


上海市青浦区, 2007

项目介绍 青浦夏阳·千禧商务中心位于青浦新城区,基地南临青湖路,西濒横港河,北部紧邻35KV变电站,用地狭小局促。青湖路与横港河的交叉口在城市空间中位置显要,需要挤压建造场地留出基地西侧相对开阔的滨水景观空间,剩下的场地中需要同时容纳商务中心与社...


Dodo Art Museum

Beijing, 2017

Dodo Art Museum is located in the northeast part of Beijing Xiedao Resort, it occupies the former site of an idle factory building of uns...

Atelier Right Hub

Sound Therapy of Singing Bowl|Soul Realm SPA…

Hangzhou, 2021

When we are in the post-pandemic period, the pandemic discussion has shifted from un-derstanding the spread of the COVID-19 virus to cons...



江苏省苏州市, 2007



Auxiliary Buildings of Liangzi Lake Changling…

Suizhou, 2023

长岭渡口位于湖北省鄂州市梁子湖东岸,是通往国家4A旅游景区梁子岛的主要旅游集散地。当下梁子湖风景区在进行风貌升级与改造,长岭渡口作为重要的一个节点,扩充了配套建筑、停车场及相关设施,同时也积极改善周边居民生活环境与建筑风貌,致力将景区的升级与乡镇改造统筹考虑。 自20...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital

Nanjing, 2012

Nanjing is an ancient Chinese capital, a traditional city. It has also become a megalopolis, one of the most populated cities in the worl...

Plasma Studio

International Horticultural Expo

Xi'An, 2011

The World Horticultural Expo has become instigator and hub for the redevelopment of a large area between the airport and the centre of Xi...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2012

The renovation at the Eastern Industrial Area located in Nanshan district, Oversea Chinese Town (OCT) LOFT plays a very important role fo...



深圳, 2015

项目介绍 总建筑面积: 1000sqm 设计时间:2014—2015 建筑类型:文化教育 景观资源最大化 北面是筒仓,因其极具雕塑感的体量和高度成为大成面粉厂最具特色的建筑,南面是太子湾繁忙港口的无敌海景。如何将两面景色纳入其中,成为其场所的特质,是...


Red Note House on the Horizon

Anji, 2019

Shanchuan Township, surrounded by mountains, which is located at the southernmost tip of Anji County, Hangzhou City, China. We designed a...

TOMO Design

Gemdale Upview Sales Center

Shenzhen, 2022

Project Name: Gemdale Upview Sales Center, Shenzhen Client: Gemdale Corporation (South China Region) Location: Shenzhen, China Area: 600...


China House Vision

Beijing, 2018

Technology continues to change the way we live, work, and move, yet the building sector remains largely stagnant. Your Home: Infinite Liv...

Leyk Wollenberg Architekten

Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning…

Shenzhen, 2007

Our proposal for the new Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition in Shenzhen is based on a three-fold spatial concept. Firstly...

hcreates interior design

Lounge by Topgolf [Shanghai]

Shanghai, 2021

Topgolf is one of the world’s leading sports entertainment companies, famous for its fun and engaging venues combining active entertainme...



衢州市, 2015

1 项目概述 衢州鹿鸣公园位于衢州市西区石梁溪西岸,处于拥有250万人口的衢州市的新城中心(商业、行政中心)之核心地段,是高密度城市建筑之中的一片“绿洲”。设计师将具有生产性的农业景观与低维护的乡土植物融于景观设计之中,创造出一个丰产而美丽的城市公园。一系列漂浮于植被...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...

TOMO Design

Metro Station Passage at Vanke Wonderland

Hangzhou, 2022

Name: Metro Station Passage at Vanke Wonderland, Hangzhou Client: Hangzhou Xishu Real Estate Co., Ltd. Management team: Vanke Hangzhou Lo...



西藏,林芝, 2008




海口市, 2016

1.项目简介 作为海口的母亲河,长久以来遭受到生活污水以及城镇面源污染的影响。景观设计专业率先应用自然解决途径(NBS),将水泥硬化、渠化的河流转变为韧性的生态基础设施,融合生态的水净化过程,将美舍河恢复为水质清澈、物种丰富的充满生机和社会活力而美丽的生态系统。 ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Space Improvement Plan for Zaiwan Village

Jiaozhu City, 2021

Background and original appearance: rural revitalization led by aesthetics and a three-no ordinary village Xiuwu County is located in Ji...


Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain

Boluo, 2018

“Rhizome” Labyrinth in the Forest — Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain Key words: rhizome, becoming, labyrinth Lying in mountains with a la...

Jiakun Architects

Xiyuan Leisure Camp

Xipu, Chengdu, 1996

Xiyuan Leisure Camp Site: Xipu, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Clients: Chengdu Gongmao Corp. Designer: Jiak...


Citic Square

Shanghai, 2022

CITIC SQUARE Renovation | Pixels Within Pixels: Bring a Historic Commercial Corner up to Date Dynamic and futuristic, Kokaistudios’ late...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of…

Beijing, 2021

Reconstruction of Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of Fine Arts Space production stimulates knowledge and art production Recons...



衡水, 2018

场地与历史 衡水湖湿地公园与衡水市区之间,曾经有一块芦苇丛生的洼地,多年来周边工厂的排污令这里的水质和土壤环境收到严重伤害。作为旷野中唯一的建筑,砖窑高耸的烟囱极有辨识性。随着国家保护耕地,禁用实心黏土砖的政策,这类曾经遍布城乡的霍夫曼窑,瞬间退出历史舞台。这座砖窑也...



上海市, 2017


BLU architekten

Housing Binhai Avenue

Qingdao, 2007

Der geplante Tunnel unter der Quingdao Bucht zwischen Altstadt und der Halbinsel Phönix ist Voraussetzung für die zukünftige städtebaulic...

Atelier Deshaus


上海, 2011




北京, 2015

功能:艺术博物馆、剧场、城市博物馆、图书馆、电影院等 石景山文化中心地处北京西五环外,倚靠皇家珍视的风水宝地西山,北京的母亲河——永定河沿经流过。特殊的文脉奠定了设计的出发点,取义山水的做法也呼应了传统文化中崇尚自然的永恒主题。 不同于北京普遍的井字城市...

10 Design


中国珠海, 2016

2016年9月 新闻发布   10 DESIGN (拾稼设计) 于华润置地横琴万象世界项目设计竞赛中,从4家国际知名建筑设计公司脱颖而出,获得携手合作的机会。 ...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Gaggenau & Next125 Experience Store

Wuhou District, Chengdu, 2022

After centuries of evolution, the kitchen has become the center of the home and family of human beings, both literally and figuratively. ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort

Anlong, 2017

Over the Hills: Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort Anlong Limestone Resort is located in a karst canyon of Dushan Town, Anlong Co...




镜花园 由于各种历史原因,北京旧城区除了分布着四合院、大杂院之外,还混杂了一些单体建筑,这个项目就是对某处小型单体建筑进行的改造。原本平屋顶的房子被处理成坡屋顶建筑样式,缩小房屋体量以使其融入到胡同街区之中。房屋的使用功能设定为买手店,可以容纳展览、物品销售、轻餐甚至...

Plasma Studio

Sunken Garden

Beijing, 2013

As one of the designer gardens of 2013 Beijing Horticultural Exposition, Sunken Garden is located in Fengtai Region of Beijing. The conce...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Huda Restaurant Main Store in Beijing

Beijing, 2020

The famous Beijing restaurant “grown up” from Guijie - The catering strategy trilogy of Huda restaurants In 2020, under the cooperation ...


「BRLOOTE Headquarters」Multi Utilization of…

Shaoxing City, 2024

“The architecture we are trying to create is integrated with the environment, featuring sharp forms that emerge within the existing cont...

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