
简介 所有(6)

项目 所有(155)

Plasma Studio

International Horticultural Expo 

The World Horticultural Expo has become instigator and hub for the redevelopment of a large area between the airport and the centre of Xi’an. The a...


Human Horizons 

In 2020, GRAFT was commissioned by the Chinese company Human Horizons to design the retail identity of their electric car brand HiPhi. The architec...



常规的东西在非常规的坐标系中, 以“非常”的空间对应“非常”的功能。 本设计基于对过去教堂的基本理解与基本观点。天主教历经罗马时代、中世纪、文艺复兴直至今天,其教堂的建筑形式千变万化,但贯彻始终未曾发生变化的是渗透在教堂物质形态中的精神追求——脱离尘世间的罪恶,对纯洁高尚无止境的精神诉求...

Jadric Architektur

Hangzhou Bridges 

The first purpose of everybridgeis to span physical obstacles without being an obstacle in itself, blockingpassage over a body of water or a valley...

杂志 所有(54)


Hospitality in the Camphor Grove 

The city of Jingdezhen in the province of Jiangxi is renowned beyond China since historical times…


Be Electrified 

Keeping pace with the times: from 3 to 8 March, the world's leading trade fair for lighting and…


On Education with Martha Thorne 

Madeline Beach Carey spoke with Martha Thorne recently in Barcelona. Their initial chat about…


Cantilever House 

Cantilever House is located in Mosha, Damavand, sixty kilometers from Tehran at an elevation of…