关于“bet game【Aurl:www.8233066.com】送888元.qvbf”的结果

项目 所有(431)


Lingbao Children’s Center 

A Park Embedded into Community Lingbao City is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. This was a building r...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center 

Folded Horizontal Lines – Architectural Design of the Shenshan Ridge Integrated Service Center Location and background of Project The project is l...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Learning from Macao 

Learning from Macao is a mural Drawing Architecture Studio created for Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021, as a commission by the Cul...



竹海国家公园占地10000公顷,位于中国西南部的贵州省,以独特的竹海为特色,构成了主要的旅游景点。 当地旅游部门决定推广景观项目,总面积22,000平方米,以提高对原始地貌和本地物种保护的意识。 入口建筑被设计成一组类似于竹海的密集的线条集,一个更密集的集群,可以在竹海中随意拦截。由此巧...

杂志 所有(85)


Four Firsts from Four Firms 

How long after an architecture firm is established should it release its first monograph? A number…


SOM Completes Schwarzman College of Computing at MIT 

The new home for the Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing at the Massachusetts Institute of…


A Richard Neutra House, Redecorated 

Architectural Digest presents a short film, narrated by A-list celebrities, that takes viewers…


Prof. Michael F. Rohde: »Nature is inspiration and can be helpful for successful lighting design.« 

Lighting design has come a long way in the last two decades. What used to be part of electrical…