
Prol Lighting

Conrad Hangzhou Tonglu

Hangzhou, 2019

Explore the light: look up at the bright moon with remembrances of light Chapter 1 Located in the heartland of the golden tourist area c...



北京, 2016

马蜂窝旅游网全球总部(一期),北京,中国 袈蓝建筑设计 副标题:秩序与自由的交融 关键词:蜂巢结构、秩序与自由、通融、移动互联 “当IP时代来临,品牌比以往更关注自身的个性化表现,企业也比以往更关心员工的工作环境和他们对企业文化的认同、热爱和情感的培育。...


Floating Islands of Sky

Chengdu, 2021

DESCRIPTION Floating Islands of Sky -A Cluster of Artificial Islands and Pontoon Bridge In Between of Lake and Sky A special kind of st...


Shanghai Jiuguang Center

Jing’An, Shanghai, 2021

UNStudio, in collaboration with Nihon Sekkei, recently completed the Shanghai Jiuguang Center. The design for this brand new retail desti...

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