

Dodo Art Museum

Beijing, 2017

Dodo Art Museum is located in the northeast part of Beijing Xiedao Resort, it occupies the former site of an idle factory building of uns...



西藏,林芝, 2008


Helin & Co Architects

Icon Apartments

Chengdu, 2016

Chengdu has been the capital of the province of Sichuan since 1368. Archaeological discoveries have proved that the population history of...



武汉市, 2011

层出不穷的地标建筑争奇斗艳,已不再代表我们的进步。建筑和都市设计的未来,在其核心,必须去平衡和启发一种新的关于人与自然和城市的关系。 武汉“天城”包含了三个核心元素:都市村庄、特殊的摩天楼、和公园。都市村庄引进了一些新的文化、商业和休闲服务设施。它近人的尺度和动态的空...

EXH Planning Architecture Interior


上海, 2009


10 Design

Lakefront Shopping Mall in Zhuhai

Zhuhai, 2021

International architecture practice, 10 Design (part of Egis group), welcomes shoppers to the 117,000sqm designed mall that sits on the e...

Holzer Kobler Architekturen

REN: Good Design – GOOD GUYS

Peking, 2011

In Peking fand vom 28.09. - 17.10. 2011 die „First Beijing International Design Triennial“ statt. Fünf internationale Kuratorenteams sin...


Jinlong Prefab School

Shenzhen, 2020

In 2018, Crossboundaries designed a 36-classroom school, to be located in the newly established Pingshan district in the Chinese metropol...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Stone Nest Amphitheatre

Weihai, 2019

Stage under Starlit Sky Stone Nest Amphitheatre in Weihai, Shandong Province A base emerging from reading of site and location In its p...



Beijing, 2021

中国的大环境在改革开放二十几年以来产生了巨大的变化,然而,在北京市郊怀柔区的北沟村却依然保持着一幅旧模样。 北沟,顾名思义,是北方村落的一处山沟,因为土地贫瘠,长期被外界和村民所嫌弃。2005年,北沟村新村委书记上任,目睹北沟村的萧条与荒芜,不甘贫穷落后的他决心带领村...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Dianjiang Bagu·Suji

Chongqing, 2020

To live and stroll in the paddy fields, halfway up the mountain Architectural design of Dianjiang Bagu·Suji in Chongqing 场地:海拔800米的自然村,...



上海市青浦区, 2007

项目介绍 青浦夏阳·千禧商务中心位于青浦新城区,基地南临青湖路,西濒横港河,北部紧邻35KV变电站,用地狭小局促。青湖路与横港河的交叉口在城市空间中位置显要,需要挤压建造场地留出基地西侧相对开阔的滨水景观空间,剩下的场地中需要同时容纳商务中心与社...

hcreates interior design

Switching Time

Shanghai, 2020

FUTURE INVESTMENT THROUGH DESIGN AND COLOUR A colourful and fresh new space for this energetic and successful Shanghai based Integrated C...

CL3 Architects

Nina Ballroom & Nina Bridal Suite


L'hotel Nina et Convention Centre Rebranding Project | New interpretation of Brand Upgrade and Spatial Art Project name: Nina Ballroom &a...


San Sa Village

Beijing, 2019

"San Sa", formerly named as "The Third Hometown", refers to a social space created for an introspective group of people who seek a space ...


Assemble by Réel

Shanghai, 2022

When Dynamic Angles Meet “Urban Fragments” – For the most recent expansion of multi-brand store, ASSEMBLE by Réel , Kokaistudios applied...

HHF Architects


Lijiang, 2007

To appreciate the Treehouse in all its beauty and simplicity one must be prepared to listen. The house shows a conversation, a genuine di...

Zephyr Architects


江苏, 2010



Beijing Poly Plaza

Beijing, 2023

Adapting a pair of closed-off, outdated commercial buildings to resonate with a new era, Kokaistudios breathes life and light into a chal...

Atelier XI

Library in Ruins

Jiaozuo, 2020

In the beginning, the architect received the original commission to design a 300-square-meter public building for facilitating the county...


水城会客厅 - 南昌蔚来“牛屋”

南昌, 2021

成立于2014年的NIO蔚来是一家全球化的智能电动汽车品牌,它不仅专注于提供高性能的汽车产品,还在全球各地打造“牛屋(NIO House)”,以期建立起活跃的用户社群。在总结完开设大体量旗舰店的经验后,品牌定下新的设计标准并应用于各城市新店的设计中。在此背景下,芝作室受邀为...

Atelier Right Hub

Sound Therapy of Singing Bowl|Soul Realm SPA…

Hangzhou, 2021

When we are in the post-pandemic period, the pandemic discussion has shifted from un-derstanding the spread of the COVID-19 virus to cons...


Meixi Urban Helix

Changsha, 2017

Das Konzept inszeniert den Anfangspunkt der neuen Stadtachse am Meixi See im Südwesten Changshas und schafft einen multifunktionalen, öff...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

B Garden

Xinyang, 2017

B Garden, Pastorale in Da-Bie Mountains Project Background: Dilapidated Dwellings in the Hinterland of the Dabie Mountains Located in Xi...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Space Improvement Plan for Zaiwan Village

Jiaozhu City, 2021

Background and original appearance: rural revitalization led by aesthetics and a three-no ordinary village Xiuwu County is located in Ji...


Jiading Science and Cultural Exhibition Center

Shanghai, 2011

This project is in collaboration with standardarchitecture. The project locates in the Jiading New City, one of the most developed ...

10 Design

Fushan Primary School


Led by Design Partner Ted Givens, 10 Design has just completed the new Fushan Primary School, which will serve as an educational and comm...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2013

现存空间是一个两层高的轻钢玻璃体块,南北35米,东西5米,西面依靠着另一座房子的外侧砖墙,东面是园区停车场。 我们感到白天中无处不在的光线和停车场的景象很难使人放松,层高过低使人感到沉闷压抑,空间比例过于扁长使人找不到归属感。 ...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

UFIDA Software R+ D Center


UFIDA, 2004 UF Soft R&D Center consists of three inter-connected buildings. Two courtyards arise in between the buildings...



西藏林芝, 2008



Shanghai Suhe MixC World

Shanghai, 2022

Shanghai Suhe MixC World | Kokaistudios' New Urban Green Land Blends heritage, culture and retail Located on Shanghai’s Suzhou Creek, Sh...

CL3 Architects

Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan

Beijing, 2019

Project Name: Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan Category: Hospitality Completion Time: April 2019 Site Area: 15,625 m² Location: Beijing, Chi...

Various Associates

SND Sanya

Sanya, 2021

SND Sanya designed by Various Associates creates a spatial experience of moving in waves. Sunshine, sea waves, light Sanya on Hainan Is...

Various Associates

Pavilion for Design in Bay Area Exhibition

Shenzhen, 2020

Breaking Boundaries | Chair, Desk, Wall or Architecture? Entrusted by Shenzhen Institute of Interior Design, Various Associates conceive...


Beijing Image

Beijing, 2005

Beijing Image Residential This residential housing project, located at the corner of the forth ring road and Fucheng Road ...

Jiakun Architects

He Duoling Studio

Xipu, Chengdu, 1996

He Duoling Studio Site: Xipu, Chengdu, Sichuan Client: HE Duoling Designer: LIU Jiakun (co-worker: QI...

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