贸市场也是全村最大、最重要的公共建筑。 ...

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