
10 Design

Haisco Plaza

Chengdu, 2022

A Green Community Centre in Chengdu’s New High-Tech Zone Designed by international architecture practice 10 Design (part of Egis Group)...



上海市青浦区, 2005

项目介绍 接待中心位于上海青浦淀山湖西岸,由一栋会所和三栋客房楼及其花园组成,是一处具有田园郊野特色的高级度假及会议接待设施。基地北、东两侧临水,北侧临河有一处船坞;场地东半部是以高大香樟和广玉兰为主的茂密树林。 在细致的江南乡野景色中营造建筑是...



上海, 2004

项目介绍 C楼作为学院主楼的扩建主要用于科研和研究生教学,用地局促,西侧紧邻学院主楼,北侧紧靠校园围墙。我们将这栋新楼的显现理解为对这一校园边角沉默基地的“隐匿”潜力的揭示,试图重新确立它与校园、主楼及城市的关系。这是一个充分鼓励使用者...

10 Design


珠海, 2012

本设计于中国珠海十字门商务区的门户大桥设计竞赛中获胜。 这座特色大桥是通往中国珠海十字门商务枢纽的门户。桥体与水面交相呼应形成重影,象征着中国繁荣的文明。 IO (拾稼设计)和 Buro Happold 近期赢得了该项宏伟工程的设计竞赛与建筑设计合同。获胜的大桥方案(水面...


Horizon Yacht FD90 Hull 22

Taiwan, 2022

Der taiwanesische Yachtbauer Horizon Yachts hat im Januar 2022 die 22. Yacht aus der Reihe FD 90 fertiggestellt: FD90 Hull 22. Die Vier-K...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Limestone Gallery

Anlong, 2017

Here is Anlong county in Southwest Guizhou province, where is the start point of Via ferrata in Anlong Limestone Resort. The destination ...

CL3 Architects

Nina Ballroom & Nina Bridal Suite


L'hotel Nina et Convention Centre Rebranding Project | New interpretation of Brand Upgrade and Spatial Art Project name: Nina Ballroom &a...



Beijing, 2017


3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Ding Hui Yuan Zen & Tea Chamber

Beijing, 2016

This is a factory renovation project. Rebuilt into an office in its latest renovation, the old factory experienced several times of renov...


Shanghai Suhe MixC World

Shanghai, 2022

Shanghai Suhe MixC World | Kokaistudios' New Urban Green Land Blends heritage, culture and retail Located on Shanghai’s Suzhou Creek, Sh...



上海市四平路1239号, 2006

同济大学中法中心位于校园东南角,西临校园内现存最老的建筑物一二九大楼和一二九纪念园,南侧为运动场,东侧紧靠四平路。基地西北角为保留的旭日楼,其南侧正对西面一二九纪念园有一片水杉林,基地内另有9棵散落的雪松、梧桐、槐树、柳树等需要保留。 我们把这一建筑看作建筑形...

Studio Georges Hung

Great Wall Technology Headquarters Tower


1+1=1 Cities are, by definition and nature, spaces of permanent changes. Its mutating physiognomy reveals its intentions a...


Citic Square

Shanghai, 2022

CITIC SQUARE Renovation | Pixels Within Pixels: Bring a Historic Commercial Corner up to Date Dynamic and futuristic, Kokaistudios’ late...


Lingbao Children’s Center

Lingbao, 2020

A Park Embedded into Community Lingbao City is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. This was a ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort

Anlong, 2017

Over the Hills: Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort Anlong Limestone Resort is located in a karst canyon of Dushan Town, Anlong Co...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital

Nanjing, 2012

Nanjing is an ancient Chinese capital, a traditional city. It has also become a megalopolis, one of the most populated cities in the worl...


Ningbo Urban Planning Exhibition Center

Ningbo, 2019

Shortly after the successful collaboration for the German Pavilion at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the two practices playze and Schmidhuber...

Rural Urban Framework

A House For All Seasons

Shijia Village, 2012

DESIGNER: John Lin / The University of Hong Kong CONTACT: [email protected]...



上海市青浦区练塘镇, 2007

项目介绍 练塘是上海青浦西南角的水乡小镇,这里源远流长的水乡文化并没有成为场景化的风情旅游消费对象,而是在现代化的进程中仍充满生机地自我更新着。本项目的设计将延续这种发展方向,探索对传统江南建筑内在结构的继承与更新以及地方建筑特征的内化。作为基层行政机构的镇政...



Beijing, 2016

项目地处798艺术街区,改建更新对象由3栋坡屋面砖砌房子(先为画廊和展馆)和南侧广场组成。在此基础上,北侧新建两栋房屋,一栋主要用于展览,另一栋用作儿童艺术教育。 整体建筑延续798的艺术性格,将798广场作为一个起点空间从整个798中提炼出来,设计部分强调工业感和机...

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