
hcreates interior design

Cobra Lily

Shanghai, 2017

Cobra Lily is a Pan-Asian restaurant and bar located in Shanghai's popular Xintandi complex. Designed around a mysterious femme fatale, t...



Shenzhen, 2023

受袜子品牌上森派系委托,〇筑设计于深圳壹方城完成中岛店设计:花园小岛。 此中岛店位于地铁及扶梯出入口,轮廓呈椭圆形。由于商铺功能较多,兼具不同品类的售卖及储存功能,因此如何高效利用空间,并在短时间内吸引人流成为设计首要考量。 由于品牌主要消费人群为都市青年,其产...

Studio Link-Arc

NSFL School

Shenzhen, 2018

Garden in the Urban Forest CRLand NSFL is a 54,000 m² elementary and middle school campus, comprising regular and specialized classrooms...


Progenius Park

Ningbo, 2021

Progenius Park is different from a buyer's shop in that it is a “Styling” retail that combine bricks and clicks. It provides consumers wi...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Ministry Of Crab Restaurant Lounge

Wuhou District Chengdu, 2022

The Twin Towers on Jiaozi Avenue in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, have become one of the most popular landmarks in the last two years. Situa...



临安, 2018

乡村实验中的自然构筑 项目基地位于杭州西部山区中,是一个拥有140户农户的自然村落。猪圈的主要建筑材料采用了原场地生长的毛竹构建和溪坑卵石砌筑,工匠陈师傅是场地农民的大儿子,工人和材料均来自当地。设计过程中对动物的习性做了研究,并将轮牧方式和饲养场地作了规划。猪群有专...



休宁, 2016

齐云山树屋,位于中国安徽省黄山市西33公里处的休宁县境内,地属齐云山风景区。簇拥在一片红雪松(red cedar)林区。 树屋总高约十一米,与周边成熟树龄的红雪松同高。整座房子由七个二到三米见方的房间相叠而成,房间分别是玄关(entrance hall),两个卧室,两...

Various Associates

Voisin Organique Restaurant & Lounge

Shenzhen, 2019

Situated in Upper Hills, Futian District, Shenzhen, Voisin Organique is a farm-to-table restaurant features contemporary Chinese cuisine....

Prol Lighting

Xinxiang Cultural Tourism Center

Xinxiang, 2021

The Fantasy adventure of Magic and The Frozen Xinxiang, known as Muye in ancient times, is one of the important cities in the Central Pl...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2013

现存空间是一个两层高的轻钢玻璃体块,南北35米,东西5米,西面依靠着另一座房子的外侧砖墙,东面是园区停车场。 我们感到白天中无处不在的光线和停车场的景象很难使人放松,层高过低使人感到沉闷压抑,空间比例过于扁长使人找不到归属感。 ...

Plasma Studio

Sunken Garden

Beijing, 2013

As one of the designer gardens of 2013 Beijing Horticultural Exposition, Sunken Garden is located in Fengtai Region of Beijing. The conce...


Little Catch

Shanghai, 2015

Located on one of Shanghai’s busiest streets alive with local food stalls, small restaurants, shops and sidewalk activity, ...



Beijing, 2021

⼉童是我们的未来和希望。日趋多元化的儿童空间为孩子们带来了更丰富的成长体验与更多的亲子互动,也让家长们能更好陪伴孩子的成长。 杜兹设计的最新⼒作 — Beijing Kids Town(北京童乐荟)⽇前揭开⾯纱,作为北京城南最大的儿童主题街区,占地约14,000平方米...



Shenzhen, 2018



"Zone out Space"——Aranya Theatre Festival…

Qinhuangdao, 2021

"Migratory Birds 300", an important sector of Aranya Theatre Festival, requires a temporary building to exhibit images and installation...

Slade Architecture

Barbie Cafe

Shanghai, 2008

Slade Architecture designed the Barbie Café and B-Bar on the sixth floor of the Barbie Flagship store in Shanghai, China as an imm...


Qingli Hotel

Beihai , 2015

The projects starts with an invitation from one 80’s couple, they like to make a small hotel after they visited Weizhou Island. It is my ...

ALG 建筑照明计划株式会社


杭州, 2015

开发商:万科企业股份有限公司 建筑师:罗伯特・斯特恩  纽约,美国 -新照明新高端住宅大楼在杭州- 纽约的建筑师罗伯特已经在美国各主要城市设计了很多住宅综合大楼。他们的风格是运用吊灯和壁灯把机能和优雅融入到当代的古典建筑,...


Kaohsiung Station

Kaohsiung, 2024

The new Kaohsiung Station is the crowning achievement of the massive Kaohsiung Metropolitan Area Underground Railway Project, which inclu...


Wulumuqi Road Apartment

Shanghai, 2010

The alteration and addition of Wulumuqi Road Apartment took advantage of what was an interpretation of a local policy of urban beautifica...



香港, 2016

珠海學院新校舍的建築,充份突顯一所高度互連互扣的學府。設計參考了香港這高密度都市的特質,把垂直功能叠加及立體交通的概念溶入校舍的設計中,把珠海學院設計成一個高度連扣,高度密集的城市縮影。 設計亦有圖書館橋及學生會橋橫跨裙樓草坡上空,既連接了東、西兩翼,亦構成了一個標誌...

10 Design

Nanjing Dajiaochang Airport Mixed Development


10 Design releases new plans for a transport-oriented retail destination in Nanjing Jointly led by Design Partners, Chin Yong Ng and Luk...


水城会客厅 - 南昌蔚来“牛屋”

南昌, 2021

成立于2014年的NIO蔚来是一家全球化的智能电动汽车品牌,它不仅专注于提供高性能的汽车产品,还在全球各地打造“牛屋(NIO House)”,以期建立起活跃的用户社群。在总结完开设大体量旗舰店的经验后,品牌定下新的设计标准并应用于各城市新店的设计中。在此背景下,芝作室受邀为...



上海, 2005

基地与任务 上海中心城区北边有一片占地约150亩的“孤岛”状湿地,因历史原因数十年来一直保持着自然状态,现 在被规划为新江湾城开发区中的生态保护区,成为新城公共绿化系统的一部。由于该脆弱的生态环境只能承...



昆山, 2010

建筑设计界中目前流行这样一种做法,就是将一个复杂庞大的工程设计归结到一个与使用功能或基地无多少关系,但外观独特的符号形象上。这种假大空的做法规避了特定环境中人的复杂功能需要, 同时在形式上也通常缺少真正的创意。西方有些建筑评论家很恰当地称之为“一句话&rdquo...

GL Studio

EACHWAY Building

Shenzhen, 2010

EACHWAY is a famous fashion brand of the Leaf Costume Company. The complex, sited at The Shenzhen Costume Industrial Park, combines manuf...



天津, 2012

2010夏天,我们受业主之邀,为其在天津塘沽区的自用办公楼进行室内空间的改造设计。我们所面对的是一栋已经建成的标准的三层独栋办公楼,总面积为1200平米。现状平面规整,层与层之间靠消防楼梯和电梯相连。空间格局虽然紧凑,却显得较为刻板僵硬。 项目...

Slade Architecture

Barbie Shanghai

Shanghai, 2008

The 35,000 square foot store is the first ever Barbie Flagship. Mattel wanted a store where “Barbie is hero,” expressing Barb...

W2 Architects



The three egg shaped tower, on the mountains of Ninghai near Ningbo city, tries to emulate the notion of nature and mountainous terrain a...


Timeless Beacon

Taiping Xu, Nanhai, 2023

Timeless Beacon- Ma Yansong's new work brings a sense of rebirth to an abandoned market Ma Yansong was invited by Guangdong Nanhai Art F...



广州市, 2015


HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Gaggenau & Next125 Experience Store

Wuhou District, Chengdu, 2022

After centuries of evolution, the kitchen has become the center of the home and family of human beings, both literally and figuratively. ...

Atelier Alter Architects

BIT Sports Center in Beijing

Beijing, 2009

Located in Liangxiang, the satellite city of Beijing, the BIT Sports Center, along with the BIT Stadium, frame an entrance to the new BIT...

Rockery Han Landscape Architects

Olympic Forestry Park

Beijing, 2008

For the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, we have been commissioned to take charge of the design and construction for the main scenic spot n...


Xitang Naera Art Gallery

Xitang Town, Jiashan County, 2021

The Xitang East Area under construction is the eastward expansion of the old town of Xitang, a well preserved ancient canal town in the S...


Moganshan Power Plant Redevelopment Planning

Hangzhou, 2009

“Jewelry Box” is a planning proposal that aim at revitalize the Moganshan Power Plant campus to the north of the famous touri...

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