

San Sa Village

Beijing, 2019

"San Sa", formerly named as "The Third Hometown", refers to a social space created for an introspective group of people who seek a space ...

DnA Design and Architecture

Changbaishan 3 Public Activity Centers

Changbaishan, 2010

Changbaishan is a mountain that’s running across three provinces in northeast China, also forms a natural boundary between China and Nort...

Prol Lighting

Conrad Hangzhou Tonglu

Hangzhou, 2019

Explore the light: look up at the bright moon with remembrances of light Chapter 1 Located in the heartland of the golden tourist area c...


Hygiene Station for Cattlefield Village School

Lincang, 2017

Cattlefield Village Primary School is in a mountainous region of western Yunnan Province, China. The original school was built in 2010, i...

Atelier Deshaus


上海, 2011


BNKR Arquitectura

Taiwan Tower

Taichung, 2011

We started the proposal with a simple but relevant question: How to conceive an icon landmark for Taichung? Our research explored a wide ...


Lane 189

Shanghai, 2016

Lane 189, located in the Putuo district in central Shanghai - opposite Chang Shou Park and close to the Jade Buddha Temple - is designed ...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Hebei Education Publishing House

Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 2004

Building as a Miniature City Hebei Education Publishing House, Hebei, 2004 Yung Ho CHANG / Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Atelier Deshaus

Taizhou Contemporary Art Museum

Taizhou, 2015-2017

Taizhou Contemporary Art Museum is situated inside the Shamen Grain Depot Cultural and Creative Park with unique historical context. Taki...


Jiading Science and Cultural Exhibition Center

Shanghai, 2011

This project is in collaboration with standardarchitecture. The project locates in the Jiading New City, one of the most developed ...

Revery Architecture

Xiqu Centre

Hong Kong, 2019

The Xiqu Centre is the first performing arts centre in Hong Kong’s new West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) dedicated to performing the ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort

Anlong, 2017

Over the Hills: Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort Anlong Limestone Resort is located in a karst canyon of Dushan Town, Anlong Co...



大理, 2020

表演艺术中心位于大理苍山与洱海之间。低纬度高海拔的温润环境塑造了当地百姓独特的生活方式——劳作之余的人们,舞于田间,歌于山岭,户外的生活组成了多姿多彩的生活画卷。 建筑轻柔漂浮的屋顶受到了当地自然的启发,宛若苍山映于洱海的倒影,呼应着周围连绵的地形,吸引着游客的来访。...



贵州省, 2017


Jiakun Architects

He Duoling Studio

Xipu, Chengdu, 1996

He Duoling Studio Site: Xipu, Chengdu, Sichuan Client: HE Duoling Designer: LIU Jiakun (co-worker: QI...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2014



The Mountain View by Onexn Architects |…

Shenzhen, 2019

01 Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city a...


Beijing Poly Plaza

Beijing, 2023

Adapting a pair of closed-off, outdated commercial buildings to resonate with a new era, Kokaistudios breathes life and light into a chal...



深圳, 2017

项目介绍 总建筑面积: 4792 sqm 设计时间:2014—2017 建筑类型:实验建筑 这是一个半命题式的实验性地下空间项目,地面层必须作为公共绿地使用,地下层有条件地可作为创意型办公和和公共服务设施使用,但一个占地超过7000平米的地下,又如何能有...



Shanghai, 2017

当代中国人的生活方式是什么?这是我们在设计全季酒店时一直在探讨的问题,如果说「温、良、恭、俭、让」是我们对全季酒店的设计诠释,那「全季空。间」便是我们对当代中国生活的追求与延续。 作为品牌的精神传达,我们赋予空间大量的留白,所谓「空。间」,是以留白的、开阔的、静谧的空,让...

10 Design


珠海, 2021

由 10 Design 设计的中以产业及创意中心是中国和以色列联手打造的创新产业项目,将为珠海创新型企业提供研发办公空间的孵化器,来激发未来的思维。 项目的功能包括总部办公楼、灵活的办公空间、服务式公寓和小型展览馆等,提供世界级的设施,有利初创公司逐步成长至大型跨国公...

DnA Design and Architecture

Huiming Tea Workshop

Jingning, 2020

Jingning County, part of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, is the only She ethnic minority autonomous county in China. The She ethnic minor...


A Walking Box

Nanchang, 2019

In the Langqin Bay by the side of Aixi Lake in Nanchang City, there resides a kindergarten filled with elegant and delicate landscapes an...



北京, 2015

功能:艺术博物馆、剧场、城市博物馆、图书馆、电影院等 石景山文化中心地处北京西五环外,倚靠皇家珍视的风水宝地西山,北京的母亲河——永定河沿经流过。特殊的文脉奠定了设计的出发点,取义山水的做法也呼应了传统文化中崇尚自然的永恒主题。 不同于北京普遍的井字城市...


Tainan Public Library

Tainan, 2021

Mecanoo and MAYU’s design for the Tainan Public Library represents the meeting of cultures, generations and histories. Inspired by the lo...


LEO Digital Network

Shanghai, 2015

LEO digital network has been the top digital agency in Chinese network with digital marketing services from media to creative to e-commer...


Crossboundaries' Transformable Workplace

Beijing, 2021

Beyond workspace. Reinforcing innovation in resilience. By the end of 2020, the two most significant typologies for everyday use as a so...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center

Guangshan, 2019

Folded Horizontal Lines – Architectural Design of the Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center Location and background of Project The pr...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Shards of North K.

Beijing, 2022

Shards of North K. is a collection of 6 drawings made of stained glass, created for the exhibition “From Antung to Dandong: Rafts, Broken...

CAA Architects

Casa Talia

Parkview Green, Beijing, 2019

The project is located in Parkview Green, the most artistic commercial office complex in Beijing. In the "heart" of the nearly 100-meter-...



上海, 2004

基地与任务 闵行是上海近郊一个稠密的居住与工业区。本工程建筑面积4,400平方米, 位于该区内一个城市公园“生态园”中。本中心由公园管理楼及两个接待设施(“苇庄”...



西藏, 2011


Approach Architecture Studio

Tea House at Dananpo

Dananpo, 2020

The building is located at the Village Center in Da Nan Po. The architectural prototype of the building is a Yubei traditional vernacular...

Prol Lighting

Beijing CR Land Instreet

Beijing, 2020

Exploring the hidden value of light series People sit together while chatting and laughing, enjoying a slow and relaxing lifestyle. When...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


上海, 2018

栋栖改造了位于上海M50创意园区的一栋历史工业建筑顶层,作为安至品牌文化的概念店-安至熵场。熵场展示佛龛及其周边产品,同时也融入艺术家林万山的交互艺术装置--一个虚拟佛龛。旨在营造一个具有精神空间属性的零售展示空间。 空间的概念源自一个微微偏离原有空间平面几何中心...


Bridged House


The Bridged-House design links two existing houses of different ages and styles as one, spatially, aesthetically and spiritually, while k...

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