Resultados para ".xunh"

Perfiles Todo (1)

Proyectos Todo (5)

Approach Architecture Studio

Silent Heroes Exhibition Space design 

Accompanied by the movie star Zhou Xun's childhood furniture being placed in an old factory building from the 1960s to 1970s in Dashilar, an empty ...


Shaoxing Guesthouse 

The renovation of a historic courtyard building next to the house and garden of the famous writer Lu Xun was perceived as a special challenge for a...

Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten

Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Dalian China 

Die Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang ist die renommierteste Hochschule der Bildenden Künste in China. Nicht nur national, auch international...


Shangsian Cottage 

Located on the west shore of Taihu Lake, shangsi’an village is flown through by Si’antang creek. A historic stone bridge connects two sides of cree...

Magazine Todo (1)


Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics 

Even as college tuitions rise faster than overall inflation, universities are booming. The…