Results for "海上皇宫娱乐城-【【AC68.CC】】-海上皇宫娱乐城"

Projects All ( 75 )

Studio 10

Spatial Design of “Qianhai Superposition”&“Back to Future”  

Spatial Design of “Qianhai Superposition”&“Back to Future” of the 2020 Qianhai Future Urbanism/Architecture Exhibition (Subvenue of the 8th Shenzhe...

Superimpose Architecture

CO2 Pavilion 

Superimpose Architecture designed the CO2 Pavilion for the Beijing Design Week 2018 as an enclosed place for isolation and contemplation from urban...

Archi-Union Architects

In -Bamboo 

The project we completed is a multi-functional rural community cultural center with provisions for exhibitions, hosting conferences, community gath...

Parallect Design

Suzhou Bay Sports Park supporting building – LIM Café 

In the context of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the life of the new districts of Suzhou is differentiated by different industrial lay...

Magazine All ( 1 )


Outside Inside 

この家には、デッキが4か所ある。見晴らしのいい屋上デッキでは食事をしたり、お風呂上がりに涼んだり、夫がビールを持って上がってきたり。3階海側の デッ…