

Mahjong School Philanthropists: A Father to son…

Hong Kong, 2017

Dear friends, I wish to share with you a story of one of our clients, Jeffrey Kwok and his father, who are both philanthropists from Hon...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Xiao Xiang Fu (Zhongguancun No. 1 Restaurant)

Beijing, 2020

“Sleeping upstairs in diaojiao house for a night, one will have romantic dreams for ten years.” Whether it is in Western or Southern Hun...



北京, 2009

项目概况 这是一次以最少的资源来实现最大化的空间和使用可能性的尝试。一个废弃的车间被改造成为一个低造价和低能耗、高效率、灵活多变的教学、展览及活动空间。当建筑师、业主以及使用人合为一身的时候,设计和建造都展现了完全不同的自由度...

TM Studio

Zhou Chunya Art Academy

Shanghai, 2010

Jiading District is one of the 18 districts of Shanghai in the North-West of Downtown. The district includes several towns, like Anting, ...


Seaside Floating Pavilion

Rongcheng, 2021

At the easternmost tip of the Jiaodong Peninsula, an abandoned fishing boat ran aground near an undeveloped natural bay area. The scour m...


Citic Square

Shanghai, 2022

CITIC SQUARE Renovation | Pixels Within Pixels: Bring a Historic Commercial Corner up to Date Dynamic and futuristic, Kokaistudios’ late...


The Forbbiden City Red-Wall Teahouse

Beijing, 2014

The Red-wall Teahouse is situated inside a public park which used to be the Ancestral Temple – a royal memorial temple for ancestors sout...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Siji Minfu Restaurant in Maliandao

Beijing, 2021

In 1981, the original building of Siji Minfu Restaurant (Maliandao) was built at the northwest intersection of Honglian Road and Malianda...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Siji Minfu Roast Duck Restaurant in Hujialou

Beijing, 2021

How rippling the sea is, where the mountain island stands upright. The mountain is overgrown with trees and lush grasses. So lucky to get...



Shanghai, 2019

2018年长颈鹿美语Giraffe Elite落户徐汇滨江,这是一次全新的品牌升级,亦是中国第一家。新的品牌升级对设计提出了更高的要求。 项目伊始,当得知能在徐汇滨江这块幸福的地块设计一座新的长颈鹿美语的时候,我们是兴奋的。而面对这块长度达四十余米,总面积约600平米的空...

Powerhouse Company

Loop of Wisdom

Chengdu, 2020

Living up to the suggestiveness of its name, the Loop of Wisdom embodies a timeless architectural concept. Powerhouse Company’s design fo...

CL3 Architects

InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City & L42…


InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City Opened on August 1st Client: CapitaLand Project name: InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City &a...

Rural Urban Framework

Taiping Bridge Renovation

Taiping Village, 2009

DESIGNER: John Lin / The University of Hong Kong CONTACT: [email protected]...


Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions

Yangshuo, Guilin, 2020

The Impression SanjieLiu, Yangshuo, Guilin is located in one of the most dramatic landscapes in China. Endless greenery surrounds the sit...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort

Anlong, 2017

Over the Hills: Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort Anlong Limestone Resort is located in a karst canyon of Dushan Town, Anlong Co...

Various Associates

Undefined Future Home

Shanghai, 2020

Various Associates Conceives an Undefined Future Home The global pandemic last year has brought essential changes to domestic life, and...

Various Associates

Man Chao Hui

Shenzhen, 2021

Man Chao Hui by Various Associates | A Modern Luxury Catering Space in an Oriental Context. Seclusion | Man Chao Hui is a top-notch res...


以空中横向延伸打破场地束缚 :成都市金牛区图书馆及外化成中学

Chengdu, 2019

近日,DUTS杜兹设计的国际竞标作品“成都市金牛区图书馆”在历时四年后建成竣工。该项目位于成都市中心城区的⻄北部,作为金牛区的文化地标,以独具魅力的建筑形象,为天府之城呈现了一部令人惊叹的“三维之书”,体现出新时代公共文化建筑在文化及建筑实践上的高层次追求。 金牛区图书馆...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...

Various Associates

J1M5 Boutique

Qingdao, 2020

CHANGABLE SPACE J1M5 is a boutique brand, with a mission of discovering, sharing cutting-edge fashion trends and permeating tourism, art...



北京市, 2019

1.项目简介 北京永兴河绿道突破了常规的城市防洪工程模式,将季节性的城市排水通道变成了具有弹性的绿色海绵,以保留和净化城市雨洪,同时创造了一个生态健康的、生产性的、促进社区建设的绿色基础设施。去除混凝土边坡,建造湿地,通过挖填方平衡来创建多孔地形海绵,形成多样化的栖息...

Touch Design

Return to Innocence

Beijing, 2021

Wabi is full of appreciation and cherishment of primitive simplicity. It is not minimalism or emptiness, but a unique sense of indifferen...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shuikou Area

Sanming, 2016

Shangping Village Regeneration - Shuikou Area Selected as one of the “historical and cultural villages” in Fujian Province, Shangping Vi...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum and Villagers’…

Xinyang, 2014

The site is situated in Xihe Village, an unincorporated village in the mountain area that is 30km from the county town of Xin County, a N...



苏州市, 2017

1. 项目简介 苏州真山公园地处高新区通安镇,距苏州市中心10公里,对外交通便利,设计规模为43公顷。设计尊重场地自然现状,在构建“海绵公园”和建设“生产性的低维护景观”两大策略的指引下,将一个垃圾填埋场摇身转变为一个看的见青山,望的见碧水,记得住乡愁的城市公园,为建...



Beijing, 2021

中国的大环境在改革开放二十几年以来产生了巨大的变化,然而,在北京市郊怀柔区的北沟村却依然保持着一幅旧模样。 北沟,顾名思义,是北方村落的一处山沟,因为土地贫瘠,长期被外界和村民所嫌弃。2005年,北沟村新村委书记上任,目睹北沟村的萧条与荒芜,不甘贫穷落后的他决心带领村...


The Mountain View by Onexn Architects |…

Shenzhen, 2019

01 Natural and serene surroundings Situated beside Yanhan Mountain, the building is very close to nature and not far away from the city a...



Tianjin, 2020

项目位于天津市蓟州区,原本是一栋独立的农家小院。业主崇尚陶渊明的精神境界,尤其喜爱《归园田居》这首名作, 在小院改造之初,从“少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山”中为小院取名,是为丘山居。 丘山居所处的村庄位于著名的盘山风景区南侧,村庄四面环山,风景优美。津蓟...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Stone Nest Amphitheatre

Weihai, 2019

Stage under Starlit Sky Stone Nest Amphitheatre in Weihai, Shandong Province A base emerging from reading of site and location In its p...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum

Xinyang, 2019

Interior Space Design & Renewal for Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum A New Departure to Continue Cooperation In April 2019, five yea...


Brickyard Retreat Renovation

Beijing, 2021

Project name: Brickyard Retreat Renovation Project Location: The Brickyard Retreat, Beigou Village, Huairou, Beijing, China Site Area: 53...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty

Weihai, 2018

A Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty: Moderate Architectural Intervention with Skillful Usage of Mountain Rocks The Twelve-Roomed School of...



Nanjing, 2020

中国城市在经历了近四十年的快速发展后,已经到达了临界点,即大规模的空间增长不可持续,土地开发空间严重受限。面对困局,政府与企业都在积极探索城市发展建设的创新之路,思考如何通过更新与再生对现有土地进行功能转型、结构重建,从而与城市创新和新经济相融合。 2019年7月,历...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...



Beijing, 2014

通过一个建筑单体,爱慕时尚工厂展示的不仅是企业形象,也以此孕育行业先驱的品牌精髓。从建筑外部,室内,到景观都是一个整体并拥有统一的建筑语言。爱慕时尚工厂也超越了一般工厂的含义,它更是一个聚集人们合作工作生活的地方。 代表行业先驱企业的力量 成立于1992年的爱慕...

Studio Link-Arc

OCT Tower

Shenzhen, 2016

Studio Link-Arc’s proposal for the OCT Tower originated from detailed observation of the site. Defined by an existing office building and...

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