

Chaowai Men

Beijing, 2006

Chaowai Men This building is located in downtown Beijing's Central Business District. The urban environment around the site i...

Atelier Deshaus


上海, 2014

龙美术馆西岸馆位于上海市徐汇区的黄浦江滨,基地以前是运煤的码头,设计开始时,现场有一列被保留的上世纪50年代所建的大约长110米、宽10米、高8米的煤料斗卸载桥和两年前已施工完成的两层地下停车库。 新的设计采用独立墙体的“伞拱”悬挑结构,呈自由状布局的剪力墙插入原有地...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Huda Restaurant Main Store in Beijing

Beijing, 2020

The famous Beijing restaurant “grown up” from Guijie - The catering strategy trilogy of Huda restaurants In 2020, under the cooperation ...


Ningbo Urban Planning Exhibition Center

Ningbo, 2019

Shortly after the successful collaboration for the German Pavilion at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the two practices playze and Schmidhuber...

TM Studio

Ten Courtyard Houses

Suzhou, 2005

Location: Xiangcheng District, Suzhou Year: 2005 Architect: TONG Ming Site area: 600 m2 Floor area: 380-410 m...

Hong Designworks

ECCO Xi'an Office

Xi'an, 2020

HONG Designworks was invited to conceive ECCO's Office in Xi'an, China. By drawing inspiration from the continuous movement of nature and...



Xinzhaiping Village, 2021

新旧共存:新寨坪村落更新 新寨坪村位于湖南省湘西州泸溪县,是中国少数民族特色村寨,被誉为“中国古树博物馆”。 村落依山就势展开,古树群约60余亩,上百年的古树多达500多棵。其传统民居多为木结构,以杉木和松木为主,就地取材形成穿斗式木结构。村民大多是苗族,保存有大量的...



河源, 2017

客家文化无疑是中国一大重要文化,客家人的祖先起源于中国东北部地区,逐步移居到南部并从此定居下来,距今已有几个世纪了。而他们一直都保持着迁移的传统,如今有多达4千万客家人定居海外。 河源市是最重要的客家城市之一,2008年河源市政府决定在市内推广一个中央公园的建设计划,而计...

Atelier TeamMinus

Big Air in Beijing

Beijing, 2022

The XXIV Winter Olympics will take place in China in February 2022. The various sporting competitions will be held at a location in Beiji...



长乐区, 福州市, 2014


IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Xiao Xiang Fu (Zhongguancun No. 1 Restaurant)

Beijing, 2020

“Sleeping upstairs in diaojiao house for a night, one will have romantic dreams for ten years.” Whether it is in Western or Southern Hun...


Tony's Organic House

Shanghai, 2013

Context Following a successful collaboration for a multifunctional building complex at Tony’s Farm, playze ...


Jingze Church

Jingze, 2006

The site locates within the preserved area of this historical water town.  The church will serve about 500 Christians from Jingze to...


Lounge Bridge Renovation

Baoding, 2016

The village where the project is located will have the possibility of planning and road adjustment in the future, accordingly, the renov...

Zephyr Architects


江苏, 2010


Atelier DYJG


福建省厦门市, 2006

项目位置:福建省厦门市 委托单位:厦门市市政园林局 面积:20hm2 设计及建成时间:2003-2006年 获奖情况:2008年福建省优秀设计奖 海湾公园位于厦门市西港和筼筜湖之间,它的北...

Ferrier Marchetti Studio

Huaxin Tiandi Campus

Shanghai, 2020

How can an office campus contribute to the life of the neighborhood in which it is located? Here, the large garden that serves as a daily...


Tiancheng Sale Office

Wuhan, 2007

The sale office is divided into two parts: first part is for reception and negotiation, and the second part is used as show room. The who...

INCLS (集合设计)


宁波, 2018

The site is situated at the immediate north side of the Three Rivers Joint, a symbolic geographical center of the city Ningbo. Recently, ...

Kengo Kuma & Associates

Xinjin Zhi Museum

Chengdu, 2011

This pavilion is located at the foot of Laojunshan mountain in Xinjin, to usher in the people to the holy place of Taoism, while the buil...

WAI Architecture Think Tank



WAI建筑智囊团持续地创造为建筑领域贡献的工具。这些工具包括了创新的研究项目到发表、展览、文章、艺术创作、宣言、叙述建筑、拼贴画和实验项目。 WAI建筑智囊团定期地创作编辑 图像叙述性的杂志,名为‘What About It?&rs...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...

10 Design


中国东北, 2011

规划局打算兴建7座市政项目包括图书馆、科学中心、城市规划展览博物馆、青年活动中心等。城市规划展览博物馆是其第一个项目,以现代化、优等、含办公及展览场地的功能,旨在成为在市内地标性的建筑物。 "新的规划馆将浮现在中央市政公园,成为市中心的标志性雕塑",IO (拾...


Moganshan Power Plant Redevelopment Planning

Hangzhou, 2009

“Jewelry Box” is a planning proposal that aim at revitalize the Moganshan Power Plant campus to the north of the famous touri...



南京, 2008





这是一个将北京胡同内三进四合院改造成设计型酒店的方案。这个四合院曾经是寺庙的一部分,后来也曾作为学校、工厂和青旅使用过。这些功能在不同的时间发生,都给这个四合院留下了痕迹。 为了保留这段历史,我们剥去了加建的厂房屋顶,但是留下它的屋面桁架部分。在此基础上,插入新的、现代化的...


NIO Delivery Center

Shanghai Jiading Nanxiang, 2023

NIO’s largest delivery center to date follows a lifestyle-oriented interior design template created by Kokaistudios for the electric car ...

Lemanarc SA

Xiamen Humanity Hospital

Xiamen, 2018

The project is located in the southwest corner of Wuyuan Bay, which is adjacent to Wetland Park in the north and Lakeside Reservoir in th...

Gabellini Sheppard Associates LLP

1436 Flagship Store


Located within Manhattan's landmark SoHo district, the Vera Wang boutique reflects and extends the designer's sensibility of elegant, per...

Atelier Alter Architects

BIT Sports Center in Beijing

Beijing, 2009

Located in Liangxiang, the satellite city of Beijing, the BIT Sports Center, along with the BIT Stadium, frame an entrance to the new BIT...

Atelier d'More 多么工作室

Womb烘焙工作室 | 多么工作室Atelier d'More


Atelier d’More was commissioned by Womb Baking studio to design a space for women that incorporates baking and parenting activities. Foun...

BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

XPO, Danish Pavilion EXPO 2010

Shanghai, 2010

The Danish pavilion in Shanghai EXO 2010 videoclip BIG - bike tour on S...

Hong Designworks

ECCO Global flagship Store

Shanghai, 2021

Ecco flagship store locates on Huaihai Rd —— the interaction of eastern and western culture by many international brands. Ecco, a Danish ...

Atelier 100s+1

“9 Peninsulas” master plan

Nanning, 2005

Project Name: "9 Peninsulas" master plan Location: Nanning, Guangxi Site Area:



Beidaihe New District, 2015

三联海边图书馆 图书馆位于沿中国渤海湾海岸线上。该设计的主要理念在于探索空间的界限,身体的活动,光氛围的变化,空气的流通以及海洋的景致之间共存关系。图书馆东侧面朝大海,在春,夏,秋三季服务于西侧居住区的社区居民,同时免费向社会开放。 设计是从剖面开始的,图书馆是...

Atelier DYJG


山东省济南市, 2010

项目位置:山东省济南市 委托单位:济南市园林局 面积:146.6hm2 规划及建成时间:2007-2010 年 在缺水的中国北方城市,济南是幸运的,由于特殊的地理位置和地质构造,它有着相对丰富的地下水资...

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