Results for "espn中文-【【DD96.CC】】-espn中文"

Profiles All ( 11 )

Projects All ( 113 )

CU Office

Dongxiang culture center 

1.Place and Site: Dongxiang Culture Center is built in Maxiang village, Dongxiang autonomous county, Gansu province, China. On three sides (except...

Superimpose Architecture

Re-Veil Façade 

Superimpose designed an exhibition centre for Changzhi, a third-tier city in Shanxi Province of China. Under the prevailing economic and urban tran...

CU Office

Beijing Cultural and Art Center 

The project is located in the north of the old town of Beijing, near the Lama Temple. It is in a traditional Siheyuan area. The main body of center...

CM Design

Village In The City - Lane In The Village: 10.Creative Drink 

"10.Creative Drink"is an commercial shop renovation project after the "T.LOFT Concept Experience Museum" located in urban village at Futian Distric...

Magazine All ( 2 )


Spanish Architects Confronting Challenges 

In conjunction with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Consejo Superior de…


RCR and Campo Baeza Among Spanish International Architecture Prize 2015 Winners 

The Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE - Higher Council of Architectural…