


Shenzhen, 2018



Librairie Avant-Garde,Ruralation Library

Tonglu, 2015

Located in Daijiashan Village,Eshan She Nationality Township of Tonglu, Zhejiang Province, the Avant-Garde Ruralation Library is the 11th...

Various Associates

ATLATL Restaurant

Shanghai, 2020

Known as China's "Silicon Valley", Zhangjiang High-tech Park in Pudong, Shanghai integrates a wide spectrum of key cutting-edge industrie...

TM Studio

Zhou Chunya Art Academy

Shanghai, 2010

Jiading District is one of the 18 districts of Shanghai in the North-West of Downtown. The district includes several towns, like Anting, ...


Seaside Floating Pavilion

Rongcheng, 2021

At the easternmost tip of the Jiaodong Peninsula, an abandoned fishing boat ran aground near an undeveloped natural bay area. The scour m...


Brloote Flagship

Shaoxing, 2018

A BLACK SQUARE ON WHITE “Squares remove their materiality and merge into infinity. All that remains is the indistinct trace of its appe...

BaO Architects

Xiao Feng Museum


The museum is entirely dedicated to the work of the painter Xiao Feng and his wife Song Ren. The building was supposed to be built on a s...


TC 公寓

Jiangsu, 2019

此住宅位于江苏太仓,我们业主是一对在上海工作的年轻海归夫妇。与之前所接触到的大部分住宅设计不同,业主并不在此久住,这套位于老家的复式住宅,是其工作之余的度假屋及与家人团聚的落脚处。 与拥挤喧闹的上海市区不同,宽松的街道尺度及较高的绿化率是我们对太仓市第一印象。而此处新...

hcreates interior design

The Clinic

Shanghai, 2017

Premium healthcare and access to rehabilitation services are growing trends in the China healthcare market. Collectively the clinic team ...

OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

CCTV Television Station and Headquarters

Beijing, 2012

The CCTV headquarters aims at an alternative to the exhausted typology of the skyscraper. Instead of competing in the race for ultimate h...

in+of architecture

Museum of Mao Badges

Anren, 2004

Located in Anren County in the near suburbs of Chengdu, Jianchuan Museum Precinct is a cluster of multi-purpose buildings developed...


Hygiene Station for Cattlefield Village School

Lincang, 2017

Cattlefield Village Primary School is in a mountainous region of western Yunnan Province, China. The original school was built in 2010, i...


前滩太古里MOViE MOViE影城与库布里克书店

上海, 2021

在线上观影模式方兴未艾的当下,实体影院该如何革新才能吸引电影爱好者? 芝作室在设计首个电影院项目MOViE MOViE影城时就面临这样的课题。首先要思索观影体验的本质,它是一个逃离现实的瞬间,是一段荡涤心灵的旅程,或是一场穿越时空的探索。基于这样的想法,设计团队尝试在...

Atelier d'More 多么工作室

书一·飞鸟集自习室 | 多么工作室Atelier d'More

Shanghai, 2021

Atelier d’More was commissioned to design a self-study room for Bosuer as its first store opening in Shanghai, hoping to create a soft ha...


Mrs. Fan’s Plugin House

Beijing, 2013

Mrs. Fan is from a traditional Chinese family. Newlyweds like her are expected to purchase a car and move into a new house in the suburbs...


Crossboundaries' Transformable Workplace

Beijing, 2021

Beyond workspace. Reinforcing innovation in resilience. By the end of 2020, the two most significant typologies for everyday use as a so...

Ferrier Marchetti Studio

Yidian Office Complex

Shanghai, 2015

Mission   In February 2011, Jacques Ferrier Architecture’s firm won a c...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


上海, 2018

dongqi Architects栋栖设计将新天地南里一栋百年历史的上海石库门老建筑改造为CONCEPTS中国首家概念零售店。 项目需要兼顾日常零售和限量球鞋产品发布活动两种不同的使用需求,dongqi Architects将原始空间分割为两种截然不同的气氛。沿主道路...


Tibet Yarluntzangbu Grand Canyon Art Centre

Pai Town, Linzhi, Tibet, 2011

The Yarlong River (Yarlong Tsangpo in Tibetan, Yalu Zangbu Jiang in Chinese – the architects transcribe it as Yarluntzangbu) has it...



上海市四平路1239号, 2006

同济大学中法中心位于校园东南角,西临校园内现存最老的建筑物一二九大楼和一二九纪念园,南侧为运动场,东侧紧靠四平路。基地西北角为保留的旭日楼,其南侧正对西面一二九纪念园有一片水杉林,基地内另有9棵散落的雪松、梧桐、槐树、柳树等需要保留。 我们把这一建筑看作建筑形...



Beijing, 2018

近年来,江苏省率先开始在全省推动高质量学前教育的发展,包括教育资源一度欠缺的乡村地区。2015年,阜宁县政府委托Crossboundaries为其下辖的北沙村设计一所中心幼儿园,以缓解当地幼教资源不足的问题。 阜宁县背倚苏北平原,面临苏中水网,自古崇文重教、尊道厚德,素有...

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning…

Shenzhen, 2016

The Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE) is part of the master plan for the Futian Cultural District, the new ur...

hcreates interior design

Oh Yeah! Brewing Beijing

Beijing, 2019

Beijing welcomes Oh Yeah Brewing to the fold with its new local brew on a grand scale. The city has always been the heart of the growing ...

Atelier TeamMinus

Big Air in Beijing

Beijing, 2022

The XXIV Winter Olympics will take place in China in February 2022. The various sporting competitions will be held at a location in Beiji...

Adarc International Studio Ltd

Heyue Pedestrian bridge

Foshan, 2015

In recent China, the rapid development accelerates the competition among cities and thus causes the continuous extension of highway netwo...



Beijing, 2017



Assemble by Réel

Shanghai, 2022

When Dynamic Angles Meet “Urban Fragments” – For the most recent expansion of multi-brand store, ASSEMBLE by Réel , Kokaistudios applied...


Huangpu Center Office Lobby

Shanghai, 2021

Huangpu Center is located in the place known as Old West Gate in Shanghai. From the map, it is located at the corner of the junction whe...


Three Courtyard Community Center

Yangzhou, 2009

"The city of Yangzhou is located at the edge of Yangtze River in Jiangsu province not far from provincial capital Nanjing. As any other c...

Parallect Design

Oneswear Suzhou Jewellery Store


Diamonds, hard and shine, have always been indispensable props when people swear in love. Every diamond jewellery will become a mark in t...


Commercial Podium in East Alley

Shanghai Suhe MixC World, 2022

A Gateway to Suhe: A New Destination Blended with Its Surroundings Rounding out Kokaistudios’ recent Suhe MixC World in Shanghai which c...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Huda Restaurant Main Store in Beijing

Beijing, 2020

The famous Beijing restaurant “grown up” from Guijie - The catering strategy trilogy of Huda restaurants In 2020, under the cooperation ...


Beijing City Library

Tongzhou District, Beijing, 2023

Snøhetta’s Beijing City Library has opened doors for visitors as the world's largest climatized reading space. It is the firm’s latest in...


Tony's Farm

Shanghai, 2011

Context Tony’s Farm is the biggest organic food farm in Shanghai, which produces OFDC certified (member of ...

CL3 Architects

Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan

Beijing, 2019

Project Name: Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan Category: Hospitality Completion Time: April 2019 Site Area: 15,625 m² Location: Beijing, Chi...



Tianjin, 2020

项目位于天津市蓟州区,原本是一栋独立的农家小院。业主崇尚陶渊明的精神境界,尤其喜爱《归园田居》这首名作, 在小院改造之初,从“少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山”中为小院取名,是为丘山居。 丘山居所处的村庄位于著名的盘山风景区南侧,村庄四面环山,风景优美。津蓟...

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