
on 2014/3/3

Herzog & de Meuron's Parrish Art Museum on Long Island exhibits artwork in generous galleries capped by north- and south-facing skylight, bringing natural daylight to the artworks on display. Panelite's ClearShade IGU (Insulated Glazing... John Hill

on 2013/12/16

For our last Insight feature of 2013, World-Architects is taking a look back at the events, significant projects, and passings of the last 12 months, while also taking a look ahead at projects expected to be completed next year. John Hill

on 2012/7/9

Stefano Boeri is one of the few practices of international renown that has managed to overcome the difficulties intrinsic to the situation Italy presents for architecture studios and to make of these a virtue. His career as an architect has gone hand in hand...


on 2009/12/8

1900 brannte der Südflügel des Linzer Schlosses ab. Nun wurde die seither bestehende Lücke gefüllt. Anlässlich des europäischen Kulturhauptstadt-Jahres hat sich Linz hier ein schönes Stück zeitgenössischen Museumsbaus...


on 2008/1/7

In Hadersdorf, am äußersten westlichen Rand Wiens, wurde kürzlich nach mehrjährigen Verzögerungen die Mustersiedlung „9=12“ eröffnet. Architekt Adolf Krischanitz...


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