
hcreates interior design

Luneurs le garde-manger

Shanghai, 2020

Luneurs have rapidly expanded their loyal customer base since their first baked treats delighted customers at their experimental bakery l...

hcreates interior design

The Broken Dagger

Shanghai, 2020

Nestled between a hairdresser and a hot pot restaurant on an otherwise typical Shanghai street, a large mural artwork has emerged. Spanni...

Atelier DYJG


浙江省杭州市, 2011

项目位置:浙江省杭州市萧山区 委托单位:浙江省湘湖旅游度假区管委会、 杭州市萧山区建设局 面积:464hm2(一期);595hm2(二期) 设计竞赛:2004年/第1名(一期); 2008年/第1名(二期...


Forest Pavilion (Y Lu Duqai A Luma)

Guangfu, Hualien, 2011

On May 22nd, 2011, framed by green bamboo vaults, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou stood at a podium inside Forest Pavilion to inaugurate...


Jinlong Prefab School

Shenzhen, 2020

In 2018, Crossboundaries designed a 36-classroom school, to be located in the newly established Pingshan district in the Chinese metropol...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Learning from Macao

Macao, 2021

Learning from Macao is a mural Drawing Architecture Studio created for Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021, as a commission ...

Hong Designworks

Office of New Silk Road E-Commerce Company

Xi'an, 2019

New Silk Road Office — A space where colour palette coordinates with form In the modern home, colour harmonies which are definitely archi...

Jadric Architektur

Hangzhou Asian Games


Vision and Key Elements of the Project The revival of waterfront: waterfront area became centers of intense redevelopment activity. Acti...

Rural Urban Framework

Tongjiang Recycled Brick School

Jianxi Province, 2012

DESIGNERS: Joshua Bolchover / RUFWORK/ The University of Hong Kong John Lin / RUFWORK/ The University of H...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2012

The renovation at the Eastern Industrial Area located in Nanshan district, Oversea Chinese Town (OCT) LOFT plays a very important role fo...


MA House

Quzhou, 2020

If the house is an object, it needs to be used for more than a century. If the house is a work of art, it is the closest to everyday life...



扬州, 2013

项目所在地-扬州市湾头镇,至古就有加工玉器的传统。在扬州市整体规划中,该镇将发展成为以玉器加工和交易为特色产业的文化旅游区域。项目基地位于湾头古镇入口位置,原址为一所建于80年代的4层高小学校。按计划,他将被改建成集文化旅游商业为一体的开放式玉器加工和展示陈列工坊。 ...



上海, 2014

本项目位于上海市青浦区,为其东侧地铁上盖商业综合体的临时售楼处。 项目基地也是临时的:基地位于道路红线和建筑退界线之间,宽10米,沿道路南北向一字排开。在商业开发项目建成之后,这块条状用地是沿道路的退界绿化。但可惜的是,售楼处的寿...



Beijing, 2017




北京, 2009

项目概况 这是一次以最少的资源来实现最大化的空间和使用可能性的尝试。一个废弃的车间被改造成为一个低造价和低能耗、高效率、灵活多变的教学、展览及活动空间。当建筑师、业主以及使用人合为一身的时候,设计和建造都展现了完全不同的自由度...

Jadric Architektur

Hangzhou Urban Design Sheme

Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, 2018

Hangzhou is awarded the right to host the 2022 Asian Games (XIX Asiad). The Asian Games Village site is located along the east coast of H...

Studio Georges Hung

Great Wall Technology Headquarters Tower


1+1=1 Cities are, by definition and nature, spaces of permanent changes. Its mutating physiognomy reveals its intentions a...

Atelier XI

Library in Ruins

Jiaozuo, 2020

In the beginning, the architect received the original commission to design a 300-square-meter public building for facilitating the county...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.


Chengdu, 2022

项目地点:中国 · 成都 项目面积:1427㎡ 室内设计:IN.X屋里门外设计 设计主创:吴为 设计网站:www.inxid.com 设计团队:刘晨阳、贾琦峰、周勇 室内陈设:金升旭、应哲光、宋江丽 项目摄影:郑焰 项目策划:楽品牌策略机构 文...


é é é - BSH品牌总部建筑设计

Shaoxing City, 2021

BSH总部位于江南水城绍兴,它由大犬建筑设计团队设计。é é é 建筑作为BSH总部的核心,其独特的形态在城市中脱颖而出。这是一座集零售空间、办公空间、餐厅、研发生产、观光体验于一体的综合性功能建筑。BSH品牌专注于高端羽绒寝具产品,其产品经过原料-洗净-加工-检查-充填-...


Nanchang Shimao Water City Cloud Office Center

Nangchang, 2017

Context of the City Honggutan New District is a newborn city area of Nanchang on the west bank of the Ganjiang River. Like all the other...

Powerhouse Company

Loop of Wisdom

Chengdu, 2020

Living up to the suggestiveness of its name, the Loop of Wisdom embodies a timeless architectural concept. Powerhouse Company’s design fo...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Siji Minfu Roast Duck Restaurant in Hujialou

Beijing, 2021

How rippling the sea is, where the mountain island stands upright. The mountain is overgrown with trees and lush grasses. So lucky to get...





3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort

Anlong, 2017

Over the Hills: Tourist Center of Anlong Limestone Resort Anlong Limestone Resort is located in a karst canyon of Dushan Town, Anlong Co...


Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions

Yangshuo, Guilin, 2020

The Impression SanjieLiu, Yangshuo, Guilin is located in one of the most dramatic landscapes in China. Endless greenery surrounds the sit...

Rural Urban Framework

A House For All Seasons

Shijia Village, 2012

DESIGNER: John Lin / The University of Hong Kong CONTACT: [email protected]...


流动的篇章: 长颈鹿美语前滩空间

Shanghai, 2020

Flowing Chapter---Space Renovation Design for English Giraffe in Qiantan, Shanghai Children are our future. In a multi-dimensional world...


Beijing EasyHome Mobao Smart Audio-Visual Store

Beijing, 2021

Treasure Hunt in a Sound Wonderland Designed by AYZ STUDI O Imagine a piece of music that attract your attention and mak...

Various Associates

Man Chao Hui

Shenzhen, 2021

Man Chao Hui by Various Associates | A Modern Luxury Catering Space in an Oriental Context. Seclusion | Man Chao Hui is a top-notch res...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore

Sanming, 2017

Shangping Village Regeneration - Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore Yang’s School Area is located at the intersection of the two ...



Jingdezhen, 2020

御窑博物馆位于景德镇历史街区的中心,毗邻明清御窑遗址,在地段周边散落着很多大小不一的历史瓷窑遗址。 景德镇“因窑而生,因瓷而盛”, 砖窑不仅是景德镇城市的起源,更是人们赖以生存的生活与交往空间。景德镇的瓷窑,“保存着与这座城市的生命不可切割的记忆温度——旧时孩童在冬天...



Shanghai, 2022

DUTS杜兹设计于2019年接受道生天合材料科技的委托,为其打造位于上海临港的总部办公园区,经过为期三年的建筑,室内,景观一体化打造与建设,园区已于近期(2022年)竣工投入使用。 全新的道生天合上海临港总部包含人性化办公空间,全新的现代化工厂,配备世界一流设备的研发...


以焕新“点亮”城市社区 天津滨江道“Balabala旗舰空间”改造项目

Tianjin, 2020


BNKR Arquitectura

Mexican Pavillion Expo Shanghai 2010

Shangai, 2009

World Expositions have become redundant and their pavilions have lost the capacity to communicate purpose to the point that they appear a...

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