


Liaojiaqiao Town, 2020

传统聚落的重生 凤凰古城,位于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州,是中国历史文化名城,曾被新西兰作家路易·艾黎称为中国最美丽的小城,享有“北平遥,南凤凰”之美誉。凤凰古城之外的苗乡,有鲜为人知的自然风光、美丽的苗族村寨、以及神秘厚重的民俗文化。整个村庄依山而建,村内石屋错...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Viti Books Bookstore

Beijing, 2021

The Design of Viti Books Bookstore-Late night study in southern Beijing 项目信息 / Project info 项目名称:Viti Books书店设计 Project name: The Design...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Space Improvement Plan for Zaiwan Village

Jiaozhu City, 2021

Background and original appearance: rural revitalization led by aesthetics and a three-no ordinary village Xiuwu County is located in Ji...


Qkids English Center

Xiamen, 2020

Qkids, a hugely successful online education platform, known for its high-quality online English courses to so far to more than 800,000 st...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of…

Beijing, 2021

Reconstruction of Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of Fine Arts Space production stimulates knowledge and art production Recons...

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