
on 17-04-2023

Price of a two-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom house built in 1984 in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, that is considered René Ammann

on 19-01-2023

Time it takes a 3D printer weighting more than 12 tons to create a 4,000-square-foot (372 m2) two-story home in Houston, Texas: 330 hours René Ammann

on 16-09-2022

Area that a typical home selling for around $1 million in Phoenix, Arizona, shrank from spring 2019 to summer 2022:... René Ammann

on 25-10-2021

Number of American renters who fear eviction from their home by the end of this year: 1.3 million René Ammann

on 27-09-2021

Average rise of prices for residential property in Germany within one year (June 2020 to June 2021): 10.9% René Ammann

on 19-04-2021

Estimated number of oak trees at least 200 years old needed to restore the spire of Notre-Dame de Paris:... René Ammann

on 22-03-2021

Price paid for Mars House, a purely virtual piece of architecture created by contemporary artist Krista Kim that is also the world's... René Ammann

on 15-03-2021

Decline in prices for property in the Philippines last year, one of the few countries where home prices did not René Ammann

on 23-11-2020

Number of beds for elderly residents in the micro nursing homes built by the nonprofit Green House... René Ammann

on 01-11-2020

Amount Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation has to pay to demolish an affordable $130,000 home built after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana, due to René Ammann

on 14-01-2019

Number of days Walter Chrysler, the founder of Chrysler company who gave the name to the Chrysler Building in New York City put on sale recently, René Ammann

on 11-10-2016

Junya Ishigami, who won the 2016 BSI Swiss Architectural Award earlier this year, speaks in a short film about the three projects – Kanagawa Institute of Technology Workshop, Japanese Pavilion at 2008 Venice Biennale, and "House with Plants" – that the John Hill

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