
Powerhouse Company

Loop of Wisdom

Chengdu, 2020

Living up to the suggestiveness of its name, the Loop of Wisdom embodies a timeless architectural concept. Powerhouse Company’s design fo...



Zhejjang, 2019

Capsule Hotel and Bookstore in Village Qinglongwu is located in the deep forests of Tonglu in Zhejiang province. It was an old house of w...

TOMO Design

Gemdale Upview Sales Center

Shenzhen, 2022

Project Name: Gemdale Upview Sales Center, Shenzhen Client: Gemdale Corporation (South China Region) Location: Shenzhen, China Area: 600...

KI Studio

Hangzhou New CBD Bridge Competition

Hangzhou, 2012

KI Studio won a Chinese bridge competition for a road bridge across a canal for the New Hangzhou CBD district. We also received two third...



杨浦, 2015

项目位于上海杨浦区凤城路,该厂建于1985 年。第一次去现场勘查时,工厂还在运转,工人们忙碌如常,不时的提醒着建筑师,别把他们框入镜头。 这幢建筑,并不是第一次被改造,像所有的老建筑一样,随着使用者的流变,局部的变化总在发生,一个本来简单清晰的厂房也就渐渐面目模糊。等...

Hong Designworks

TAO Residence

Beijing, 2021

TAO Residence locates in Lincoln Park real estate, Beijing. The owner hopes this life space contains comfort and controllability, fill wi...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Xiao Xiang Fu (Zhongguancun No. 1 Restaurant)

Beijing, 2020

“Sleeping upstairs in diaojiao house for a night, one will have romantic dreams for ten years.” Whether it is in Western or Southern Hun...

CAA Architects

West Mountain Innovation Valley

Haidian Dist., Beijing, 2020

West Mountain Innovation Valley, also called Beijing Collaborative Innovation Park, is one of the Three-Hundred Key Projects of 2021 in B...

Jiakun Architects


成都市, 2002


Atelier Right Hub

Mymory Boutique Hotel

Hangzhou, 2019

MYMORY boutique hotel in a rural old house is located in the foothill of Tianmu mountain scenic spot in Taihuyuan, Lin’an, Hangzhou. Surr...

CL3 Architects

Nina Ballroom & Nina Bridal Suite


L'hotel Nina et Convention Centre Rebranding Project | New interpretation of Brand Upgrade and Spatial Art Project name: Nina Ballroom &a...

Atelier DYJG


北京, 2004

项目位置:北京中关村上地 委托单位:北京中关村软件园发展有限责任公司 面积:5.5hm2 设计及建成时间:2003-2004年 北京中关村软件园是集软件开发、企业孵化、成果展示、专业人才培训、技术支撑体...

Atelier Right Hub

Sound Therapy of Singing Bowl|Soul Realm SPA…

Hangzhou, 2021

When we are in the post-pandemic period, the pandemic discussion has shifted from un-derstanding the spread of the COVID-19 virus to cons...



Dali, Yunnan, 2015

“水印苍山”—建筑的设计灵感来源于苍山在洱海中的倒影。 作为一个表演建筑,本设计采用建筑与景观地形一体化的形式,探求为新的表演方式提供多种可能性,使得表演活动不止能发生在传统的剧场内部,也可以...


Gaggenau Showroom Chengdu

Chengdu, 2018

Einszu33 can announce the opening of a brand-new flagship showroom in Chengdu, Mainland China. Gaggenau Chengdu boasts a brand exhibition...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计


杭州, 2018

由栋栖设计的IMV 智能品牌买手店位于杭州来福士广场1层。项目通过空间和光环境的巧妙处理,为品牌店创造出符合电子产品气质的视觉体验和良好的陈列展示效果。 店内空间主要被划分为电子互动产品体验区和品牌陈列区,场地外侧靠近商场人流动线处布置可互动产品展示和演示功能,增加店...



北京市, 2019

1.项目简介 北京永兴河绿道突破了常规的城市防洪工程模式,将季节性的城市排水通道变成了具有弹性的绿色海绵,以保留和净化城市雨洪,同时创造了一个生态健康的、生产性的、促进社区建设的绿色基础设施。去除混凝土边坡,建造湿地,通过挖填方平衡来创建多孔地形海绵,形成多样化的栖息...


Commercial Podium in East Alley

Shanghai Suhe MixC World, 2022

A Gateway to Suhe: A New Destination Blended with Its Surroundings Rounding out Kokaistudios’ recent Suhe MixC World in Shanghai which c...


Renovation of Luotuowan Bridge

Baoding, 2017

The goal is to cover a space efficiently with the least materials and in the mean time make full use of the limited material resources fr...

hcreates interior design

Lunuers Community

Shanghai, 2019

Our latest project for one of Shanghai's best bakeries, Luneurs. This tree-lined spot in the former French Concession was destined for a ...

Environmental Planning Studio

Shanghai Organic Fruits Farm/Visitor Center

Shanghai, 2013

Winning design of ICONIC DESIGN AWARDS 2013 [design concept] We designed the visitor center and landscape as a destination to promote th...



天津市, 2008

运用简单的填-挖方技术,营造微地形形成海绵体,收集酸性雨水,中和碱性土壤,修复城市棕地,形成一个能自我繁衍的生态系统,同时形成一个美丽的城市公园。让自然做工,将生态修复的过程变为提供生态系统服务的过程。 1场地与挑战 桥园位于天津市中心城区河东区。场地南临盘山道...

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Dalian International Conference Center

Dalian, 2012

With the International Conference Center, the Viennese architectural studio Coop Himmelb(l)au has constructed an unmistakable landmark fo...



Beijing, 2018

近年来,江苏省率先开始在全省推动高质量学前教育的发展,包括教育资源一度欠缺的乡村地区。2015年,阜宁县政府委托Crossboundaries为其下辖的北沙村设计一所中心幼儿园,以缓解当地幼教资源不足的问题。 阜宁县背倚苏北平原,面临苏中水网,自古崇文重教、尊道厚德,素有...

Atelier Right Hub

Mirror Cube Hair Salon

Hangzhou, 2021

With consumption upgrade in China driving iteration of commercial scenes, Atelier right hub, a Chinese design studio which excels at reor...

OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Shenzen Stock Exchange

Shenzen, 2013

The essence of the stock market is speculation: it is based on capital, not material. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange is conceived as a physi...



Shanghai, 2022

This 10-story twin tower on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a clear-cut center-core office building. The cantilevered struc...

Studio Georges Hung

Great Wall Technology Headquarters Tower


1+1=1 Cities are, by definition and nature, spaces of permanent changes. Its mutating physiognomy reveals its intentions a...

Atelier DYJG


山东省龙口市, 2014

林苑位于龙口市老城中心,面积约为26 ha。地块四面为城市道路,南部隔着港城大道为城市文化广场,东、西、北三面隔道路为居住区。林苑曾是一片空地,在2007年进行了简单粗放的绿化,形成一片林地,作为开放性的公园,可满足基本的散步和休息需要。由于设施不足、功能单一、景观单调,市...

Lemanarc SA

Sichuan Guangyuan Central Hospital

Guangyuan, 2019

Guangyuan, located in northern Sichuan in western China, is at the forefront of the country in exploring the integration of healthcare an...

Various Associates

SND Sanya

Sanya, 2021

SND Sanya designed by Various Associates creates a spatial experience of moving in waves. Sunshine, sea waves, light Sanya on Hainan Is...


Concept planning and architecture design for…

Guangzhou, 2011

In the embassy quarter of Beijing, on an estate of 200 m length and 45 m breadth, a high-rise building complex will be developed. The lar...





HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Gaggenau & Next125 Experience Store

Wuhou District, Chengdu, 2022

After centuries of evolution, the kitchen has become the center of the home and family of human beings, both literally and figuratively. ...

Helin & Co Architects

Icon Apartments

Chengdu, 2016

Chengdu has been the capital of the province of Sichuan since 1368. Archaeological discoveries have proved that the population history of...

Atelier Deshaus

Tea House in Li Garden

Shanghai, 2016

Our design for the Exception Clothing is a teahouse in a small courtyard (around 100 square meters) where a tall paulownia grows. The cou...

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