Results for "在线斗地主小游戏-【【AC68.CC】】-在线斗地主小游戏"

Projects All ( 101 )

Superimpose Architecture

The Play-round 

Superimpose designed a kindergarten, which encourages kids to explore, play, stimulate their senses and, most importantly, to be active in the outd...

Parallect Design

East Tai Lake Himalayan Audio Bookstore 

The design of the space, it carries the culture, civilization and the corresponding environmental factors. —— Mario Bellini East Tai Lake Himala...

Parallect Design

Qiyuan:Scenery · Plains · Windows 

Qiyuan, as the name suggests, is a small courtyard between mountains and rivers. The project designed by Shanghai Parallect Architecture Design Stu...

Studio 10

V&A Fashioned from Nature 

The spatial design of the exhibition Fashioned from Nature co-curated by the Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A), China Silk Museum, guest curator Edith...