

Red Note House on the Horizon

Anji, 2019

Shanchuan Township, surrounded by mountains, which is located at the southernmost tip of Anji County, Hangzhou City, China. We designed a...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


上海, 2016


DnA Design and Architecture

Huiming Tea Workshop

Jingning, 2020

Jingning County, part of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, is the only She ethnic minority autonomous county in China. The She ethnic minor...



上海市青浦区, 2005

项目介绍 接待中心位于上海青浦淀山湖西岸,由一栋会所和三栋客房楼及其花园组成,是一处具有田园郊野特色的高级度假及会议接待设施。基地北、东两侧临水,北侧临河有一处船坞;场地东半部是以高大香樟和广玉兰为主的茂密树林。 在细致的江南乡野景色中营造建筑是...


Nationalmuseum China, Neubau

Peking, 2011

Die Herausforderung bestand darin für ein Gebäude mit 191.000 m² Gesamtfläche, das bis zu 30.000 Besucher pro Tag aufnehmen kann, um eine...


WeWork Weihai Lu, China Flagship Location

Shanghai, 2016

WeWork Weihai Lu is nestled in a turn of the century brick building; a former opium factory and artist residence. This building is surrou...


AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investmant Bank)

Peking, 2019

Dieses Projekt zeigt das neue Arbeitsumfeld des Hauptsitzes der Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) als multinationale Bank mit M...



南京, 2010

自古以来,中国人对于石头就有非常特殊的感情。玉石,作为石头中的帝王,自很久以前就被中国人喜爱,收藏。2010年,长三角区域最大的玉石店—翠佛堂找到XÜK工作室。委托其将位于南京德基广场的翠佛堂分店进行室内的重新设计。 我们从翠佛堂的介...



北京海淀区, 2010

德厚院咖啡书店 “标准营造”小尺度城市改造实验 “德厚院”位于北大清华之间的成府路上,由一个长达十个开间的珩车车间的两跨空间改造而成。空间原有面积约280平米,宽12米,深24米,高...

Atelier DYJG


山东省龙口市, 2014

林苑位于龙口市老城中心,面积约为26 ha。地块四面为城市道路,南部隔着港城大道为城市文化广场,东、西、北三面隔道路为居住区。林苑曾是一片空地,在2007年进行了简单粗放的绿化,形成一片林地,作为开放性的公园,可满足基本的散步和休息需要。由于设施不足、功能单一、景观单调,市...


Grand Theatre Tianjin

Tianjin, 2012

Für das Grand Theatre ist die Fassadenbeleuchtung bestimmend. Die Besonderheit der LED - Konturenbeleuchtung ist die Integration in die F...

CL3 Architects

H Zentre


Project name: H Zentre Project type: Commercial + Retail Interior design: CL3 Architects Limited (https://www.cl3.com/) Design team: Will...


Simmons Asia next generation of shops - Elite…


设计着重于顾客的购物体验和他们在店里徜徉的路径是:一个极简的,精炼的,以及不断回环反复的空间令顾客可以在床之间徘徊并不断试用,同时销售人员可以与他们保持眼神的交流,并随时提供协助。极简的设计也将床烘托成为空间的主体。 声音,水,雨滴,蓝色,我们...



Gaobeidian Beijing, 2007

A SOHO housing proposal for the development of an art gallery district at an suburb of Beijing. We proposed a collection of rectangular b...

Atelier DYJG


福建省厦门市, 2007

项目位置:福建省厦门市 委托单位:厦门市市政园林局 面积:676hm2 设计竞赛:2004年/第一名 规划及建成时间:2004-2007年 获奖:2007年度美国风景园林师协会 分析与规划类...


Floating Islands of Sky

Chengdu, 2021

DESCRIPTION Floating Islands of Sky -A Cluster of Artificial Islands and Pontoon Bridge In Between of Lake and Sky A special kind of st...


Qingdao Grand Theater

Qingdao, 2010

Das Grand Theater liegt im Laoshan District an einem neu erschaffenen Park, der sich vom Meer bis zu den Füßen des Laoshangebirges erstre...

Neugebauer + Rösch Architekten

EMAG Jintan

Jintan, 2014

Ein langes Dach kennzeichnet den Eingang zu diesem neuartigen Industriebau. Mit der Doppel-T-Struktur werden die Abläufe von Montage, Pro...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

Tittot - Museum of Glass

Taipei City

Conceiving of a Garden physiology. The project began as a prototype entry and as the open call for entries was extended, a specific site,...


Simmons Asia next generation of shops - Premier…


设计着重于顾客的购物体验和他们在店里徜徉的路径是:一个极简的,精炼的,以及不断回环反复的空间令顾客可以在床之间徘徊并不断试用,同时销售人员可以与他们保持眼神的交流,并随时提供协助。极简的设计也将床烘托成为空间的主体。 声音,水,雨滴,蓝色,我们...

Various Associates

Undefined Future Home

Shanghai, 2020

Various Associates Conceives an Undefined Future Home The global pandemic last year has brought essential changes to domestic life, and...

BLU architekten

Housing Binhai Avenue

Qingdao, 2007

Der geplante Tunnel unter der Quingdao Bucht zwischen Altstadt und der Halbinsel Phönix ist Voraussetzung für die zukünftige städtebaulic...

HHF Architects


Lijiang, 2007

To appreciate the Treehouse in all its beauty and simplicity one must be prepared to listen. The house shows a conversation, a genuine di...

Environmental Planning Studio

Dooshion E Park SOHO Project

Beijing, 2017

[credits] architect: Ken Hashimoto/EPS co-architect: Yasuaki Okada/Yas Architects co-designer: Miki Takayama [data] location: Beijing, C...

Environmental Planning Studio

Tibet Hotel Project

Tibet, 2017

[credit] architect: Ken Hashimoto/EPS co-architect: Yasuaki Okada/Yas Architects co-designer: Miki Takayama [data] location: Tibet, Chin...

Plasma Studio

International Horticultural Expo

Xi'An, 2011

The World Horticultural Expo has become instigator and hub for the redevelopment of a large area between the airport and the centre of Xi...

Studio Georges Hung

Poly Cultural Centre

Shenzhen, 2009

The design of the Poly Cultural Centre is a response to the ambition of the China Poly Group and the district of Nansan in Shenzhen to cr...

BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

OPPO Headquarters

Hangzhou, 2021

Founded in 2004, OPPO has grown over a short period of time to become China’s largest smartphone company. The setting of OPPO’s new R&...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Shede Visitors Center

Tuopai, 2019

Location + Site The project is in a company town named Tuopai Zhen in Sichuan where the distillery of Shede, an old liquor brand in China...



上海市四平路1239号, 2006

同济大学中法中心位于校园东南角,西临校园内现存最老的建筑物一二九大楼和一二九纪念园,南侧为运动场,东侧紧靠四平路。基地西北角为保留的旭日楼,其南侧正对西面一二九纪念园有一片水杉林,基地内另有9棵散落的雪松、梧桐、槐树、柳树等需要保留。 我们把这一建筑看作建筑形...

Hou Liang Architecture

The Earth Memorial

Sichuan, 2008

Time: 2008.06 Location: Sichuan, China Building area:10,492 m2 The Great Earth Memorial —&mdash...

Various Associates

(SO)What Chengdu

Chengdu, 2021

Free Soul on the Stage Prelude Don't know Don't care I choose what I like So what? Taking "Don't know, Don't care" as the core brand val...

Studio Link-Arc

Shenzhen Avic Fraser Suite Hotel

Shenzhen, 2016

Located in the center of Shenzhen Huaqiangbei district, this project called for the renovation of an existing building into a 200 room bo...


Midwest Inland Port Financial Town

Xi’an, 2015

Maike Metals Group (Maike) is one of China’s biggest non-ferrous metal suppliers and traders with the largest trading volume of copper ca...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Persimmon Garden

Weihai, 2018

Known as “xiangdi” in ancient China, site investigation and selection is the first step of the design work. Lots of fruit trees grow on t...


Taiwan Glass

Fujian, 2011

Für den neuen Firmensitz für Taiwans größten Glashersteller Taiwan Glass in Fujian (China), wurde ein 4.200 m² großes Bürogebäude, vom Ku...

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