
on 2022/12/06

An event venue for everything from art exhibitions and film shoots to weddings and baby showers, Carroll Hall is a building and garden that is creatively built from the materials of the Brooklyn site's predecessors. Architect Chris Dameron answered some questions about the "ecologically... Dameron Architecture


on 2021/04/13

Niki de Saint Phalle: Structures for Life is a major exhibition at MoMA PS1 in New York City devoted to the self-taught French-American artist known for playful figural sculptures, the large Tarot Garden in Italy, and other architectural works that spark joy, especially in... John Hill

on 2014/08/04

Shou Sugi Ban is an old Japanese technique for charring wood to make it insect resistant and weatherproof it on the outside of buildings. The technique, which creates a wildfire-resistant shell, is one way that this retreat on a cattle ranch between...


on 2014/02/01

Sugamo Shinkin Bank is a credit union that strives to provide first-rate hospitality to its customers in accordance with its motto: “We take pleasure in serving happy customers.” The unfortunate fact of the matter, however, is that most people feel more tension than joy when they walk...


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