

Common Reader Bookstore

Zhejjang, 2020

The owner of the bookstore and the designer reached a common understanding that the bookstore should not only be a storage room for books...

hcreates interior design

Gelato Dal Cuore

Shanghai, 2018

Gelato Dal Cuore is the latest addition to Jing'An eateries resurgence. When it comes to Gelato these guys really know what they are doin...

Praxis d'Architecture

泉 美术馆

北京, 2015


ALG 建筑照明计划株式会社


台湾, 2012

<新式美术馆照明设计> 苗栗客家文化园区是展示台湾客家历史、文化的博物馆,拥抱水和绿地、体验学习的文化设施。因地而制宜的设计理念配置了博物馆、公园、宿舍等设施。此外,广场连接周边人行道结合风和水等资源精心打造了自然景观。...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Dianjiang Bagu·Suji

Chongqing, 2020

To live and stroll in the paddy fields, halfway up the mountain Architectural design of Dianjiang Bagu·Suji in Chongqing 场地:海拔800米的自然村,...



无锡, 2011

翠佛堂的旗舰店位置于无锡的市中心,它占据了在商业大街的住宅大厦的其中两层楼。自从上次的改造已经了有十年的历史,店家的设施和设计渐渐变得陈旧。 在设计过程中,我们首先做了一个有关如何陈式商品的分析。我们找到了两种极端却又非常有趣的类型来展示...

Schmidt Hammer Lassen

Energy Ring

Shenzhen, 2016-2022

Set to open in 2022 on the outskirts of Shenzhen, China, the 112,645 square-metre Energy Ring will be the largest waste-to-energy plant o...



Beijing, 2008

常梦关爱中心位于北京通州区徐辛庄内军庄村,由著名的公益爱心人士常梦女士创办,是一所托养了十余名肢体残疾儿童、智障儿童和孤儿的民间公益机构。2007年关爱中心的旧食堂因漏水成为危房被拆除,在捐助者的筹资帮助下,新食堂得以开始建设。 设计将新的食堂转了90度面向中间的庭院...

hcreates interior design

The Clinic

Shanghai, 2017

Premium healthcare and access to rehabilitation services are growing trends in the China healthcare market. Collectively the clinic team ...

Cox Architecture

National Maritime Museum of China


This project won the international competition to design China’s new National Maritime Museum to be located in the port city of Tia...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2011


Peiquan Ma, Yuan Liu, Jing Cheng, Yuxuan Liang, Zi'ang Li Shreeni Benjamin - YTAA 2020 Asia Winner

The Wall - Children’s Teaching Restaurant

Xiamutang village, Ji 'an city, 2019

This project was built in 2019 by AHO`s Scarcity and Creativity Studio (SCS) and Architecture School of Tianjin University. It is located...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2018


Atelier XI

Wuhan City Pavilion & Kindergarten

Wuhan, 2021

In 2019, the architect received a commission to design a standard 6-classroom kindergarten in Wuhan. The project is located in Hankou, Wu...

Atelier Deshaus

Atelier Deshaus Westbund

Shanghai, 2015

The office of Atelier Deshaus is located in the former site of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Works, among a group of small pitch roof w...

Praxis d'Architecture


Beijing, 2016

Existing Condition Ying Galley’s new location is inside a yard surrounded by two story buildings. Between the yard wall and the building...



东营, 2010


Plasma Studio

Wuxi Low-Carbon Exhibition Centre

Wuxi, 2012-2014-

The inspiration for the Low-Carbon Exhibition Centre stems from geology: carbon is a product of intense geological forces and processes, ...



承德, 2021

北京以北,一个以拥有明长城遗迹而闻名的山谷,一座半室外的音乐厅。 音乐厅位于山谷底部,犹如一块巨石奇迹般地降落在这里。整座建筑由混凝土浇筑,混凝土骨料来自当地富含矿物质的岩石。倒锥形的结构里包含了半露天的剧场、室外舞台、观景平台和一些服务空间。从声学的角度,巨石内部的...

Studio Link-Arc

Shenzhen Bay Gallery

Shenzhen, 2016

This building, a private clubhouse and gallery for high-end residential development in the Shenzhen Bay area, is conceived as a compositi...


Shanghai Jiuguang Center

Jing’An, Shanghai, 2021

UNStudio, in collaboration with Nihon Sekkei, recently completed the Shanghai Jiuguang Center. The design for this brand new retail desti...



台中, 2002

这个设计最重要的想法是:每间教室外都有一个四合院,一棵大树。 小朋友在下课的时候走出教室就是自己的庭院、大树、平台、沙坑、穿廊。 对一个将近五十个班级的大型国小,大部份的设计策略是一栋栋长条型教室,由两端的楼梯间连接,或成围合式建筑体,留出大片的操场空地。 小朋友常要在下课...


Gaggenau Showroom Chengdu

Chengdu, 2018

Einszu33 can announce the opening of a brand-new flagship showroom in Chengdu, Mainland China. Gaggenau Chengdu boasts a brand exhibition...

Platform for Architecture + Research

Kinmen Port Terminal

Kinmen, 2014

The Kinmen Port Terminal undertakes a transformation from an industrial traffic junction to becoming a regional gateway and travel center...

10 Design

Gaoxin Hi-Tech Commercial Hub

Zhuhai, 2021

International architecture practice 10 Design completes Gaoxin Hi-Tech Commercial Hub, a circa 54,400sqm office development located along...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2013

开始是开始,也是结果,结果是结果,也是开始。——宫崎骏   设计前台区的目的是使大门与工作区之间产生一个过渡。曲面是设计的愿望,曲面规定出曲线的路径,使过渡空间对工...

Miralles/Tagliabue - EMBT

Spanish Pavilion for Expo Shanghai 2010

Shanghai, 2010

The Spanish Pavilion for the 2010 World Expo of Shanghai sought to reflflect upon the Spanish climate, as well as to recover the extraord...



杨浦, 2015

项目位于上海杨浦区凤城路,该厂建于1985 年。第一次去现场勘查时,工厂还在运转,工人们忙碌如常,不时的提醒着建筑师,别把他们框入镜头。 这幢建筑,并不是第一次被改造,像所有的老建筑一样,随着使用者的流变,局部的变化总在发生,一个本来简单清晰的厂房也就渐渐面目模糊。等...

hcreates interior design

Central Studios

Shanghai, 2019

Central Studios provides a unique space for their clients to create photo and video productions right in the heart of one of downtown Sha...


Jinlong Prefab School

Shenzhen, 2020

In 2018, Crossboundaries designed a 36-classroom school, to be located in the newly established Pingshan district in the Chinese metropol...


San She House

Beijing, 2018

A Nostalgic Space at the foot of the Great Wall Being situated in Beigou Village, Huairou, at the foot of the Mutianyu Great Wall, Beij...

Ferrier Marchetti Studio

Huaxin Tiandi Campus

Shanghai, 2020

How can an office campus contribute to the life of the neighborhood in which it is located? Here, the large garden that serves as a daily...

Atelier DYJG


江苏无锡, 2011

项目位置:江苏无锡 委托单位:无锡市规划局 面积:137hm2 设计时间:2008-2009年 建成时间:2011年 无锡太湖新城规划形成了“三纵一带”的绿地结构,...


Zhulang Huagai: A Figure for the Nantau Urban…

Shenzhen, 2017

The Urban Villages of Shenzhen comprise of a series of historic cores whose presence today is precarious at best. Surrounded by the rapid...

Atelier d'More 多么工作室

书一·飞鸟集自习室 | 多么工作室Atelier d'More

Shanghai, 2021

Atelier d’More was commissioned to design a self-study room for Bosuer as its first store opening in Shanghai, hoping to create a soft ha...



扬州, 2013

项目所在地-扬州市湾头镇,至古就有加工玉器的传统。在扬州市整体规划中,该镇将发展成为以玉器加工和交易为特色产业的文化旅游区域。项目基地位于湾头古镇入口位置,原址为一所建于80年代的4层高小学校。按计划,他将被改建成集文化旅游商业为一体的开放式玉器加工和展示陈列工坊。 ...

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