
Ferrier Marchetti Studio

Yidian Office Complex

Shanghai, 2015

Mission   In February 2011, Jacques Ferrier Architecture’s firm won a c...


Liuzhou Suiseki hall

Liuzhou, 2012

Liuzhou city in Guangxi province is a beautiful ancient town. Liujiang River washed out a island of dozens of square kilometers which sha...

ShuShe Architecture


北京, 2012


Rural Urban Framework

Mulan Primary School

Huaiji County, 2012

The Mulan Primary school is located close to Huaiji, a town of approximately 100,000 in Guangdong Province. Working with the local educat...

Parallect Design

Lim Pizza Store

Suzhou, 2021

LIM PIZZA is located in Lvbao Square pedestrian street, Huqiu District, Suzhou. The site of this project is a square storefront which cov...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...

Atelier Right Hub

Mymory Boutique Hotel

Hangzhou, 2019

MYMORY boutique hotel in a rural old house is located in the foothill of Tianmu mountain scenic spot in Taihuyuan, Lin’an, Hangzhou. Surr...

Atelier DYJG


浙江省杭州市, 2003

位置:浙江省杭州市 委托单位:杭州市园林文物管理局 面积:760hm2 设计竞赛:2001年/第1名 可行性研究及初步规划阶段:北京林业大学园林学院/ 北京多义景观规划设计事务所 详细规划及设计阶段:杭州...


Midwest Inland Port Financial Town

Xi’an, 2015

Maike Metals Group (Maike) is one of China’s biggest non-ferrous metal suppliers and traders with the largest trading volume of copper ca...



Chengdu, 2021

Since its establishment, the A8 Design Center has been committed to holding diversified and interesting crossover activities, and providi...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Viti Books Bookstore

Beijing, 2021

The Design of Viti Books Bookstore-Late night study in southern Beijing 项目信息 / Project info 项目名称:Viti Books书店设计 Project name: The Design...



衡水, 2018

场地与历史 衡水湖湿地公园与衡水市区之间,曾经有一块芦苇丛生的洼地,多年来周边工厂的排污令这里的水质和土壤环境收到严重伤害。作为旷野中唯一的建筑,砖窑高耸的烟囱极有辨识性。随着国家保护耕地,禁用实心黏土砖的政策,这类曾经遍布城乡的霍夫曼窑,瞬间退出历史舞台。这座砖窑也...

Studio Link-Arc

Shanghai Future Park (Dynamo)

Shanghai, 2017

Located in the Zhangjiang District of Shanghai, to the east of Pudong, Shanghai Future Park is the meant to form a new centerpiece for th...


Red Note House on the Horizon

Anji, 2019

Shanchuan Township, surrounded by mountains, which is located at the southernmost tip of Anji County, Hangzhou City, China. We designed a...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Persimmon Garden

Weihai, 2018

Known as “xiangdi” in ancient China, site investigation and selection is the first step of the design work. Lots of fruit trees grow on t...

Hou Liang Architecture

The Earth Memorial

Sichuan, 2008

Time: 2008.06 Location: Sichuan, China Building area:10,492 m2 The Great Earth Memorial —&mdash...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.


Chengdu, 2022

项目地点:中国 · 成都 项目面积:1427㎡ 室内设计:IN.X屋里门外设计 设计主创:吴为 设计网站:www.inxid.com 设计团队:刘晨阳、贾琦峰、周勇 室内陈设:金升旭、应哲光、宋江丽 项目摄影:郑焰 项目策划:楽品牌策略机构 文...

Lemanarc SA

Pudong New District Broadcast TV Center

Pudong, 2010

Pudong New Area Cultural Radio and Television Center Project is located in Zhoukang area of Pudong New Area, Shanghai, on the west side o...


Huludao Beach Exhibit Center

Huludao, 2011

META-Project has completed the Huludao Beach Exhibit Center, a project which re-established the relationship between the cultural activit...

TM Studio

Zhou Chunya Art Academy

Shanghai, 2010

Jiading District is one of the 18 districts of Shanghai in the North-West of Downtown. The district includes several towns, like Anting, ...



Beijing, 2021

小喜民宿位十号院于北京怀柔九渡河二道关,离黄花城水长城约六公里。二道关长城始建于南宋,是北京长城段的一处重要关隘,气势雄伟。古老的长城从村庄穿过,村落中多处可见烽火台和城墙遗址,别具特色。 小喜民宿是由多个院子组成的系列民宿,分散于二道关的村落之中,其中十号院与西侧的...



Beijing, 2017

自宅 该项目是在原有别墅基础上改建的建筑师自宅。 原建筑地下一层,地上两层,坐落在被相同房型环抱的社区之中。这是一个独立的住宅,除了一家人的居住,内部还有两间用于创作的工作室。此住宅试图在现代都市中创造出一片独立的世界以获得内心的安定与自由,并通过实木与金属材质的构建表达建...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...


Citic Square

Shanghai, 2022

CITIC SQUARE Renovation | Pixels Within Pixels: Bring a Historic Commercial Corner up to Date Dynamic and futuristic, Kokaistudios’ late...


Seeds of Time

Shanghai, 2016

SHANGHAI PROJECT CHAPTER 2 “SEEDS OF TIME” FIELD, SEQUENCE AND ROOMS The Shanghai Project is an ever evolving entity, with the launch...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Wan Wea Restaurant in Shimao Plaza Chengdu

Chengdu, 2021

Chengdu, a large city shrouded in smoky mist, is well known for the bustling restaurants by the People's Lake, the verdant trees in the p...



Shanghai, 2019

2018年长颈鹿美语Giraffe Elite落户徐汇滨江,这是一次全新的品牌升级,亦是中国第一家。新的品牌升级对设计提出了更高的要求。 项目伊始,当得知能在徐汇滨江这块幸福的地块设计一座新的长颈鹿美语的时候,我们是兴奋的。而面对这块长度达四十余米,总面积约600平米的空...


The Mountain View by Onexn Architects |…

Shenzhen, 2019

01 Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city a...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shuikou Area

Sanming, 2016

Shangping Village Regeneration - Shuikou Area Selected as one of the “historical and cultural villages” in Fujian Province, Shangping Vi...

Various Associates

Undefined Future Home

Shanghai, 2020

Various Associates Conceives an Undefined Future Home The global pandemic last year has brought essential changes to domestic life, and...



Suizhou, 2023

项目背景 千年银杏谷位于随州市曾都区洛阳镇,是世界上分布最密集、规模最大、保存最完好的古银杏群落之一。从2021年开始,中国乡村发展基金会携手随州市曾都区人民政府,以千年银杏谷的升级为契机,在洛阳镇开展乡村振兴活动,以百美村宿(大乐之野·银杏谷)为先导带动镇域的综合发展。...


Renovation of 5X7

Shaoxing city, 2023

“The greenest building is one that is already built.” —— Carl Elefante ADAPTIVE REUSE Recognize the value of all buildings, even when...

hcreates interior design

Lounge by Topgolf [Shanghai]

Shanghai, 2021

Topgolf is one of the world’s leading sports entertainment companies, famous for its fun and engaging venues combining active entertainme...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

809 Arsenal Relics – Hotel

Yichang City, 2020

The Revival of the Old Third-Front Renovation of the 809 Arsenal Relics – Hotel Background and original appearance: abandoned for a long...



宁波, 2016

概要 以综合生态系统服务为目标,引入梯田湿地景观解决场地高差,将原有的硬化河道进行曲化和生态化设计,并在水中植入树岛,将水流和营养流过程减慢,同时增加生物与水体的接触面,净化城市地表径流,并使河流的自净能力得以加强;在植被设计中,引入农业作物景观和一年生花卉轮作,将四...



Jingdezhen, 2020

御窑博物馆位于景德镇历史街区的中心,毗邻明清御窑遗址,在地段周边散落着很多大小不一的历史瓷窑遗址。 景德镇“因窑而生,因瓷而盛”, 砖窑不仅是景德镇城市的起源,更是人们赖以生存的生活与交往空间。景德镇的瓷窑,“保存着与这座城市的生命不可切割的记忆温度——旧时孩童在冬天...

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