

NIO House

Shanghai, 2023

A new exclusive experience for NIO users traveling around the world – The core appeal of electric vehicle manufacturer NIO lies in its pr...

HHF Architects


Lijiang, 2007

To appreciate the Treehouse in all its beauty and simplicity one must be prepared to listen. The house shows a conversation, a genuine di...


「BRLOOTE Headquarters」Multi Utilization of…

Shaoxing City, 2024

“The architecture we are trying to create is integrated with the environment, featuring sharp forms that emerge within the existing cont...


Shenzhen Skypark

Shenzhen, 2021

在过去 40 年里,深圳从一个小渔村发展成为中国最具创新性的现代化城市之一。随 着人口从几千人迅速增长到今天的约 1700 万居民,已然发展成为一个世界级别的超 级城市。 这是一个充满活力的城市,超过 33% 的深圳人平均年纪不到 30 岁。生活工作在这 人口稠密的大都市...

Jiakun Architects


苏州市, 2017



Tulou Renovation

Nanjing, 2021

Nanjing County is located in the north-western part of China. The County is famous for its Hakka Tulou Complex, which was inscribed on th...

10 Design

CIFI Chengdu Wansheng TOD Project

International architecture practice, 10 Design (part of Egis Group), revealed plans for a 117,700sqm retail destination located within We...

Cameron Clarke

Close to Home


Neighbourhood Strategies for Bejing's Urban Psychiatric Care Close to Home' is a speculative architectural and research project which in...

CL3 Architects

InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City & L42…


InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City Opened on August 1st Client: CapitaLand Project name: InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City &a...

10 Design


Shenzhen, 2022

10 DESIGN 设计的深圳华润置地笋岗中心建设火热进行中 华润置地全新城市综合发展项目 —— 华润置地笋岗中心目前正在建设中,预计 2022 年第三季度完工。项目位于深圳市罗湖区有 “中华第一仓” 之称的笋岗片区,将会是汇聚人流的食尚焦点,提供 “同一屋檐下” 的...



深圳, 2015

项目介绍 总建筑面积: 1000sqm 设计时间:2014—2015 建筑类型:文化教育 景观资源最大化 北面是筒仓,因其极具雕塑感的体量和高度成为大成面粉厂最具特色的建筑,南面是太子湾繁忙港口的无敌海景。如何将两面景色纳入其中,成为其场所的特质,是...



深圳, 2015

项目介绍 总建筑面积: 1752sqm 设计时间:2014—2015 建筑类型:文化教育 标志物 筒仓一直被用作存储这个大成面粉厂的小麦等谷物原材料。这十个巨型的圆柱形筒仓在数十载的风雨中巍然而立,其最高处印刷着的“大成面粉“、”铁人面粉“八个大字并...


浙江省杭州市运河新城概念规划, 国际竞赛第一名


杭州是浙江省省会经济、文化、科教中心,国家历史文化名城和重要的风景旅游城市。杭州地处长江三角洲南翼,杭州湾西端,钱塘江下游,京杭大运河南端,是长江三角洲中心城市之一和中国东南部交通枢纽。 作为杭州主城区旅游中心及整个杭州国际化旅游发展最重要“秀场&...

in+of architecture

Museum of Mao Badges

Anren, 2004

Located in Anren County in the near suburbs of Chengdu, Jianchuan Museum Precinct is a cluster of multi-purpose buildings developed...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Jishou Art Museum

Jishou, 2019

A Social Cause The city of Jishou, where the Jishou Art Museum is located, is the regional capital of Xiangxi (western Hunan), a minorit...

10 Design

Lakefront Shopping Mall in Zhuhai

Zhuhai, 2021

International architecture practice, 10 Design (part of Egis group), welcomes shoppers to the 117,000sqm designed mall that sits on the e...

Hugo Kohno Architect Associates

Midwest Commodity Exchange Center


MCEC (Midwest Commodity Exchange Center) is a trade center for metal products located at a center of Xi’ an International Trade &am...


INSIDE OF é é é Symbiosis of flagship factory…

Shaoxing city, 2022

INSIDE OF é é é Symbiosis of flagship factory and retail design by Greater Dog Architects Inside of é é é is a place where gathering co...

Revery Architecture

Xiqu Centre

Hong Kong, 2019

The Xiqu Centre is the first performing arts centre in Hong Kong’s new West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) dedicated to performing the ...




爱马思艺术中心 爱马思艺术中心以“共生”作为主要理念,让新与旧、内与外、建筑与自然、艺术与人群之间和谐共生。本次改造合理运用了原有厂房空间,并在顶层和沿街面进行扩建,以此来满足美术馆未来多样的需求。 设计首先解构和整合了美术馆功能,在主展厅之外创造了新的...



广州, 2013

W酒店及公寓座落於廣州珠江新城中心區,於新城中軸線東側,基地景觀受到一定限制,西面為新城的主幹道 — 冼村路。另一側為民居。透過規劃佈局,於基地東側營造一個綠化內園,以酒店作為城市道路與內園的界面,為兩者提供一個過渡及融合點。 有別於一般封閉的內園,酒店及公寓為內園開...

Atelier Right Hub

Mirror Cube Hair Salon

Hangzhou, 2021

With consumption upgrade in China driving iteration of commercial scenes, Atelier right hub, a Chinese design studio which excels at reor...



广州, 2010




Shanghai, 2022

DUTS杜兹设计于2019年接受道生天合材料科技的委托,为其打造位于上海临港的总部办公园区,经过为期三年的建筑,室内,景观一体化打造与建设,园区已于近期(2022年)竣工投入使用。 全新的道生天合上海临港总部包含人性化办公空间,全新的现代化工厂,配备世界一流设备的研发...

DnA Design and Architecture

Tofu Factory

Songyang , 2018

Caizhai Village is a traditional mountain village built along Shicang River over the past two hundred years. The village has always been ...


2023 Asian Games Masterplan and Hybrid Buildings

Hangzhou, 2023

CHALLENGE Selected from a group of 5 international firms, Archi-Tectonics won this invited competition for the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzh...

10 Design

Mixed-use Outdoor Retail Destination in Kunming


10 Design Reveals Mixed-use Outdoor Retail Destination in Kunming, China International architecture practice, 10 Design, reveals the sc...

Atelier Right Hub

Alaker SPA House

Xi'an, 2023

Wellness-oriented spaces have become more than just places for pampering and relaxing during the global pandemic. The value of feeling sa...



北京海淀区, 2010

德厚院咖啡书店 “标准营造”小尺度城市改造实验 “德厚院”位于北大清华之间的成府路上,由一个长达十个开间的珩车车间的两跨空间改造而成。空间原有面积约280平米,宽12米,深24米,高...

The Architectural Design & Research Institute

Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic…

Lianzhou, 2020

Bridge is a kind of structure built based on the terrain, and also a sort of art that symbolizes connection and communication. Located in...

10 Design


珠海, 2012

本设计于中国珠海十字门商务区的门户大桥设计竞赛中获胜。 这座特色大桥是通往中国珠海十字门商务枢纽的门户。桥体与水面交相呼应形成重影,象征着中国繁荣的文明。 IO (拾稼设计)和 Buro Happold 近期赢得了该项宏伟工程的设计竞赛与建筑设计合同。获胜的大桥方案(水面...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2013

现存空间是一个两层高的轻钢玻璃体块,南北35米,东西5米,西面依靠着另一座房子的外侧砖墙,东面是园区停车场。 我们感到白天中无处不在的光线和停车场的景象很难使人放松,层高过低使人感到沉闷压抑,空间比例过于扁长使人找不到归属感。 ...

Studio Georges Hung

VC-PE Tower

Shenzhen, 2015

The VC&PE Tower creates a new perspective on the city of Shenzhen. It forms the most visually distinctive landmark tower within the N...

Atelier Deshaus

Plot D, The R&D and innovative port of Anting…

Shanghai, 2009-2015

The R&D and innovative port of Anting International Automobile City, which is situated northwest to the suburb of Shanghai, is a proj...

Atelier Right Hub

Wu Residence

Hengdian, 2018

Atelier RIGHT HUB initiated the project by questioning the fundamentals of the “house” typology itself, asking themselves: How can we fre...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Ding Hui Yuan Zen & Tea Chamber

Beijing, 2016

This is a factory renovation project. Rebuilt into an office in its latest renovation, the old factory experienced several times of renov...

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