
TM Studio

Dongs’ House Restaurant

Suzhou, 2003

Location: Pingjiang Road, Suzhou Design: 9/2003 - 11/2003 Construction: 11/2003 - 7/2004 Architect: TONG Ming, CHEN ...

Environmental Planning Studio

Shanghai Organic Fruits Farm/Visitor Center

Shanghai, 2013

Winning design of ICONIC DESIGN AWARDS 2013 [design concept] We designed the visitor center and landscape as a destination to promote th...

Hong Designworks

TAO Residence

Beijing, 2021

TAO Residence locates in Lincoln Park real estate, Beijing. The owner hopes this life space contains comfort and controllability, fill wi...


Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain

Boluo, 2018

“Rhizome” Labyrinth in the Forest — Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain Key words: rhizome, becoming, labyrinth Lying in mountains with a la...

hcreates interior design

Doc's Barbershop

Chengdu, 2019

The brief was to create a hiatus for the modern man that delivered a high-end, cut and shave barber experience with the addition of a bar...


Changchun Airport Terminal 3

Changchun, 2023

MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong, and in collaboration with China Airport Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. and Beijing Institut...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Gaggenau & Next125 Experience Store

Wuhou District, Chengdu, 2022

After centuries of evolution, the kitchen has become the center of the home and family of human beings, both literally and figuratively. ...



江苏省苏州市, 2007



é é é - BSH品牌总部建筑设计

Shaoxing City, 2021

BSH总部位于江南水城绍兴,它由大犬建筑设计团队设计。é é é 建筑作为BSH总部的核心,其独特的形态在城市中脱颖而出。这是一座集零售空间、办公空间、餐厅、研发生产、观光体验于一体的综合性功能建筑。BSH品牌专注于高端羽绒寝具产品,其产品经过原料-洗净-加工-检查-充填-...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tai Fu Tai Mansion Area

Sanming, 2016

Shangping Village Regeneration - Tai Fu Tai Mansion Area The last design area of the Shang Ping Village Regeneration is somewhere hidden...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


常州, 2018

坐落于常州的初饭轻食店,由栋栖设计,通过空间的限定和材料的选择,将活跃轻快、温润质朴的品牌特性予以充分的还原。 概念设计之初,欧洲集市的概念被引入空间规划之中。空间由功能使用的需要,划分为面包烘焙、咖啡和水吧三个区块。S形人行流线从三个区块中穿行而过,连接了位于两端的...



Xinzhaiping Village, 2021

新旧共存:新寨坪村落更新 新寨坪村位于湖南省湘西州泸溪县,是中国少数民族特色村寨,被誉为“中国古树博物馆”。 村落依山就势展开,古树群约60余亩,上百年的古树多达500多棵。其传统民居多为木结构,以杉木和松木为主,就地取材形成穿斗式木结构。村民大多是苗族,保存有大量的...



昆山, 2017

一扇诱惑人的大门 昆山市西邻阳澄湖,东与上海接界。从1990年代开始, 她从一个有两千多年历史的古城快速转化为一个现代化工业制造中心。在这个过程中, 城市也向周边不断扩大。就是在远离中心城区西面9公里的阳澄湖畔,也可以看见成片的小别墅...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

Kinmen Passenger Ferry Terminal


The ancient village of China and Taiwan has a new planning paradigm. The new waterfront site (designed by AECOM, working with JihYuehChen...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital

Nanjing, 2012

Nanjing is an ancient Chinese capital, a traditional city. It has also become a megalopolis, one of the most populated cities in the worl...



重庆, 2015

我们希望在这个项目中实现建筑及空间和场地内部及周边自然元素:天空,山,水,树木等之间最大程度的融合和渗透,创造气韵空灵的场所气质。 公益中心建筑整体呈环状,保留中央现存的自然水体,将其塑造为未来场所中重要的景观主体。同时,清凉的水体可以形成冷反射...



福建省, 2011


IN•X Design Co. Ltd.


Chengdu, 2022

项目地点:中国 · 成都 项目面积:1427㎡ 室内设计:IN.X屋里门外设计 设计主创:吴为 设计网站:www.inxid.com 设计团队:刘晨阳、贾琦峰、周勇 室内陈设:金升旭、应哲光、宋江丽 项目摄影:郑焰 项目策划:楽品牌策略机构 文...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2007

位于深圳市龙岗区布吉镇的大芬村,是深圳著名的油画产业村,村中遍布油画复制品的创作坊。这里的油画出口到亚、非、欧、美各大洲,每年创造数亿元人民币的销售额。 然而大芬村的油画长久以来是被视为一种低俗艺术,是庸俗品味与商业运作的奇妙混合体。但政府看到这种创意产业的价值,于是...


Shenzhen Skypark

Shenzhen, 2021

在过去 40 年里,深圳从一个小渔村发展成为中国最具创新性的现代化城市之一。随 着人口从几千人迅速增长到今天的约 1700 万居民,已然发展成为一个世界级别的超 级城市。 这是一个充满活力的城市,超过 33% 的深圳人平均年纪不到 30 岁。生活工作在这 人口稠密的大都市...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort

Anlong, 2017

Over the Hills: Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort Anlong Limestone Resort is located in a karst canyon of Dushan Town, Anlong Co...

10 Design

Gaoxin Hi-Tech Commercial Hub

Zhuhai, 2021

International architecture practice 10 Design completes Gaoxin Hi-Tech Commercial Hub, a circa 54,400sqm office development located along...


融新于旧,与时并进 - 济南蔚来中心

济南, 2022


HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Ministry Of Crab Restaurant Lounge

Wuhou District Chengdu, 2022

The Twin Towers on Jiaozi Avenue in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, have become one of the most popular landmarks in the last two years. Situa...

The Architectural Design & Research Institute

Glass Bridge in Huangchuan Three Gorges Scenic…

Lianzhou, 2020

Bridge is a kind of structure built based on the terrain, and also a sort of art that symbolizes connection and communication. Located in...


The Mountain View by Onexn Architects |…

Shenzhen, 2019

01 Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city a...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...

Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten

Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Dalian China

Jinzhou, Dalian, 2011

Die Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang ist die renommierteste Hochschule der Bildenden Künste in China. Nicht nur national, auch int...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Mica Bar

Weihai, 2018

Remoulded from an ordinary private multiple dwelling house in the Wangjiatuan Village in the city of Weihai, Shangdong Province,the Mica ...


Zhulang Huagai: A Figure for the Nantau Urban…

Shenzhen, 2017

The Urban Villages of Shenzhen comprise of a series of historic cores whose presence today is precarious at best. Surrounded by the rapid...

Peiquan Ma, Yuan Liu, Jing Cheng, Yuxuan Liang, Zi'ang Li Shreeni Benjamin - YTAA 2020 Asia Winner

The Wall - Children’s Teaching Restaurant

Xiamutang village, Ji 'an city, 2019

This project was built in 2019 by AHO`s Scarcity and Creativity Studio (SCS) and Architecture School of Tianjin University. It is located...

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning…

Shenzhen, 2016

The Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE) is part of the master plan for the Futian Cultural District, the new ur...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2006

Vanke Experiment Center (VEC) is located in the east exhibition hall of Vanke Architecture Research center, Shenzhen. The project is to c...




山居 山居是位于北京通州新光大中心ArtPark9第28层的一间客房。它是在都市高层建筑标准单元之中实现居住乐趣的尝试,也是一种对未来生活方式可能性的探索。 人类最初的居所是山洞。山洞是预先存在的,并不是为人类而存在。但是人根据身体行为定义了自然环境,使其可居。古人...



黄浦区, 2020

「放松并不是ㄧ个终点目的,为的是可以持续动下去」—— 亚里士多德 (古希腊著名思想家) “放松”是“城市花间堂”基于都市繁忙节奏中的所给予的喘息与治愈。“上海外滩花间堂・愉园”原为位于宝藏地点的闲置建筑,在设计上的改造满足“放松”功能,以“花”的语言赋予了新的生命力。...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...

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